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Monday, August 17, 2020

lockdown day 153

Got up, went back to sleep. I had a bad night, there was a lightning and thunder storm last night,  the pool was dragged around, i had to run out to get it. I got up and we went for a walk around the block while waiting for lunch.
(Morning: nada)

I showered and had lunch, took a nap and went to hang out with Gabriel in the room. He went out and I played Mario Party 9 with the boys,  when i won a mini game Javi flipped out and was crying. My wife took him to the room. I came to chill in the living room and started watching WWE timeliness. After we went out to Target to grab some things for the week.
(Afternoon: sopa de res, water)

I've had a huge headache l day. Not sure if it's because I didn't have coffee or lack of sleep. Anyway we got back home, I put the groceries away and heated up the left over burrito from yesterday. I had that with chips and water, I talked to my mom and when I was done i showered and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. Took almost 2 hours,  came out of the room. Still have a headache,  going to bed now
(Nighttime: burrito,  water, beer, chips)

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