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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Not feeling well

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready to go to school and drove them over. Passed by McDonald's grabbing breakfast before logging in to work. Made coffee and had breakfast,  logged in and started working again on the power point. Attended a meeting that should have been an email. Anyway, after that I finished up working on some things and reviewed them with my supervisor. 
(Morning: water, coffee, sausage biscuit)

Went to Target real quick to get cleaning supplies and cereal for the boys. Came home to drop it off and headed over to pick them up for early dismissal. When we got home I laid out on the floor as my back and bones were hurting. I ate and finished working. Requested leave for covid and I will be off for some time.
(Afternoon: bacon burger,  coke, water, peanut butter cups)

Went to lay out and tried to relax. It's hard because the boys want to play and ask for attention. But I need to get better. Went to lay down in bed and after I played with some play-doh with Gabriel. Javi accidentally spilled juice all over and I had to clean it up. Changed them, I went to shower and now watching TV. About to go to bed. Still not feeling well and my back is sore.
(Nighttime: cookies, sprite, water)

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

testing day

Woke up and I felt ok. I got things ready for the boys. My wife came out and she was not looking good at all. So I took the boys to school. Came back home and had coffee, we ran out real quick to get tested for COVID. We did both the PCR and Antigen test. My wife was positive and I got negative on that one. Waiting for the PCR test to confirm. After we got back I did some research and reviewed some items. Answered a few questions before cooking the meatloaf and rice for lunch 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch and checked back in to work. Had a quick meeting and started a power point for our next training. On my break I picked up some Starbucks and the boys. Came home to finish work and after work I helped them with homework. 
(Afternoon: water coke, rice, meatloaf,  Caramel Frappuccino)

Had the boys shower, washed dishes and showered myself. Put them to bed and now relaxing. Going to sleep on the couch so my wife is comfortable while trying to recover from Covid. 
(Nighttime: ritz bits, water, apple)

Monday, August 29, 2022

Back at it

Woke up and went to get ready. I feel so exhausted today. Didn't really sleep well last night. Hopefully today is better than yesterday. We got the boys ready for school and dropped them off. Came back home and had some coffee and logged in to work. Talked to my supervisor about my situation here and I will be working from home all week. I did get an appointment for another COVID test for Thursday so I will be out and as well on Friday as it was scheduled. Now having a cookie and not sure what will go down for lunch.
(Morning: water, cookie, coffee)

We drove down to Subway to grab lunch, also got some Thai Iced Tea from Teaspoon. Now back home and eating lunch. About to log back in to work and on my break go get the boys. Before picking up the boys we talked to our supervisor about our new schedule. I asked for Mon, Tues and Wednesday,  we'll see what happens. Picked up the boys and came home and finished work.
(Afternoon: water, Thai Iced Tea, Subway)

Went to Lucky's to buy the ingredients to make Meat Loaf and prepared it for tomorrow. After I relaxed a bit showered, changed the boys and they went to bed. Watched some TV and soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: ribs, apple, water)

Sunday, August 28, 2022


Woke up and hung out for a but. Headed to a target to get meds for my mother in law and the boys. Emailed my doctor about getting another covid test. Came home and showered, washed dishes and got ready for lunch.
(Morning: iced Caramel Macchiato,  water)

Had lunch and watched some TV, we went outside and I napped a bit in the hammock. Came back inside and cleaned the bed, talked to my mom and we had an early dinner.
(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, water, chicken tacos)

Did laundry and took Gabriel to the park. Came home and had the boys shower. I showered as well before finishing up laundry and watching TV. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: popcorn, coke, water, beer)

Saturday, August 27, 2022


Woke up and went to see what the boys wanted for breakfast. I made coffee and started watching the Industrial Light and Magic documentary on Disnry plus. That took me to lunch time.
(Morning: coffee, water)

We had the left over pizza from yesterday. My wife went to pick up her mom. I stayed behind, took out the trash, washed dishes, swept, changed the boys and showered. When they came back after some time we went to Texas Roadhouse to pick up some food.
(Afternoon: Pizza, coke, water, pulled pork, mashed potatoes, Cesar salad)

Went to the park so the boys could ride their bikes and play. Now home resting up. We went out to get a COVID test for my mother in law and it was positive. So we have to keep away, we were in close contact so we have to test in a few days as well. Off to bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Friday, August 26, 2022

one more day

Called out again. Went to get dressed. We took the boys to school and went to Costco to grab their snacks for school. After we came home and I organized the pantry to take inventory of what we have. Had breakfast and went to nap. When I got up I cleaned out the drain in the bathroom and took a shower.

