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Monday, August 31, 2020

lockdown day 168


Woke up and went to shower and get ready for the day. Got Gabriel ready for preschool and headed out to drop him off. He was singing some songs on the way over. He was happy going today. It's still a bit cold and the air quality is still pretty bad around here. Came back home, had a boost, coffee and water. Got ready for the first training. The training went not too great. There was so much confusion regarding the material and what people are supposed to do. After the training we spoke to our supervisor again about how we don't feel supported and don't have what we need to do our jobs, which doesn't help us help other people do their jobs. Now waiting for the PM meeting.

(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)


Javi finished up school, my Mom passed by for Gabriel's bag. Javi ate lunch and he had to sign in at 2. I had another boost, hungry but don't know what for. We did the second training and it was better than the first because we set the expectation about what we were doing. We finished up, I went to drop Javi off at my sister's and now I am back home working. Finished work and we headed over to my sister's to get the boys.

(Afternoon: Boost, water)


Spent some time over there and on the way back home we went to pick up some Chinese food. Came home and had dinner. After i tested out the air mattress and some lights I bought for camping.  Still waiting on a few things as well. Javi showered,  I bathed Gabriel and after i took a shower. Helped Javi do some homework and now putting Gabriel to bed.  He went to sleep, I did some accounting and we watched Cobra Kai after Javi went to bed. Now watching RAW before going to bed.

(Nighttime: water, fried rice, lemon chicken,  mongolian beef)

Sunday, August 30, 2020

lockdown day 167

Got up and ran out to buy some eggs for breakfast. Found Javi a life vest in his size. Had breakfast and watched some Cobra Kai for most of the morning. Around 11:40 I went to shower and get ready. Fantasy Football draft starts soon.
(Morning: coffee, water, banana pancakes,  water)

Did the draft, had the 6th pick, I think i drafted well. Now the other 2/3 of the game awaits. Ate lunch and finished the first season of  Cobra Kai amd now watching Payback.
We went out for a drive to the Halloween Spirit store, Gabriel fell asleep so we took turns going in. After we picked up some ice cream and pizza and came home.
(Afternoon: water, candy corn, shrimp fettuccine alfredo)

Ate dinner, finished the PPV while playing Mario bros. We played outside for a bit, i cleaned the toys that were out there and now going to shower. Showered and came out and chilled for a bit. Changed Gabriel and pjt him to bed, Javi joined a bit later to go to sleep. When they finally fell asleep I came out to the living room to watch the VMAs with my wife. Well, let me tell you that was a big mistake! To say the show was horrible would be a compliment. Anyway, going to chil until bed time.
(Nighttime: pizza, water)

Saturday, August 29, 2020

lockdown day 166

Got up, made breakfast for the kids and myself. Chilled for some time and went outside so the boys could play. After that I showered and got ready for the day.
(Morning: egg, cheese, bacon breakfast sandwiches, coffee)

Peeled and chopped potatoes and watched some of Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. Had lunch and now waiting for Gabriel to finish eating so we can go to costco and to my sister's after. We got there and Gabriel fell asleep so I went in solo. Got the items I wanted and got gas. Drove to my sister's and watched Cobra Kai, took off to Target to get some things and went back. Picked up the kids and came home.

(Afternoon: left over ribs, chicken,  potato salad, macaroni,  water, chai tea latte)

Got home, unloaded to truck and gave Gabriel a bath. Ran out quick with Javi to target to look for a life vest and nothing. Came back home, showered and now putting Gabriel ans Javi to bed. I went out after and watched the rest of Bill and Ted 2, watched some Cobra Kai and played Madden before bed. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: saki bombs, water, corn nuts, peanut butter sandwich)

lockdown day 165

 Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, put clothes to wash and showerd. Got ready for work. Took Gabriel to preschool and my wife took Javi to the dentist. I came back home, checked in started work, had my boost and coffee and got ready for our training today. We have 2. 9 AM and 2 PM. 
The first training went ok, could have been stronger but at the same time management didn't really give us the support and clarity we needed. After we met with our supervisor and talked about it. Javi had a good visit to the dentist, he started school late due to the visit.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Went to go get Gabriel at preschool,  passed by getting my wife so we can pick up lunch for them. Came home, made me a sandwich and folded the last of the clothes. Going back in soon for the second training. 
The second training was better than the first one, we had a better feel and I was able to mute everyone so that was good. After the training I played with Gabriel and danced with him for a bit and we went to get Javi. My sister and my mom picked up the boys to take them to play at my sister's place.
After work we went to pick up the food we ordered.
(Afternoon: water, sandwich, macaroni salad, cold vanilla soy chai)

