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Monday, August 24, 2020

lockdown day 161


Got up, changed Gabriel and I went to go shower. Got dressed and went to drop Gabriel off at preschool. We came back, I made my coffee and set up Javi's workstation for school. I logged in to work and Javi logged in to class, my wife also signed on to her work as well. Been helping people set up phones and making calls to test them. The day is going pretty quickly so hopefully that trend continues.

(Morning: Water, Boost, Coffee, Ritz cracker)


Javi finished school and had lunch. My mom came by with Gabriel to pick him up to take him to my sister's. We had lunch and got back to work. I met with Karla to go over some training items and helped a few more people with setting up the soft phones. Logged off of work and now heading over to get the boys.

We got to my sister's and chilled a bit. Headed home and grabbed some food.

(Afternoon: water, arroz a la valenciana,  energy drink)


Picked up Burritos and came home. Had dinner, I over ate and feel like crap. Separated the clothes to wash tomorrow and showered. Changed Gabriel and about to put him to bed. Helped Javi finish his homework and laying down for a bit. Tried putting Gabriel to bed, took close to an hour and a half. Javi came in and went to sleep as well. Went to the living room and watched tv and finished RAW. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: Burritos,  chips, water)

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