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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Hump day

Got up, got ready, packed my lunch, made coffee and drove to work. It was raining so I had to be a bit careful on the drive. Got in to work and checked emails and set up my items for today. Forum and 2 trainings.
Got in to work, checked emails, had a quick morning conversation with a few people and headed to the forum. The topics covered went well, after I made copies for the last of the trainings and about to go have lunch.

Had my lunch, leftovers from yesterday. Watched the beginning part of Ralph Breaks the Internet and got ready for the next set of trainings. They both went well, some good questions came up and hopefully we can get them answered quickly. After I went to my sister's house to pick up Javi.

Got there and waited for my mom to finish making dinner. Ate with Javi and drove home. We had to stop and get milk. When we got home I took out the trash, played a little with Gabriel and put him to sleep. I packed up Javi's Valentine's day cards and helped him sign the one for his mama.  Going to watch some tv and chill before bed.

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