(Morning: coffee, French toast, water)

We went out to have lunch and to get the boys. Came home and I gave them food. I was watching a documentary and fell asleep. Woke up and watched my wife and kids play Cuphead.
(Afternoon: Salvadoran appetizer plate, horchata, water)

My wife ordered Strawhat Pizza and we went to pick it up. Came home. Had dinner and I chilled with Gabriel in the room while he played with his toy guitar. After the boys went to bed we watched Day Shify on Netflix. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, wings, rum and Coke, water)

Thursday, August 25, 2022


Woke up, not feeling super great. Called out today. Went to drop off the boys and returned home to finish Watchung a movie. When it was time I drove over to Kaiser to get my COVID test. After I came home to rest.
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato,  water, chorizo con huevo, toast)

Went to Target to grab some items and came home to have lunch. Took a quick nap and soon going to get the boys and return home to rest up. Tonight is the back to school zoom meeting for Javi and the Niners last preseason game. Got the boys and came home. 
(Afternoon: coke, water, wings)

Started watching the game. Ordered Chinese food and walked over with Javi to pick it up. Came home, had dinner and logged into the back to school open house zoom meeting for Javi. After I had both boys shower,  played with Gabriel. Read to them and put them to bed. Finished laundry and showered.  Watched some TV and now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: Chinese food, beer, water)

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

In the office


I woke up feeling a littler better than I did last night, which is always a good thing. Used the bathroom, for a second it looked like I may call out today, but I felt better and got my things and headed out to the Bay Fair BART station. Caught the train and headed to San Francisco. I read a little on the train and when I got to my station I got off and started the walk to work. The smell of urine, homeless people and the sights of drugs all over the place, yes, another day in the office. I got here and the door to the room I have was locked, so I sat at my actual desk for some time and when the receptionist came in I asked her if she could open the room for me. She did and I set up my space. Grabbed a coffee and started reviewing some documents. Soon getting ready to head over to have lunch with Amilcar.

(Morning: Water, coffee)


After a quick call to my Mom, I walked over to the Cadillac Bar and Grill to have lunch with Amilcar. We chatted for a bit and after we went to Peet's Coffee before we went our separate ways. I got back to the building and now checking in. Waiting for questions to answer. I finished up my book and I finished up packing, headed to BART to go home.

(Afternoon: Water, Iced Caramel Macchiato, Burrito, chips and salsa)


Got home, relaxed and we went out for a walk. Came back home and I set up the lunch boxes for tomorrow. I took a shower and now we are watching some shows. Tomorrow I have a covid test, so I will not be going to work.

(Nighttime: madelines, water)

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Not feeling well

Woke up and went to use the bathroom. My stomach continues not to feel well. Changed and set up the boys breakfast and school items. Made coffee and logged in to work. Did laundry while I was researching some items. Attended a training and and have been in and out of the bathroom. Now trying to rest up . Showered and started lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee, Madeline, ginger ale)

My wife came home and we waited for the lasagna to be ready. We had lunch and picked up the boys. Continued working and I was still not feeling well. Tried to set up a covid test but they don't have one near me. Maybe I call out tomorrow depending how my stomach is.
(Afternoon: lasagna,  sprite, water, bread)

The boys showered, I did as well. Watching TV until bed time. I hope I get better soon. Going to bed.
(Nighttime: ginger ale, water, apple)

Monday, August 22, 2022

First day of school

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready for their first day of school. They were both very excited to go. Javi is going to 4th grade and Gabriel is starting Kindergarten. We took them over, they did the morning prayer and went to their classrooms. We came home and now I am watching the Edge biography. Early pick up today for the boys. 
(Morning: water, cake)

We went over to get the boys. They had a great day. Javi was really happy with the first day of school,  Gabriel said he had fun. We got them McDonald's for lunch and came home to rest up before I took Javi to his physical appointment.
When the time came we went over to Kaiser. Javi was upset because he was going to get a vaccine shot and started panicking when he found out he had to get blood drawn.  After we did that we got gas at Costco and picked up some slurpees on the way home.
(Afternoon: water. McChicken  McDouble. Slurpee)

