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Friday, February 1, 2019


Got up around 15 minutes before the alram. Started getting ready. Put clothes to dry, made my coffee and headed out. Today I will be off at 1:30. Going to go with my sister to take my Dad to the Dr.
Got to work, surprisingly not top many emails. Going to update a power point and run out the clock until it's time to go home. My wife told me that Javi mentioned to her that someone is being mean to him at the after school program. So we are going to address that later.

Left work and hit up Target for lunch and got some things before going to my sister's.
Got there and hung out for a bit until we had to take my dad to the dr. When my sister got here, I loaded him in the car, drove mine to the house and they picked me up. After we passed by getting the boys, now waiting for my wife to get here.

Changed my Dad and my wife locked us up. Came home, it was raining a bit. Cleaned up, washed dishes. Tomorrow I will clean the bathroom. It seems my wife has an attitude since her mom is coming back on Sunday night and she now realizes that she actually has to clean. I've been telling her since her mom left last November to clean as we go. But she never listens and now is trying to take her frustrations out on me. Oh well, I can only do what I do.
Going to shower and watch tv before bed.

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