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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Almost there

Gabriel has issues. Again he had a bad night. Don't know what it is. He finally went to sleep, when I got up he was laying on my neck, so I had to sneak out and replace myself with a pillow like Indiana Jones switching the idol and the sand bag. After I got ready, made coffee and headed out. No rain today, drive was good, now parked. About to start walking to work.
The morning went well. Had a great chat with Sandra. After I looked over some materials and waited for lunch time.

Ate my lunch, chilled, watched some Netflix and waited for my unit meeting. I got assigned to do a video demonstration, which I have no idea how to do, but I'll figure it out. After walked to my car and came home. Picked up my wife and headed out to get the kids at my sister's. We stayed a not and  came home.

Both boys bathed and now trying to put Gabriel to sleep. He went to sleep after I raised my voice at him when he was trying to shove his fingers down his throat. I went out to wash dishes and shower. Watched some tv and now off to never Neverland

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Back to work

Got up, put a pillow on the side of Gabriel before going to get ready for work. Made my coffee and headed out. It was raining at certain points, but nothing too drastic. Got to my parking area and now waiting to get in to work. Hopefully today goes quick. I have to type up my notes from Monday and go to the forum.
The forum went well, checked in with my supervisor regarding the meeting in went to and the topics that we were to go over. Humberto did the presentation since I did not come in yesterday. Soon I will have lunch and chill until coming back in to work.

Had lunch and went over to Peet's for an iced coffee. Came back to work and looked for ways to keep busy. Did some research and helped a few people out and headed to get the kids at my sister's. Picked up the kids and gave my mom the money for the nacatamales that I ordered. About to head home.

Got home, ordered some Round Table Pizza. We had dinner, I put Gabriel to sleep,  showered and put Javi to sleep. I asked my sister if she could watch the kids on Saturday so we can go to the movies. She said yes. After I hung out, watched tv and now going to bed

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Passport and real ID day

Got up, got dressed took Javi to school. After I went to get gas and to Target to get diapers. Came home, folded one load of laundry while drying the other. About to go down to get the next one and put the last one to dry. At 11 I am going to start getting ready to get Javi for the passport appointment.
Got Gabriel in the car and headed out to get Javi, after we stopped by McDonald's to get them Happy Meals. They are them in the parking lot while waiting for my wife to get there.

Got in and processed the applications, but I forgot to bring Javi's current passport, so I had to go home and go back to submit it. All done with that, now I wait until it's time to go to the DMV.
Went to the DMV and handled the process for the new Real ID. Came back hime and now waiting for 5. We are going to Popeye's to grab chicken.

Had dinner. Bathed both boys, about to try and put Gabriel to sleep before showering.
He reluctantly fell asleep. I showered, helped Javi brush his teeth and put him in bed. We watched tv for a bit and now going to sleep. It's raining outside.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Registration day and then some

Woke up a bit earlier than normal. Gabriel had a better night than anticipated. We think he may have swallowed something again, we hope that is not the case. I got dressed and went to register the boys for swim class. The class we wanted for Javi was full right away, I got him in the 2nd class at the same time. Gabriel was another story, the system kept saying he was ineligible, however he was. I had to create a quick dummy account and it recognized him. So they are both in. After I drove to work, traffic was smooth and now parked. Have to make some copies for tomorrow's appointment and fill out and print the applications.
Got in to work, made the copies, printed the applications and put those away. Had a nice chat with Sandra and now digging into work.

Ate my lunch and watched a show on Netflix called Safe. I was told to go over and attend a meeting for the end 2 end process. I walked over to 1440 and did some research and attended the meeting.
It would be best of these folks in the meeting started seeing themselves as 1 team instead of 2 buildings.
After I came home to get my wife and Gabriel to go pick up Javi.
We got to my sister's and hung out a bit and came home. Had dinner and tried to put Gabriel to sleep.

He threw up, so he is still not feeling well. After both boys went to bed. I stayed up to watch RAW and another episode of Safe. About to go to bed.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Got up, has some coffee and chocolate croissants. Hung out and got ready to go. We were off to Tanforan.

