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Thursday, February 7, 2019

Still super cold

Got up, got ready, headed out to the car. Again there was ice on the windshield and I had to wait a bit more before driving. When it was safe to go, I started the journey to work. Traffic was smooth, got parking in my usual area. Today we have 3 trainings to do. Going to nap before going in.
Got in and checked in. The first training was really fun. The 2nd training was good but a different crowd. After went to lunch.

Had lunch with Kathleen and Tim, after went back down to a cubicle to check and respond to emails. The last training of the day was fun as well. After I went to get gas and go home.

Started laundry. We went out to eat sushi. Came back, I filled out paperwork for Javi's enrollment for next school year for his extended day activities program. Showered and now about to go to bed.

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