We went to Costco to grab some groceries. Came home and while they had dinner I took a shower. After I had some ceviche and a peanut butter sandwich. Soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: ceviche, peanut butter sandwich,  water)

Sunday, August 21, 2022

the night before school

Woke up and made pancakes for the boys. Gabriel was feeling much better today. Started up laundry and rested a bit before we headed out to Bayfair. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

We had lunch and then we went to Khol's to return an item back to Amazon.  Hit up Target to get some items for the week. Came.home and finished up laundry. Played tag and soccer in the back yard. 
(Afternoon: water, coke, rice, torta de carne, tortilla)

My wife bathed Gabriel. I helped Javi shower and we watched some TV. I ate and soon going to change before bed. Watched more TV and now off to bed, it a big day tomorrow, 1st day of Kindergarten for Gabriel and 4th grade for Javi.
(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water, nuggets)

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Birthday party

Woke up and heard Gabriel wasn't feeling well. Gave him some meds, had breakfast and went out to pick up some Ginger Ale. Came back home, finished watching a show and showered. Pretty soon we are going to head out to Chuck E Cheese for Gabriel's party.
(Morning: coffee, water, chorizo con huevo, toast)

We got there and ordered the food. Set up and played. Gabriel didn't feel well so my wife took him home early and I stayed to finish up and pay for the party. After I got a ride with my sister to go home. 
(Afternoon: pizza, water, root beer, wings, celery, cake)

Amilcar and Olga came over. While they were here I ran out to get Gabriel some meds and came back home. We chatted some more and the went home. I washed dishes and took a shower. Now hanging out.
(Nighttime: pizza, bundt cake, water, beer)

Friday, August 19, 2022

Birthday boy

Woke up and got ready. Logged into work. Made coffee and when he woke up I greeted the birthday boy! After I continued working, had a conversation with Karla and we went into a unit meeting. It was eh, but we do what we do. Off at 1:30 today.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Logged off of work and took Gabriel to get his 2nd COVID shot. After picked up some Taco Bell and came home to have lunch. Now going to rest up. After my wife logged off of work we went to Rockin' Jump
(Afternoon: Tacos Bell, lemonade,  water)

After they played they got Gellato and we came home. I bathed Gabriel. I helped Javi shower and my wife left to take my mother in law to the airport. I showered and had some food and drinks. I put the boys to bed and now I am watching TV until my wife gets back.
(Nighttime: tortilla con queso, ritz, Jack and Coke, water)

Thursday, August 18, 2022

In office again


Woke up and went to go get ready. Changed and packed up my things, made coffee and headed out to the BART station to catch the train. Everything was good until the stop before I got off and a man was walking around without a shirt looking sketchy. I got off without incident and walked over to work. Got here and set up and logged in. Around 9 AM we were told that we had to attend an all day meeting. This would have been nice to know as being in an all day training does take some prep time. Anyway, now listening and learning. About to go on lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, water, ritz, cookie, more coffee)


Ate my sandwich and now just relaxing until I have to log back in to work. My goodness this training is boring and confusing at the same time. Pretty soon going to start setting up to leave. I'm ready to go home. Packed up and took off, got home, there was a slight delay but I got here quick.

(Afternoon: Water, sandwich, ZOA) 


We went to get the boys new shoes for school. Wengot outfits for the boys for Saturday and I grabbed a zombie 49ers gnome. Had dinner and after hit up Target. I leg Gabriel pick out a toy for his birthday. We came home, I showered and watched She Hulk. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: lemonade, coke, water, Panda Express)

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Back to work

Woke up and went to get ready. Do not want to go into the office today, but here we are first day back from vacation,  let's see what has been going on. I made my coffee, packed my lunch and headed over to Bayfair BART. I am on the train now, pain in my upper back and tired as always. Got to work and set up, checked emails and attended the forum meeting. Now waiting for lunch time.
(Morning: water, coffee, RITZ bites)

Ate my sandwich and rested a bit. Ordered some pants from Old Navy, hopefully they come in soon. Looking over some documents and I am just counting the time until I get to go home. My back still hurts. I'm ready to leave. Left and caught the train home. There was a 25 minute delay, so I got home later than normal. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich, water, ZOA)