We had lunch at the food court and they boys played at the bounce Palace. After we went to Target and came back home. I ran out quickly to get some things over at Safeway.

My sister came by watch the Walking Dead. We ate ceviche for dinner and watched the show. Gabriel is acting strange and does not want to sleep. The boys bathed and I did as well. About to go to sleep, I need to make copies tomorrow at work for our passport appointment.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Disney on Ice

Got up, had coffee and pastries. Been hanging out, showered. Watching an Elmo movie, we are going to go outside for a bit soon. I opened up some figures I got to let them breathe.
My wife came back and after the boys ate, we headed out to get lunch.

Got in and out burger and drove to the SAP center. We got in and the show was good. It was a bit long, dragged a bit. But for the most part enjoyable. After we headed out to meet Charles and Shirley at Lazy Dog.

Had some drinks and appetizers, good conversation and good time. Drove home after. It's been a long day. Put Gabriel to sleep, when Javi finished watching Beauty and the Beast he went to bed. I am currently decompressing and about to go to bed.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Last day this week

It's been a long 4 days. Running at about a 83%. Got up. Dressed, put clothes to dry  made coffee and headed to work. The drive was quick, but cold. Waiting to go in to work. Going to spend the day at 1440. Have to take care of some items.
The morning is going well so far, I was able to meet with Karla and split the work to update to presentation. My part is on the Meducal Deductions for CalFresh.
In a little bit I am going to go over to Costco to grab lunch.

Had pizza and a hot dog for lunch. Watched A Simple Favor and finished my project. Well a draft at least. I spoke with my supervisors supervisor and we had a good chat. After I came home and we headed out to Costco to get the passport pictures for the kids.

Got home, finished watching Creed II. It was good, not the best, but it was good. Put the kids to bed and showered and now watching some tv before bed.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Not all there

Gabriel slept much better last night. I got up and was still tired. Went to get ready, washed dishes and sanitized bottles. Headed out to work, the drive was good, but it's just too damn cold out. Anyway, parked and waiting for time to go into work. Still recovering from the slight Vertigo symptoms I had.
The morning went well, I went to the post office to send out the payment for Javi's extended care program. After walked to 1440 for a meeting.
The meeting went well, I was getting annoyed with my unit member as she continues to just make herself and us look like fools. After I had lunch.

Ate lunch, finished Big Fish and waited for my teleconference unit meeting
It was good, after we met for a bit and I came home. When I got home, I started laundry and we took off to Dave and Buster's to eat some eh food and play some games. The kids had fun.

We got home, bathed the kids and now about to shower. We started watching Creed II, we left it at around half way so we can see the rest tomorrow night. Watched a bit of tv and now going to bed.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Training day

Woke up late, got ready and took off to work. I found one of the last few parking spots. I feel like crap. I think I have pre Vertigo symptoms. Walked over to 2 Gough. The morning trainings were good, they went by quick, I hope the PM goes by quick as well.

Had lunch and napped. Getting ready for the last 2 trainings. Did the training and headed off to my car. Drove to my sister's to get Javi and about to go home.

Got home, relaxed. Went to pick up dinner and ate. Changed Gabriel and gave him some tylenol and a bottle. Hopefully he actually rests today. He did wake up, but went back to bed a little later. Rested, about go to sleep.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Back to work

Slept like crap. My back is hurting since I had to sleep contorted due to Gabriel moving around the bed. Got up, got dressed, made coffee, put clothes to dry and headed out to work. The drive was smooth,  now parked, waiting for time to start walking to work. Webinar and meeting today.
Listened to the webinar, however in space out quite a few times. I made the copies for tomorrow and headed out to meet Kathleen and Tim for lunch.

Had lunch, we had a good time catching up. After went downstairs to a cubicle to check email and wait for my next meeting. My wife sent me some videos from Javi's performance and he did great. Had the meeting and my unit member really irked me. On some straight bullshhhhh, but anyway, we move on. Walled to my car, headed home. My wife is at the dentist.