Got to my sister's and had dinner. We chilled for a bit and eventually went to go drop off my Mom at home. I helped her carry some things upstairs and we drove home. Gabriel fell asleep in the car and before we got home. Got in and told Javi to shower,  I'm about to do the same to get the day off of me.
When I got out inwashed some bottles, Gabriel woke up so I changed him and he went to bed. I helped Javi with his prayer and reading a kids Bible and sent him to bed. Watched tv with my wife, when she went to bed i watched the rest of Bill and Ted's Excellent Journey and played Madden. Off to bed now.
(Nighttime: bbq ribs and chicken, bacon macaroni, potato salad, corn bread, apple dessert, water)

Just heard some very bad news,  Chadwick Bosemen passed away today at the age of 43 from colon cancer. A great talent, great actor who brought to life many memorable roles and a great person lost way too soon. May he rest in peace.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

lockdown day 164

Gotnup, made a bottle,  showered and took Gabriel to preschool. We sang ABC's and Baa Baa Black Sheep on the way. It was a good drop off and I headed to 7-11 to get treats for us. Came home made my coffee and signed in to work. Today was was ok, still a bit unsure about training tomorrow,  but we'll get it done. Talked to a few people and helped Javi set up for school.
It was a testy morning with Javi as he wasn't realy focused today. Around 12 my Mom passed by picking up Gabriel's bag.
(Morning: cheese danish, coffee, water)

Worked for an hour as I was off at 1 today. House hunting today. We dropped Javi off at the boys and girls club and droce to Hayward to see a few places. Came back home, dropped off my wife and went to get Javi. We got home and i helped him with his homework. At 5 we headed over to my sister's to get Gabriel. 
(Afternoon: gnocchi meal, doritos, water, monster)

We went ti Target and came home. Had dinner, showered and put Gabriel to bed. About to head out to the living room. Came out and soon Gabriel woke up again so I had to get him to sleep again. When that was done we watched Bill.and Ted Face the Music. It was funny, i enjoyed it. About to go to bed. 
(Nighttime: chicken pot pie, egg sliders, beer, water)

lcokdown day 163


Woke up and made Gabriel a bottle, I went to shower and get ready to take Gabriel to preschool. We headed over and dropped him off, it was a good drop off. Came back home and checked in to work, on a quick break I logged Javi into his independent study day. Went to the forum meeting, it was informative, they had a special announcement for Alex as he is retiring. After the meeting I was able to set up a training prep meeting and now waiting for the afternoon.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Boost)


My Mom picked up Javi before getting Gabriel. I went to Darby Dan's to pick up lunch and came home. We ate and now resting until I go back in to work. Getting sleepy, want to nap but I can't. My wife threw out her back and is on the couch. After a quick break I had a meeting with Karla to talk about the training. There is still some confusion around it, all we know for sure is that it will be on Friday at 9 and 2. After work i went to pick up the boys.

(Afternoon: Crab salad sandwich, water, puffs)


Got to my sister's place and hung out a bit. After went to get McDonald's for dinner and now at home. Gabriel fell asleep in the car, about to set up Javi with homework and go shower. Lots of things going on in the world,  some good, mostly bad. I hope things get better ASAP. I do fear that my prediction from a few years ago that things will get bad and a race war will begin. I hope the world gets it together. Anyway, put the boys to bed, about to watch NXT. Fell asleep on the couch,  now going to the room.

(Nighttime: chicken nuggets,  mcdouble, McChicken, water)

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

lockdown day 162


I got up and changed Gabriel, I went to shower and out some clothes to wash. Got everything ready to take Gabriel to preschool. It was a good drop off today, the smoke in the air was really bad. Today I am still setting people up with the soft phones and training. Helped Javi get ready for school and logged in to work. Had a boost and coffee and started the day. Did laundry and kept an ear on Javi and his class. Very sleepy at the moment. 

