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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Baby shower!

Got up, played with the kids. Warmed up some water on the stove and took a shower. We do not have hot water at the moment. After got dressed and went to Target with the kids to get a few diapers for the diaper raffle. Got back home, chilled and waited for time to go to the baby shower.

Got to the hall and we have been hanging out. We just ate some food, now waiting for the tacos to be ready. Tacos were not good in my opinion,  but it is what it is. We left the baby shower and came home to hang out for a bit. We went for drinks at Red Lobster. Now we are back at home waiting for the kids to get home.

We watched Mission: Impossible Fallout while waiting for the boys. They got home a bit late. But Gabriel went to bed quick. Finished watching the movie and will watch a bit of tv before bed.

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