My wife got home. We fed the kids and ate some pizza. Gabriel is sick again, so that is never fun. Javi was upset because he had to do homework. My mom is really sick so she will not be watching the kids this week. I finally watched Get Out, it was good. I caught some of the plot twist, but one slipped by. I liked the movie. Now going to bed.

Monday, February 18, 2019


Got up, had a nice chocolate muffin and coffee. Put on the Little Mermaid for the boys and chilled. Got them ready, later going to My Busy Town.

Had lunch, about to shower. Got ready to go and we took off to My Busy Town. The kids had a good time. After we came back home. I started laundry and we watched the rest of the Umbrella Academy.

My wife made dinner. I made a sandwich for work tomorrow and now putting Gabriel to sleep. His nose is stuffy so I have to give him extra time. About to go get the bottle from the crib to wash.
Bottles and dishes washed and now watching RAW and about to chill before bed.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Elimination Chamber Sunday

Got up, went back to sleep. Gabriel bit me 3 different times in the head. I had to no sell so he could try to go back to sleep. After I got up, had coffee, got the boys ready and showered.

Went to Costco to put gas in the car, we did some shopping and got lunch. Now at home watching the Sandlot. We watched the movie and started watching the Elimination Chamber. 

Still watching wrasslin', my sister came by and we are watching the Walking Dead. Show was over, they left. Gabriel was asleep. Put Javi to bed and a little later Gabriel threw up. He is back in bed now. Watching a shoe on Mark Henry and going to bed after.

Saturday, February 16, 2019


Up early since no snooze Gabriel was up and at it. Out in the living room with then, about to start making some breakfast. Breakfast is done, had coffee and watched some tv before showering. We took the kids outside and got them ready to go.

Dropped the boys off at my sister's house and we went to see Alita, the movie was good. After came home and the kids got dropped off and now hanging out.
Tool Javi to Chuck E Cheese and we played a lot of games, he was happy that we won 609 tickets. He was able to get some toys and a candy.

We got home, Gabriel was bathing and Javi was next. Tried to put him to bed but he wasn't having it. Javi watched Peter Rabbit and they went to bed. Watching a few episodes of The Umbrella Academy and going to bed.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Last day of trainings

Got up and did not feel like going in to work.  But I got dressed, packed my lunch and headed out. Met Amilcar in the morning for coffee and set up for the trainings. The first training went well, only downside was that we were are in the basement. Starting the 2nd training now, should be done by 11:30, having lunch after.

Had lunch, watched 2 episodes of the Umbrella Academy on Netflix and went down to the last training. That one was fun. Next week we have 4 more on Wednesday.
Left work, got to my car, drove home, it's cold. Washed my coffee mug and lunch container and we went to Serramonte.
We got there, had some Starbucks and walked around a bit. Went to the Disney store and ran in to Nikko. We talked a bit and we went to the food court. The kids had Hawaiian BBQ and I has a Poke Burrito. After we went to Target and did some quick shopping for Gabriel's snacks and came home.

Got home, changed Gabriel and put him to sleep. Helped Javi brush his teeth and I showered. It's been a long day and I like to clean off the day. Now hanging out, will have a few adult beverages, watch tv and call it a nignt.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day

Gotbuo, got ready, made coffee and before leaving I made Gabriel a bottle and drove to work. It was cold, but not too bad. Got to my parking area, rested and walked to work. We have 3 trainings today. Hope they go well.
The morning trainings went well, good turn out. They understood the process. We finished a bit early, I updated the parking lot questions and sent out the surveys. One more to go today and I will try to make it to the 3 PM training at 1440.

Ate my lunch that my aunt sent me. Now going to hang out and chill until the next training. The last training went surprisingly well,  mainly because the people in attendance are usually dicks, but they were cool about things. After I rushed over to watch the group present at 1440. They did good, the messaging was very concerning on some items. But oh well, we move on. Had a nice chat with a few folks and after went to get the kids.