(Morning: Boost, Coffee and Water)


My wife went to go pick up Gabriel, I stayed here with Javi. We had lunch and chilled out for a bit before Javi has to meet with his teacher at 2. after his meeting I took him to the boys and girls club, he was not happy about it, but he had to go anyway. Logging back in to work, going to do a run through of the training at 3:45. Did the run through,  had some questions we needed answered, set up some more phones. Now off and ready to go get Javi

(Afternoon: Bean soup, water, rice and cheese)


Got Javi, he had fun at the boys and girls club and went to pick up Popeye's chicken and came home. Had dinner and chilled. My wife bathed Gabriel and i had Javi shower. After i took a shower and listened to Javi read. Put Gabriel to bed and came out to watch some of the Giants game. They were down and eventually #BeatLA in extras, just like Edwindamus predicted. Played Madden and now off to bed. 

(Nighttime: Popeye's chicken, cole slaw, biscuits, water)

Monday, August 24, 2020

lockdown day 161


Got up, changed Gabriel and I went to go shower. Got dressed and went to drop Gabriel off at preschool. We came back, I made my coffee and set up Javi's workstation for school. I logged in to work and Javi logged in to class, my wife also signed on to her work as well. Been helping people set up phones and making calls to test them. The day is going pretty quickly so hopefully that trend continues.

(Morning: Water, Boost, Coffee, Ritz cracker)


Javi finished school and had lunch. My mom came by with Gabriel to pick him up to take him to my sister's. We had lunch and got back to work. I met with Karla to go over some training items and helped a few more people with setting up the soft phones. Logged off of work and now heading over to get the boys.

We got to my sister's and chilled a bit. Headed home and grabbed some food.

(Afternoon: water, arroz a la valenciana,  energy drink)


Picked up Burritos and came home. Had dinner, I over ate and feel like crap. Separated the clothes to wash tomorrow and showered. Changed Gabriel and about to put him to bed. Helped Javi finish his homework and laying down for a bit. Tried putting Gabriel to bed, took close to an hour and a half. Javi came in and went to sleep as well. Went to the living room and watched tv and finished RAW. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: Burritos,  chips, water)

Sunday, August 23, 2020

lockdown day 160

Got up 3 times due to Gabriel being a little crazy. Went to use the bathroom and now hanging out in the living room. Have to start cleaning up soon. Today is Summer Slam. Cleaned up a bit, played Mario Bros with my wife and Javi, had a piece of cake and coffee. About to shower.
(Morning: cake, coffee, water)

Showered up and ready to go. Going to the park tl take the boys bike riding. Having a vanilla soy chai. It's warm, not hot, more muggy than anything. We went to the park and as usual Gabriel was being a little jerk. He didn't want to ride his bike and made a scandal. Javi rode his bike, we didn't stay too long due to Gabriel. 
Got homw, Javi did some exercise and I ate lunch.

(Afternoon: water, vanilla soy chai, lemonade, arroz a la valenciana, cheetos)

Watching Summer Slam, had some puffs and beers. Been hanging out with Gabriel, fed both of them. My wife bathed Gabriel and i was showing Javi how to use the shower as he is going ro start showering by himself. After that i took a shower and we watched The One and Only Ivan. I put Gabriel to bed and Javi joined after. Watched TV and now off to never never land.
(Nighttime: beer, puffs, cake,water)

lockdown day 159

Got up, showered and got ready. Put up some decorations and we headed out tongrt some things. We hit up the Dollar Tree and picked up the cake and drove home. Got here and put the cake away, changed the boys and blew up the balloons. Now watching tv.
(Morning : water)

Still hanging out, about to go grab some ice. Party starts at 2. We went to Safeway and got some wings and ice. Came home, changed the boys to their costumes,  Gabriel was Mario, Javi was Bowser. My wife finished cooking and changed and soon so did I. She was Daisy and I was Wario. 
Party started, we ate, hung out, did a piñata and cake. All in all it was a good time.

