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Monday, August 3, 2020

Lockdown day 140

Woke up because the human alarm clock I have named Gabriel kept grabbing my ear. I went to shower and get ready. Came out and finished dressing Gabriel to get him ready for preschool. We took him down and he was fine today, very happy to go. Came back home and picked up Javi to take him to the Boys and Girls club, he was excited to go, it's his last week there. When I got home I made my coffee and drank a boost. Checked emails and talked to a few people and now relaxing and waiting for questions.
(Morning: Boost, water, coffee)

We ordered some Burritos for pick up and got them before we picked up Javi. My mom passed by and picked him up. They went to my sister's place. We had lunch and I rested for a bit. Going back in to work soon.
Checked back in and helped out a few people. I was able to set up some payments and check my accounting. Tomorrow is lay day. After I got the trash ready to throw out and we headed over to get the boys.
(Afternoon: burrito, water, energy drink)

Got home, made dinner for the boys. Gabriel fell asleep in the car on the ride home. I hung out with him in the room while he slept. I watched RAW. After I showered and ate dinner. Now watching tv until bed time.
(Nighttime: cheese sticks, water, flan)

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