Had dinner and cleaned up a bit, helped Javi shower,  Gabriel bathed and I just finished showering. Did some laundry and watched TV. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: Chicken, biscuits, Cole slaw, coke, water)

last day of vacation (8/16/22)

Woke up to the sound of the garbage truck taking our trash pick up. Made coffee and did some accounting. Watched TV. Cut my hair and shaved. The boys played in the pool for a bit. My back and shoulder are hurting pretty badly.
(Morning: water coffee)

I laid out and rested. We are supposed to be going somewhere but not sure anymore. Gabriel is acting up. Did not go out where I wanted to go. But I went to get some items at Target to make lunch for the next 2 days. Made my sandwich and rested.
(Afternoon: pastry, water, nuggets)

 Nighttime :
Went to empty the pool. Ordered some locks and tool a shower. Got my things ready for tomorrow., going to bed soon, have to go into work. 
(Nighttime: burrito,  water)

Monday, August 15, 2022

Kindergarten meet and greet

Woke up and got dressed. Got ready to go to the kindergarten meeting and greet for Gabriel. We got there and got our name tags. Meet the teacher and the assistants. We also meet some of the parents and kids. After we came home to relax.
(Morning: coffee, donut)

 We had lunch and went out for coffee. Came back and I put up the canopy and put out the pool. We were out there for a few hours enjoying the hot weather and cold water. Now back in and cleaning off. 
(Afternoon: sopa de res, white rice, water, iced Caramel Macchiato)

It's hot, I made burgers for us and we went for a walk around the neighborhood. I took out the compost, trash and the items for the bulk pick up. Watching the finale of Better Call Saul before bed.
(Nighttime: cheeseburgers, water, beer)

Domingo (8/14/22)

Woke up and made breakfast for the boys. Made coffee for myself and we watched a movie, after I took a shower and rested up some more.
(Morning: coffee, water)

I was watching the Giants game and we went out back to play with the boys and talk about what we wanted to do with the back yard renovation. After some time we came in and got ready to go to Walmart. We did some shopping and after grabbed some Krispy Kreme donuts, passed by Cardenas and came home.
(Afternoon: water, root beer, donuts, chocolate)

I made chicharron and ate it with tortilla. Finished our laundry and now I am about to shower. It's hot out here. Watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: chicharron,  tortilla,  beer, water)

Saturday, August 13, 2022


Woke up and went to hang out in the living room with Javi. When Gabriel came out, he went to the room and I chilled with Gabriel. My wife left with my mother in law to go ship for something. I stayed, had the boys change and I showered. Got ready and waiting to leave. My wife came back and we drove down to Pacifica to order the cake for Gabriel's party next week.
(Morning: water)

Ordered the cake and went to Gellert Park for a bit. My Mom and Sister showed up and they left with them while I went to my dentist appointment. The appointment went well, I was finished quick. Met them at Serramonte and walked around a bit. After we ate at Red Robin's before coming home.
(Afternoon: pastries, m&m's, monster burger, root beer, water, fries)

We got home and I started watching the 2012 Giants reunion before watching the game. I fell asleep for a bit. When I woke up I had Javi shower, my wife bathed Gabriel and I showered as well. Had a few beers and finished the season of Loot and watched another show. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, popcorn)

Friday, August 12, 2022

pre season game 1

Woke up and got Gabriel breakfast. Made coffee and took a shower and we headed down to Daly City so my wife could go to her dentist appointment and to watch a movie 

(Morning: coffee, water)

My wife got back from the dentist and we went to watch Bullet Train. After we picked up the boys and my Mom and went to have an early dinner. The Niners played their first preseason game of the year against Green Bay. I watched a bit while eating. After we dropped off my Mom and drove home.
(Afternoon: popcorn,  icee, pizza, chips, Chile Verde, water)

We got home and finished watching the game. The Niners won but it's preseason so it doesn't matter as much and getting reps and stating healthy. Now relaxing until bed time.
(Nighttime: water)

Thursday, August 11, 2022


Woke up and went to the living room and went back to sleep. Around 10 I went to shower and change. Watched TV as I waited for lunch.
(Morning: nada)

Had lunch and fell asleep again for quite some time. When I woke up we went to Target to grab some items. We returned home and were resting until we went to the park. We hit up Kennedy Park and ahead a bit and finally returned home.
(Afternoon: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo,  water)

Got home, showered, ate dinner  and now watching E.T. after the movie the boys went to bed and I finished watching some shows. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: eggs, toast, milk, water, corn chips)