(Afternoon: boost, arroz a la valenciana, water, wings, cake, chips)

Finished Takeover and cleaned up. Had some cake, now resting. Cleaned up the boys and took the face paint off, I showered and chilled for a bit. Has some tequila sunrises and chips. Put Gabriel to bed and now watching tv. Played madden and went to bed

(Nighttime: cake, water, chips, tequila sunrise)

Saturday, August 22, 2020

lockdown day 158

Gotnuo, made a bottle for Gabriel and went to put clothes to wash. Showered and got ready to go take Gabriel to preschool. That was a good drop off, we got back home and i made coffee and had a boost. Started reciewing training materials and helped Javi start school.
I ended up being in a meeting with management over the training and started helping people set up their soft phones.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Picked up Gabriel and came back home. Had lunch and took a nap, started up work and continued helping people. I let management know that the connections between agent to agent are not working well, but anyway after work we went to get Javi.
(Afternoon: tortilla,  cheese, carne, rice, water)

Picked up Javi and drove down to Party City in San Francisco. After we got gas and went to Serramonte Target and came home. Made some sandwiches for dinner, bathed Gabriel,  showered and now putting him to sleep. Got out and watched Smackdown and played Madden, now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: sandwich, water, beer, cookie)

Thursday, August 20, 2020

lockdown day 157


Got up and went to take a shower. I Got ready and came out finish getting Gabriel ready so we can take him to preschool. The drive over to the school was good, the drop off was fine as well. My Mom is picking him up for us. Got back and made Coffee and had a boost. Set up Javi with his school station, later I have to help him go send an assignment. Had a conversation with management about training, now waiting for confirmation from my supervisor of scheduling. Later today I have to meet with Javi's teacher. 

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Boost)


Finished up some things with work and had lunch, helped Javi finish up some of his homework, my Mom passed by to pick him up and take him over to my sister's place. About to log into a zoom meeting with Javi's teacher and later meeting again with Karla to figure out how to get some screenshots for training. Checked into the soft launch of WWE Thunderdome, it was interesting,  hopefully tomorrow and this weekend it will look really good. I aslo helped 3 EW's set up their soft phones to be ready and after work we went to costco before getting the boys.

(Afternoon: Slider sandwich, pizza, water, Monster energy drink)


Got to my sister's and picked up the boys, had some pasta and we left to go get food that my wife ordered. Just got home and since Javi was acting out about doing push ups somehow it's my fault. Anyway, watching the Giants game. Got Javi some food, chilled and changed Gabriel, I went to shower and put him to bed. Javi went to the room and to bed, I came out and finished watching the Giants game, they won 10-5 over the Angels. Played Madden and watched Everybody Hates Chris. About to go to bed.

(Nighttime: pasta bowl, water, cupcake, ritz crackers)

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

lockdown day 156


Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, took a shower and got ready. It's Gabriel's birthday today, he is turning 3. The air quality is really bad out today due to fires in the Bay Area so we decided to keep him home. Javi had independent study and did his work here. I logged on to the forum, a quick meeting with a manager and a meeting with my team. After I was assigned to work on a project with Karla. For lunch we ordered Red Robin's and will go pick it up.

(Morning: Water, Boost, Coffee)


We came back from getting the food, had lunch and now I am waiting to get back in. Before I logged off I sent Karla a draft of what I was thinking of doing with the materials for the soft phone training. Chilled for some time and rested up before checking back in. About to get on a meeting with my team to use the soft phone to check out how it works. We did the meeting, it took a bit but we got the system to work. Tomorrow I meet with Karla to get some things sorted out for training. Now just running out the clock.

(Afternoon: Pig Out Tavern burger, Yukon chips, cupcake, water)


Played catch with Javi while waiting dor my family to come over. Ordered pizza and we hung out for a bit. Had cake for Gabriel's birthday and cleaned up. My Mom couldn't find her keys, it seems she dropped them in a bag my brother took. So I drove her over to go get the keys and came back home and it was bath day for the boys. 

After the bath they played for a bit. I went to shower and after put Gabriel to bed,  Javi joined soon after. I came out to watch tv.and play madden and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: pizza, wings, bread stick, water, cake)

lockdown day 155


Got up, made a bottle for Gabriel and started doing laundry. Showered and got ready for the work day. When I got out I changed Gabriel and we took him to preschool, it was a nice drive and he enjoyed the drop off. We came home, I made coffee and checked in to work, talked to a few people, continued with the laundry and doing some research. I have a meeting at 1.

(Morning: coffee, boost, water, pop tart)


I stayed in with Javi and waited for our lunch to be delivered. My wife picked up Gabriel and lunch for the boys. We had lunch and i had to hop on to a meeting for a future training. After I played a bit with Gabriel outside for a bit and finished work. After we went to go get Javi at the boys and girls club and hit up target and came home.