Got home, got ready to go to dinner at Kincaid's. We had a lovely meal and a lovely time. After came home. Just put Gabriel down, about to shower. Javi went to bed, I drew some pictures for him and we watched tv. Went to bed after. One more day if work and a 3 day weekend.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Hump day

Got up, got ready, packed my lunch, made coffee and drove to work. It was raining so I had to be a bit careful on the drive. Got in to work and checked emails and set up my items for today. Forum and 2 trainings.
Got in to work, checked emails, had a quick morning conversation with a few people and headed to the forum. The topics covered went well, after I made copies for the last of the trainings and about to go have lunch.

Had my lunch, leftovers from yesterday. Watched the beginning part of Ralph Breaks the Internet and got ready for the next set of trainings. They both went well, some good questions came up and hopefully we can get them answered quickly. After I went to my sister's house to pick up Javi.

Got there and waited for my mom to finish making dinner. Ate with Javi and drove home. We had to stop and get milk. When we got home I took out the trash, played a little with Gabriel and put him to sleep. I packed up Javi's Valentine's day cards and helped him sign the one for his mama.  Going to watch some tv and chill before bed.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Your mission if you choose to accept it...

Got up, it is very cold. Got dressed,  put clothes to dry, made coffee and headed out in the cold to drive to work. The drive was good, no traffic. Found good parking. So, apparently there was an app on my phone that was constantly running and used to close to 5 GB, leaving us with around .65 GB left until Saturday. So I cannot use my phone outside of any place that doesn't have wi-fi. Oh well. Today we have 3 trainings. 1 in the AM and 2 in the PM. I hope they all go well.
Got to my desk and everything was good. Checked in and started getting ready for training. The first one went well, it was fun, we finished a bit early. I had to talk to my supervisor about an issue that I needed to get off my chest.

Ate my sandwich and had 2 pieces of chocolate. Reviewed the items for tomorrow that we will present at forum. The 1:30 training was good, it went at a good pace. Now waiting for the 3 PM one to start. After going home to finish folding clothes and getting some rest.
Got home, played with the kids and ordered some dinner. Now waiting.

Had dinner, bathed both boys. They played a bit and put Gabriel to bed. Javi shortly after. I showered and watched some tv until going to bed.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Training week

Gabriel was not cooperating with sleeping. He was up for quite some time, fussing, crying and moving around. He finally went to sleep 30 minutes before I had to get up. I got up, dressed, made coffee and headed out. Still cold out, traffic was smooth, now parked and ready to go to work when it's time. Today is the beginning of training for us. Should be fun.
Got in and checked email, met quickly with Humberto. We got ready for the 1st training of the day and it went really well. After I went to eat my lunch.

Grabbed a coffee from Peet's and went back to my desk, I was working on a few things before the next training. We went downstairs to the basement for the next one and it was a small group but it went well. After I talked to Karla I walked to my car to go home.

Got home, took out the recycling, when my wife got in we took off to get the kids. there was no parking so we left to Target in Colma. They called to let us know that our glasses were ready so we drove to Serramonte to get them and do some grocery shopping. Now home and trying to put Gabriel to bed.
That didn't work...again. my wife came in the room, I went out to help Javi with his Valentine's day cards. Watched RAW and they added Charlotte to the match that was supposed to be a one on one between Rousey vs Becky. Oh well, watching the Edge and Christian show before going to bed.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Got up, made breakfast. We got ready, again no hot water. So we had to bring in water heated on the stove. After we drove up to Hayward to visit our Aunt Siliva.

Got to Hayward, we hung out for a bit before going to have lunch. After we dropped them off, came back home. Finished Hook with Javi and have been hanging out.

Had dinner and trying to put Gabriel to bed.  Want to watch the walking dead. My wife had to switch to put him to bed. When she did I took a cold shower since we have not had hot water for 3 days. They should be coming in tomorrow to fix that. Watched the show and about to go to bed. Trainings tomorrow

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Baby shower!

