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Monday, August 10, 2020

lockdown day 146

Got up, started cleaning and tossing things out. Had coffee and checked some connections with the wii. Cleaned some more, played a game with Javi and i showered after. Moved the cars and played outside for a bit. Now hanging out
(Morning: coffee)

Had some bean soup, relaxed a bit and we took a walk. We came back home and the boys played outside. We took a drive around and Gabriel fell asleep,  we kept driving around and came home. He is still sleeping, made Javi some hot dogs and about to play a game or something. Took a nap and woke up to go get dinner.
(Afternoon: bean soup, ice cream sundae,  flan, water)

We went to Taco Bell and came home to eat. After dinner I ayed Mario Party 9 with the boys and now they are bathing. Might shower after before trying to put Gabriel to bed. It took a long time for him to go to sleep, I came out and watched tv, played a game of Madden and now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: tostada wrap, tacos, pink lemonade, water, ritz crackers)

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