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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

lockdown day 154


Got up, made Gabriel a bottle and went to shower. I still have a headache, went to shower and got ready. When I came out I finished getting Gabriel ready and drove him to preschool. We asked Javi to get dressed and to have breakfast as he starts his first day of 2nd grade today. Got back home and had a boost and coffee, hoping this headache goes away. Checked in to work and I am covering the CF emails today. Talked to a few people and helped Javi check in to his school zoom meeting. Everything is going ok so far.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Boost)


Javi finished school, he is having lunch right now, when he is done I will be taking him to the Boys and Girls club soon. His first day was good for him, I was much happier with this process than what they did before. Hopefully they can keep it up. I took Javi to the club and dropped him off, I went to get a hole puncher and gas. Came home and made lunch for myself and now going to chill until I log back into work. Loggdd back in and checked on a few things, on my break I went to get Javi and came home. After work i went with Javi to pick up Gabriel. We got to my sisters, there was no parking so we came home.

(Afternoon: Doritos, water, gallo pinto, eggs, toast, cookie)


Got home, chilled for a bit and had dinner. After I went to switch out my shirts for the week, I have been rotating thr same 7 for a bit. Anyway, after I watched some RAW and was turned off by it when they played Mickie James the way they did. Played Super Mario Bros with Javi and my wife, after some time Gabriel came over to play catch with a football. Listened to Javi read for 30 minutes, about to shower.

Showered and put the boys to bed,  came out and we watched a shown on Neflix, played Madden and now off to bed. 

(Nighttime: carne molida, rice, water, ice cream)

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