(Afternoon: water, sandwich)


Got home, talked to Amilcar for a bit, changed Gabriel, i showered and put him to bed. Now hanging out for a bit before sending Javi to bed. Watching tv and played Madden,  now off to bed

(Nighttime: water, chips, 1/2 sandwich)

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

lockdown day 154


Got up, made Gabriel a bottle and went to shower. I still have a headache, went to shower and got ready. When I came out I finished getting Gabriel ready and drove him to preschool. We asked Javi to get dressed and to have breakfast as he starts his first day of 2nd grade today. Got back home and had a boost and coffee, hoping this headache goes away. Checked in to work and I am covering the CF emails today. Talked to a few people and helped Javi check in to his school zoom meeting. Everything is going ok so far.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Boost)


Javi finished school, he is having lunch right now, when he is done I will be taking him to the Boys and Girls club soon. His first day was good for him, I was much happier with this process than what they did before. Hopefully they can keep it up. I took Javi to the club and dropped him off, I went to get a hole puncher and gas. Came home and made lunch for myself and now going to chill until I log back into work. Loggdd back in and checked on a few things, on my break I went to get Javi and came home. After work i went with Javi to pick up Gabriel. We got to my sisters, there was no parking so we came home.

(Afternoon: Doritos, water, gallo pinto, eggs, toast, cookie)


Got home, chilled for a bit and had dinner. After I went to switch out my shirts for the week, I have been rotating thr same 7 for a bit. Anyway, after I watched some RAW and was turned off by it when they played Mickie James the way they did. Played Super Mario Bros with Javi and my wife, after some time Gabriel came over to play catch with a football. Listened to Javi read for 30 minutes, about to shower.

Showered and put the boys to bed,  came out and we watched a shown on Neflix, played Madden and now off to bed. 

(Nighttime: carne molida, rice, water, ice cream)

Monday, August 17, 2020

lockdown day 153

Got up, went back to sleep. I had a bad night, there was a lightning and thunder storm last night,  the pool was dragged around, i had to run out to get it. I got up and we went for a walk around the block while waiting for lunch.
(Morning: nada)

I showered and had lunch, took a nap and went to hang out with Gabriel in the room. He went out and I played Mario Party 9 with the boys,  when i won a mini game Javi flipped out and was crying. My wife took him to the room. I came to chill in the living room and started watching WWE timeliness. After we went out to Target to grab some things for the week.
(Afternoon: sopa de res, water)

I've had a huge headache l day. Not sure if it's because I didn't have coffee or lack of sleep. Anyway we got back home, I put the groceries away and heated up the left over burrito from yesterday. I had that with chips and water, I talked to my mom and when I was done i showered and now trying to put Gabriel to bed. Took almost 2 hours,  came out of the room. Still have a headache,  going to bed now
(Nighttime: burrito,  water, beer, chips)

Sunday, August 16, 2020

lockdown day 152


Last night was super hot, I slept without a shirt on and still was sweating up a storm. I got up to change Gabriel and made myself a cup of coffee while I set up Javi's laptop for school. Almost done with the set up here, over the next day or so we will set up his area so he can have his own work space for school. I took a shower and chilled on the couch for a bit.

(Morning: Coffee)


Fell asleep on the couch, I got up and changed the boys and watched a movie. When I was done, my wife was getting ready to go meet her friend for Happy Hour, but she was looking for a reason not to go, so she was trying to pick a fight with me so she had a reason to cancel. She says that we always do this when she wants to go out, however. She forgets that I am the one telling her to go out with her friend or to go do something without us. But it is what it is. I took the boys with me to get food and came back home. Now resting up. We played Super Mario Bros and I watched some of the Giants game. They blew it in the 9th again.

(Afternoon: super nachos, water)


My wife bathed the boys and I tool a shower. Now I am trying to put Gabriel to bed. Got out and sent Javi to bed, he sent a picture to my mom that I told him to delete, so he was in trouble. After talking with him about it, I wrapped up Gabriel's birthday gift and made some Margaritas, watched tv, plahed Madden and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: Kool aid, water, Margaritas)

Friday, August 14, 2020

lockdown day 151

Got up, put clothes to wash, showered and got Gabriel ready for preschool. He was happy today and excited to go meet with his friends. I decided to call out sick today, I didn't feel like working and needed a break. We went to drop Gabriel off and drove to Pacifica to order his birthday cake. We are home now, more laundry for the time being and a little later going to get school supplies for Javi.
We went to Target to get the supplies, we came back home, I folded more clothes and put them away. 
(Morning: coffee, maple bar, cheese Danish)