Got up, played with the kids. Warmed up some water on the stove and took a shower. We do not have hot water at the moment. After got dressed and went to Target with the kids to get a few diapers for the diaper raffle. Got back home, chilled and waited for time to go to the baby shower.

Got to the hall and we have been hanging out. We just ate some food, now waiting for the tacos to be ready. Tacos were not good in my opinion,  but it is what it is. We left the baby shower and came home to hang out for a bit. We went for drinks at Red Lobster. Now we are back at home waiting for the kids to get home.

We watched Mission: Impossible Fallout while waiting for the boys. They got home a bit late. But Gabriel went to bed quick. Finished watching the movie and will watch a bit of tv before bed.

Friday, February 8, 2019


Got up, got dressed, had to clean up in the bathroom since there were ants on the counter. After I made my coffee, grabbed some bread and drove to work. The drive was good, I am parked. Now waiting to go to work. Should be a chill day, making copies.
The morning has been good. Checked in and now making the copies for next week's first day of training. Still trying to find a way to get to the other building to end the day.
So bored, making more copies. Sleepy to be honest. Debating where I should go get lunch.

I went to lunch with James, Olga and Amilcar.  We had Vietnamese sandwiches. After I went back to meet with Karla to go over the new charts for the SNB/TNB amounts. She went hole early, I worked on a power point my supervisor wanted me to adjust and after I started walking to the car.
It was raining a lot so there was a bit of traffic. I went to the dollar store to get some things and came home. Soon going out to get some Wing stop.

Got the wings, ran into Nikko and his girlfriend. Came home, had dinner. Put Gabriel to bed, brushed Javi's teeth and he went to bed. Washed bottles and dishes and now hanging out before bed.
Watched A Star is Born. I wasn't going to watch it, but I am glad I did. Cooper and Lady Gaga did a great job, keeping me engaged throughout the movie. The music was good too. Now off to bed.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Still super cold

Got up, got ready, headed out to the car. Again there was ice on the windshield and I had to wait a bit more before driving. When it was safe to go, I started the journey to work. Traffic was smooth, got parking in my usual area. Today we have 3 trainings to do. Going to nap before going in.
Got in and checked in. The first training was really fun. The 2nd training was good but a different crowd. After went to lunch.

Had lunch with Kathleen and Tim, after went back down to a cubicle to check and respond to emails. The last training of the day was fun as well. After I went to get gas and go home.

Started laundry. We went out to eat sushi. Came back, I filled out paperwork for Javi's enrollment for next school year for his extended day activities program. Showered and now about to go to bed.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Cold as balls

Got up, super tired. Again, minutes from calling out. But I got up, got ready, made my coffee and started to drive. My windshield was frozen with ice,  I had to warm up the car to get it to melt to have better visibility. The temp was 36 degrees. Anyway, drive was good. Got to my parking area and now waiting to take the cold walk to work. Forum this morning and training practice in the PM.
Forum was good, did my presentation and it went well. After walked over to 1440 to have lunch with Amilcar.

Had lunch,  chilled, went to my unit meeting. We practiced the presentation and I came home to take out the trash and after to go get the kids. We went to Target to get our glasses ordered. Should be here in about a week or so. We did some shopping and headed home.

Got home, put the items away. Gave the boys a bath and they had dinner. My dinner is warming up, made a sandwich for work tomorrow. Right now trying to put Gabriel to sleep. He fell asleep,  I had dinner, I put Javi to bed and showered, finally finished the movie we were watching, Bad Times at El Royale. Now going to bed.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Missed both alarms this morning. But I was able to get ready and out of the house in time. Traffic was good, it's just really cold. Parked and waiting for time to go in to work.
The walk from my car to work was cold as balls. I think my jacket was wearing me to keep warm. Anyway, have to ask for time off, a webinar and pre forum meeting later.
I listened to the webinar and spoke to my supervisor. Had lunch and walked over to 1440.

Got here and talked to Karla for a bit reviewing materials and will be going to the meeting soon. My Dad leaves tonight, so going over to see him and drop him off later. Went to the meeting and got the info
Went to the lobby to see a few people. After headed home to get the kids.