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Hump day

Woke up and went out to hang out in the living room. My wife and mother in law went out shopping. I had Javi shower, bathed Gabriel and I took a shower as well. Got ready to go run some errands.
(Morning: coffee, water)

We went to Target and grabbed some storage bins, trash van for compost and brownie mix. After we went to Costco to grab some things as well. We picked up a hot dog and a pizza and came home. Cleaned out the office and set up garbage pick up. There are about 5 bags of garbage we need to get rid of along with 2 pieces of furniture amd a bike.
(Afternoon: Pizza, smoothie, water)

For helping me out I took Javi out to get some ice cream at Clancy's. Came home and rested a bit. Started making the brownies. Showered and had some more pizza. Took out trash and now watching TV. It's hot again. Nlw going to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, water, brownie)

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


Woke up and got dressed. Put another load to wash and folded more clothes. Started watching Better Call Saul before taking the car to Nissan for the recall service. Dropped off the truck and they brought me home. Now finishing laundry and trying to rest as much as I can  and catch up on my recorded shows.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch and they picked me up to go get the truck. On the way back I filled up the tank and went to wash and vacuum it out. Came home and took the camry to get washed. We are going to the movies a little later. We watched Easter Sunday, it was funny. Some,  well a lot of Inaccuracies about Daly City, but I enjoyed it. After we came home.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, water, coke, popcorn)

Ordered some wing stop and went to pick it up. Had dinner, changed Gabriel. Had Javi change. I showered and we watched TV. Sent them to bed and now going to bed as well.
(Nighttime; wing stop, iced tea, water)

Monday, August 8, 2022

Going home

Woke up and got ready. Packed up everything and we are heading to eat breakfast before heading home. It's a long drive, want to get on it a bit early if we can so we have time to stop off places to rest. Started driving around 9:45.
(Morning: water, breakfast buffet)

We stopped to have lunch at in n out and grabbed some Starbucks for the ride. Continued driving and driving. Getting close to home.
(Afternoon: iced Caramel Macchiato, double double, water, lemonade)

Got home and put things away. Cleaned up and started helping the boys build their lego sets. Started laundry and showered. Had dinner now watching TV.
(Nighttime: beer, water, corn nuts, cheese sticks)

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Legoland again

Woke up and we went to eat breakfast before going to the park. We got in and got on some rides early. We hit up the water park and played for some time.
(Morning: buffet breakfast,  coffee, milk)

After swimming we had lunch and walked around some more. We did the aquarium and decided to go back to the room. We were tired. We went to eat dinner around 5:30 and got ready to go swim.
(Afternoon: Pizza, dinner buffet, beer)

The pool was closed so we started to pack up. Had the boys shower, I showered and we have been just resting up in the last day of our stay here. Heading home tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, beer, sprite)

Saturday, August 6, 2022


We had to get up early to get ready for breakfast as our reservation was at 7:15. We had breakfast and came back to the hotel to chill before leaving to the park. We entered early and got in an hour early to get on the rides. Gabriel enjoyed it, Javi again was being dramatic but liked it afterwards. We got on more rides and walked around.
(Morning: breakfast buffet, coffee. Chocolate milk)

We got on more rides, explored more of the park and of course walked some more. We bought a few things and now going to the hotel to rest up before our dinner reservation. We may go back to the park or just go swimming. I am having a few beers to decompress from the heat and walking. We went to eat and the food was a bit disappointing but we ate. After we went back to the room to let the food go down.
(Afternoon: pretzel,  cheese, icee, beer, coke, water, carne asada fries, hamburge)

We went to the pool and swam for some time, after we came back to the room and all showered. Took the boys to the arcade and the dance party and now we are resting up before going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer)

Heading to Lego Land (8/5/2022)

Woke up and went down to have breakfast in the lobby. Had coffee as well. Went to put the luggage in the truck and now waiting for everyone to be ready to start heading to lego land. We were off to Costco to get gas and drove to the Citadel Outlets to walk around. We hit up the Disney store and Nike. We had some Jamba Juice.
(Morning: water, Jamba Juice)

We had lunch and used the bathroom and now off to Legoland. There was some traffic which delayed us, but we got there and checked in. The hotel looks pretty cool. My wife took a nap, I took the boys out to play with Legos in the lobby. They wanted to go back to the room so we did. Before dinner we went out to do the welcome scavenger hunt and got the prize.
(Afternoon: Panda Express, water, monster, beer)