We went to get Gabriel and got lunch. We ate. I napped for a bit. Now we are outside enjoying the weather. It's hot, we took the pool out and Gabriel is in there enjoying himself. I took a nap and when I got up we went to get the food.
(Afternoon : 4 tacos, onion rings, cheese stick, curly fries, water)

We got to my sister's house and had dinner
 We've been talking for a bit and about to go drop off my mom and go home. We drove over to dropped my mom off, it's still really warm out, we got to the house and made sure she got in and headed home. Got in, changed the boys, showered and now listening to the Giants game where they just blew a 5 run lead in the 9th. Hope they can pull it out. They did not.  Put Gabriel to bed and now watching tv before going to sleep. 
(Nighttime: filet mignon, potatoes, bread, salad, cream puff,  water, beer)

Thursday, August 13, 2020

lockdown day 150


Got up and showered. Changed Gabriel and went to drop him off. Came back home and checked in to work. Javi did some school work and we went out for a walk. Answered a few questions from EW's and reviewed some documents again. We are going to Javi's school to pick up his materials.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Boost)


We got the materials at the school, he starts on Monday. Had lunch and my Mom picked him up to take him to my sister's place. Now going to review more materials and answer more questions for the rest of the work day. Had a few things to follow up on and finished up work. Now off yo my sister's to get the boys. 

(Afternoon: Chicken tacos, gallo pinto, flan, 1 pop tart, water)


Got to my sister's place and chilled. Had some chile Verde tacos, after my wife wanted to eat at Chevy's so we went. Had the barbacoa tacos and water. We are home now, tried Gabriel's Mario costume and later Javi will try the Bowser one. Showered and lut Gabriel to bed, Javi tried on the costume and it looked good. Watched some tv and played Madden, now off to bed.

(Nighttime: chile verde tacos, barbacoa tacos, chips, salsa, water)

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

lockdown day 149


Got up and went to shower, changed and got ready for the day. Went back to the room to change Gabriel so we can take him to preschool. The drop off was good and there was not too many cars out on the road today. We got back home, made my coffee, had a boost and logged in to work. Chatted with a few people and attended the joint forum meeting. After the meeting we went for a walk around the neighborhood and came back. Heated up some left overs for Javi early as my Mom was picking him up earlier than normal.

(Morning: Boost, Coffee, Water)


My Mom was late getting here so I had to rush to check something out on her car for a recall they may have to do. When I was done Javi got in the car and they went to go get Gabriel. We ordered sandwiches from Darby Dan's for lunch, about to go pick them up. I have meetings from 1-3, so it's an early lunch for me. Ate lunch and now signing in to the webinar. Hopefully it is entertaining. Got through 2 webinars and they were a bit draining, but good information was given so that's cool. Now running out the clock. Reviewed some things before logging out and headed over to my sister's to get the boys.

(Afternoon: Crab salad sandwich, water, Starbucks Frappuccino drink) 


Chilled over at my sister's for a bit, Javi played Mario Party 9 and when he was done we came back to the house. My wife made slider for dinner, I bathed the boys, after took out the garbage and now going to shower. Finished that, brushed Gabriel's teeth and put him to bed. Signed up Javi for the boys and girls program and now watching tv. My wife went to bed and I played Madden,  about to go to sleep.

(Nighttime: sliders, water, ritz crackers)

lockdown day 148


Got up, put clothes to wash, showered and got ready for the day. After my shower I got Gabriel ready and we went to take him over to preschool. When we came back I checked in to work and had Javi do some work out of a workbook and read. Chatted with a few people and now waiting for questions from EW's. I also did the laundry before we took a walk around the neighborhood.

(Morning: Water, Boost, Coffee)


I went to go get Gabriel, on the way I stopped by 7-11 grabbing a few things before I got to the school. Came back and had lunch, now waiting to be contacted by the city to help with set up for a soft phone. Helped a few people and was contacted, but we couldn't figure it out. I had to research a mic issue and a case for 2 different people. Ended the day on a busy note. After we went outside for some fresh air.

