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Sunday, August 2, 2020

lockdown day 138

Got up, changed Gabriel's diaper,  made myself and egg and cheese sandwich with coffee and chilled a bit. Showered and got dressed, going to sww what we do.
(Morning: egg and cheese sandwich, coffee, water)

We decided to head down to Fisherman's Wharf to get some food and a quick trip out. We had lunch at Boudin's and the Chowdet hut. I had the crab sandwich and fries calamari. My wife a clam chowder bowl, Gabriel a cheese pizza and Javi a burger and fries. After we went to Alamo Square to show Javi the Painted Ladies from Full House and Fuller House. He thought it was cool. We drove home after and now are resting. 
Fell asleep for a bit, was tired and when I woke up i played with Gabriel and chilled again. We started watching more episodes of the Umbrella Academy. 
(Afternoon: crab sandwich, fried calamari,  water)

Made some Pina coldas and had some beers.
Still watching  the show. About to shower and put Gabriel to bed. He went to sleep, I came out to watch more Umbrella Academy amd sent Javi to bed. Now hanging out.
(Nighttime: tortilla and cheese, beer, water)

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