We ate at Brick's, a buffet style restaurant. Passed by the lego dance party for a bit. Went to swim at the pool, showered and went to bed to get ready for tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: coke, water, beer, buffet)

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Universal Studios

Woke up and showered. Packed up the rest of the car and off we drove. It took us around 2 and a half hours and we got to Porto's for breakfast before going to Universal Studios. We got there and parked, walked over and they opened up a little early. We got on the Harry Potter ride, Gabriel was too small so we did the rider switch. He got on the other Harry Potter rode twice. After we went to do the tram tour and it was fun. When we were done the kids had a big donut for breakfast before we headed down to the lower lot. We lucked out when a family gave us an express ticket for the Transformers ride. I got on single rider for Jurrasic World. When we were done we went up to get on more rides.
(Morning: coffee water, pastries, beer, donut)

Got on the secret life of pets and the minion rides. Watched Kung fu Panda and did the Simpsons ride last. After that we were off to go eat. We drove to Bob's Big Burger to have dinner. It was delicious. After we drove to the hotel and they told us that although we had a reservation that there were no rooms and they were sending us to another hotel. We were upset but we had no choice. Now here resting up 
(Afternoon: Irish iced tea, margarita, water, coke, onion ring, fries, burger)

Helped both boys shower. I showered and not just resting up, I am not tired but every one else wants to sleep. So I'm just going to watch things on my phone for a bit.
(Nighttime: beer, water)

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

vacation mode activated

Woke up and got dressed. Packed up the car and we are going to be on our way shortly. Had coffee and we started the drive. We drove over 2 hours and stopped to have breakfast at Deny's and headed back on the road. We arrived at Solvang and parked to explore.
(Morning: coffee, water, milk, pancakes, grand slamwich)

My wife bought some pastries and I shared with Gabriel. We explored a bit more and took a chance with asking for an early check in. We were able to and now we are resting. Got up and we went to the pool. Had a good time, now getting ready to shower so we can go have dinner.
(Afternoon: pastry, beer, water)

We had dinner and walked around a bit. Came to the hotel to chill, had a coke, put things away and soon going to bed. Waking up early again tomorrow to drive to Universal Studios.
(Nighttime: water, lemonade, lasagna, bread, cheesesticks, coke)

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

last day before vacation

Woke up and got ready for work. Made coffee and watched the news. Went to go log in and now waiting for questions. Talked to my unit for a bit before running out real quick to sign up the boys for Fall Ball.
(Morning: coffee, water, Ritz bits)

Had lunch and napped. Getting ready to log back in go work. Now just answering questions and running out the clock. I was able to start putting things in the cooler and get some snacks going. Getting closer to quitting time here and not having to worry about it for 2 weeks. Finished with work and packed more things up. I helped Javi taken a shower, my wife Bathed Gabriel. After we went to Target for last minute things. 
(Afternoon: Bean soup, white rice, water, skinny pop)

Made dinner and showered. Watched TV and rested, now going to bed. We are leaving in the morning. 
(Nighttime: water, coke, Stacked grilled cheese burger)

Monday, August 1, 2022

Almost time


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Just 2 days this week and we are on vacation. I finished folding the clothes from last night and finished up watching the Kurt Angle biography. I made coffee and waited for everyone to wake up. When they did I checked into work and my wife went to the office. On a quick break I cleaned the bed and changed Gabriel. Later today I have to take him for a physical. It looks like it rained for a bit, so that is good. The forecast has us good to go with good weather for mid to late week.

(Morning; Water, Coffee, Chocolate)


Made some dino nuggets for the boys. Put the hammock to wash as it was outside when it started to rain. Now just running out the clock until it's time to log off to take Gabriel to the doctor. He did well at the doctor's visit. He is a big boy, very healthy. After came home and took a nap.

(Afternoon: Dino nuggets, water)


I hit up Walgreens and came home, we went to pick up dinner and came home to eat. After we took a walk around the block. Started packing up for the trip, me and the boys have our clothing ready. I just need the toiletries tomorrow. I showered and watched TV. Tomorrow I will finish up packing up the snacks and the last of the items. For now it's bed time.

(Nighttime: water, beer, burrito, zingers, mini donuts)