(Afternoon: Shrimp alfredo pasta, water, Slurpee, cheesecake danish)


Laying down and about to watch the Giants game. My back is a bit stiff. Finished up all the laundry, just tired. We went out to Target real quick and came back home. Had some cheese pizza and showered,  put Gabriel to bed and made me a sandwich. Watched tv and played Madden and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: water, pizza, sandwich,  beer)

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

lockdown day 147

Got up, showered and got ready. Took Gabriel to school for drop off. Came back home made cofee, had a boost and checked in to work. I had to call IT to unlock access to one of the programs. Now going to review some materials for training. We set up Javi with some work to do from a workbook, we took a walk and I did some DIY things for Gabriel's Mario Party.
(Morning: boost, coffee and water)

My Mom picked up Javi and they went to go get Gabriel, they are at my sister's house. We had lunch and we may be going to check a place out soon. We saw one place that had potential,  but the living room was too small, we came home and went to get the boys.
We hung out over at my sister's for a bit and came home.
(Afternoon: Chop Suey, water, graham crackers)

I made eggs and vienna sausages for Gabriel for dinner, made pancakes for me and Javi. After I played a game with Javi and washed dishes. I showered and put Gabriel to bed. After played going to Boston and Uno with Javi. Tool him to bed and now watching a documentary on Disney +.
(Nighttime: milk, pancakes,  eggs, vienna sausages,  water, Apple jacks)

Monday, August 10, 2020

lockdown day 146

Got up, started cleaning and tossing things out. Had coffee and checked some connections with the wii. Cleaned some more, played a game with Javi and i showered after. Moved the cars and played outside for a bit. Now hanging out
(Morning: coffee)

Had some bean soup, relaxed a bit and we took a walk. We came back home and the boys played outside. We took a drive around and Gabriel fell asleep,  we kept driving around and came home. He is still sleeping, made Javi some hot dogs and about to play a game or something. Took a nap and woke up to go get dinner.
(Afternoon: bean soup, ice cream sundae,  flan, water)

We went to Taco Bell and came home to eat. After dinner I ayed Mario Party 9 with the boys and now they are bathing. Might shower after before trying to put Gabriel to bed. It took a long time for him to go to sleep, I came out and watched tv, played a game of Madden and now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: tostada wrap, tacos, pink lemonade, water, ritz crackers)

Sunday, August 9, 2020

lockdown day 145

Got up, made eggs and bacon for the kids. I had toast and coffee with mine. Chilled, cleaned the bed and got the boys ready. Took a shower and got ready. We went over to my sister's place and dropped off the kids while we went to look at some neighborhoods in Hayward
(Morning: eggs, bacon, toast, coffee, water)

We drove out and checked out the neighborhoods, they were nice, we have to go see the town houses. Came back and grabbed some Starbucks coffee. Now hanging out until we go get the boys. Might go to the park later. 
We met up at the park and pkayed for a bit. We got home and i watched a show with Gabriel while talking to Arnel.
(Afternoon: iced coffe, pork tamale, water)

Drove over to Arnel's place with Gabriel and hung out for a bit. Caught up with him and had a good chat outside. Passed by getting KFC and came home to have dinner. Watched tv and put the boys to bed. Now out again watching tv. Played madden and now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: KFC, Cole slaw, mashed potatoes, Biacuits, beer, water)

Friday, August 7, 2020

lockdown day 144


Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, put clothes to wash and took a shower. After I changed Gabriel and we headed out to drop him off at preschool. He had a good drop off. When we were done with that we came back home, I switched out the clothes and packed Javi in the car to take him to his last day at Boys and Girls club. Once we were back home I made some coffee and checked in to work, checked emails and chatted with a few people and reviewed some documents that were sent to us. 

(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee)


I went to go pick up Gabriel and brought him home. Had lunch, attended my unit meeting. Had lunch and hung out before going back in. Took a break and went to pick up Javi, now we are home, running out the clock. After work we went over to Target to get Javi's glasses and came home.

(Afternoon: Water, Cheeseburger, Fries, Cesar salad)


Here at home, hanging out. Showered and had a banana split. Washed dishes and played chess with Javi. Gabriel fell asleep early. Now going to see what we do next. Tried watching a show, but Gabriel woke up and had to change him and put him down again. After we had Javi go to sleep. Watching a documentary on Disney + and going to bed after. 