Got to my sister's and helped my Dad shower. He really irritated me by saying someone stole $200 from here while he was here, in a sense accusing us. I know he gets taken advantage of back home, he let's it happen, he doesn't say anything. But with us who don't take anything from him, he is always saying things like that.
Anyway, packed up his things, my brother is picking him up and we will go to the airport to drop him off.
Drop off went well, got back home, showered and off to bed.

Monday, February 4, 2019

1st week of training

Got up, really wanted to stay in. Anyway, got up, got ready, made coffee and drove to work. There was some back up on the freeway, so I had to exit on Potrero and got parking. It's raining off and on and I will he walking to work soon. Today is day 1 of training.
Got to my desk and saw that I had to attend a meeting at 14r0. Taking off soon.
The meeting was with managers and supervisors, as well as the MC policy team. It was interesting,  I have to get things in order for Wednesday. After I attended the SSI Cashout training.

Had lunch, some left over wings from yesterday. Might go for a walk in a bit, not sure. Being lazy and I still have some things to review here. Checked the material and checked in with my team before leaving. Now going home to get the kids. Going to my sister's house to help my Dad shower. Going home soon.

Got to my sister's house and helped my Dad shower. I bought him a new wallet a d helped him change his things over. We hung out for a bit, came home and ate dinner. Made my lunch for tomorrow and finished watching RAW.
Right now trying to put Gabriel to sleep. He went to sleep, I took a shower and chilled. Watched some tv and about to go to bed

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Super Bowl Sunday

Got up, made coffee. Got the boys dressed and about to shower before going to Costco and being dropped off at my sister's house. Got ready,  hit up Costco and got dropped off. Had lunch and now resting.

Giving Gabriel his bottle and waiting for the Super Bowl to start.  Going with Brady and the Patriots.
Game started, food eaten. Hanging out. It's  the 4th quarter tied 3-3.

Ready to get outta here, tired. The game was low scoring, the final was 13-3 in favor of the Patriots. After we came home, changed Gabriel and he went to bed. Javi went to bed soon after.  About to shower in a bit,  my wife will go pick up her mom, I will wait to help when they get here.
They got here, helped with the luggage and now bed time.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Aria's party

Got up, made breakfast for everyone. Started to cut my hair. Cleaned the bathroom, the bed, gave the boys a shower and got ready to head out to Aria's birthday party.

Chewbacca, Mini Vader, Storm Trooper and Yoda were on the way to the party. Finding parking was a hassle, but eventually we did. The party was good, we had fun. After we stopped by Mitchell's ice cream for some treats. About to head home and chill.

Got home, it was raining. Got the kids in. They played for a bit. They changed into their pjs. We finished watching Star Qars Episode IV and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. It took so damn long to get that child to sleep. After Javi went to bed, watched some tv and now about to go to bed.

Friday, February 1, 2019


Got up around 15 minutes before the alram. Started getting ready. Put clothes to dry, made my coffee and headed out. Today I will be off at 1:30. Going to go with my sister to take my Dad to the Dr.
Got to work, surprisingly not top many emails. Going to update a power point and run out the clock until it's time to go home. My wife told me that Javi mentioned to her that someone is being mean to him at the after school program. So we are going to address that later.

Left work and hit up Target for lunch and got some things before going to my sister's.
Got there and hung out for a bit until we had to take my dad to the dr. When my sister got here, I loaded him in the car, drove mine to the house and they picked me up. After we passed by getting the boys, now waiting for my wife to get here.

Changed my Dad and my wife locked us up. Came home, it was raining a bit. Cleaned up, washed dishes. Tomorrow I will clean the bathroom. It seems my wife has an attitude since her mom is coming back on Sunday night and she now realizes that she actually has to clean. I've been telling her since her mom left last November to clean as we go. But she never listens and now is trying to take her frustrations out on me. Oh well, I can only do what I do.
Going to shower and watch tv before bed.