(Nighttime: banana split,  water, cheese its)

lockdown day 143

Got up and got Gabriel a bottle, went to shower and get ready. When I came out Gabriel was not ready yet, I started that process. Had Javi get ready as well. We took Gabriel to his preschool and got gas and came home to get Javi to take him to the Boys and Girls club. The drop offs were good today. When I got home I checked in to work, only working a half day today. Chatted with a few people and helping them as well.
(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water, corn nuts)

Went to pick up Javi and brought him home. My mom has him. I logged off of work and now going to see some places. We saw 4 of them and they were good, still no decisions yet. Came back home and worked for N hour and logged off to go get the boys.
(Afternoon: chicken, rice, water)

We got the boys and came back home, now bathing the boys. My wife made rice Krispy treats I had some beers and chilled. Played madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, rice Krispy treat, water)

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

lockdown day 142

Got up, made a bottle for Gabriel and I went to shower and got ready. Got Gabriel ready to go and we took him to preschool. Came back home and picked up Javi to take him to the Boys and Girls club. It's cold outside today, hopefully it gets better. Came in and checked in to work, answered some emails and chatted with some people. About to go in to the forum meeting and see where today takes me.
(Morning: Boost, water, coffee)

Got an email from a manager asking for assistance. Replied to that. Went out real quick to get Javi and my mom passed by picking him up. Had lunch and chilled. About to go check back in to work. Did some more work, helped more people out and logged off for the day. Went to go get the boys.
(Afternoon: steak Fajita, rice, water, monster)

Got to my sister's place and chilled for a bit. Took the boys to the Dollar Tree and came home. Both of them were having bad nights so I made them go to bed early. Putting them to bed right now,  about to go outside. Watched a show and played Madden, about to go to bed.
(Nighttime: roast beef/turkey sandwich,  water, cheetos puffs)

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

lockdown day 141

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle. Put clothes to wash and showered. Finished getting ready and changed Gabriel for preschool. Dropped him off and came home to get Javi so we can take him to the Boys and Girls club. The drop off was good, it is cold this morning. When we got home I switched out the clothes and made coffee. Chatted with a few people and now waiting for questions. 
(Morning: boost, coffee,  water)

We went to pick up Gabriel and came back home. Finished the laundry and had lunch. Going out soon to get Javi. Today has been very chill, still waiting for more questions to answer. Reviewing a few documents that were sent to us. Answered more questions and got ready to take Javi's loose tooth out. 
After that we went to Target for a diaper run.
(Afternoon: Spaghetti and meatballs, water)

Got home and had dinner. Helped Javi build a Super Mario Lego set. About to go shower and chill after. I talked to my mom for a bit while Gabriel watched a cartoon. Had them get ready for bed and put them to sleep. Finally finished Everybody Loves Raymond, it was a good show.
Now outside chilling, might go to bed early.
(Nighttime: pizza, water)

Monday, August 3, 2020

Lockdown day 140

Woke up because the human alarm clock I have named Gabriel kept grabbing my ear. I went to shower and get ready. Came out and finished dressing Gabriel to get him ready for preschool. We took him down and he was fine today, very happy to go. Came back home and picked up Javi to take him to the Boys and Girls club, he was excited to go, it's his last week there. When I got home I made my coffee and drank a boost. Checked emails and talked to a few people and now relaxing and waiting for questions.
(Morning: Boost, water, coffee)

We ordered some Burritos for pick up and got them before we picked up Javi. My mom passed by and picked him up. They went to my sister's place. We had lunch and I rested for a bit. Going back in to work soon.
Checked back in and helped out a few people. I was able to set up some payments and check my accounting. Tomorrow is lay day. After I got the trash ready to throw out and we headed over to get the boys.
(Afternoon: burrito, water, energy drink)

Got home, made dinner for the boys. Gabriel fell asleep in the car on the ride home. I hung out with him in the room while he slept. I watched RAW. After I showered and ate dinner. Now watching tv until bed time.
(Nighttime: cheese sticks, water, flan)

lockdown day 139

Got up, made bacon and eggs for breakfast. Had some coffee and chilled for a bit. Cur my hair and showered. Getting ready for the day.
(Morning: bacon and egg sandwich, coffee, water)

Took out the trash and recycling. Had lunch and now watching the Giants game. Fell asleep for a bit, woke up and we made play dough. Took the boys to jump rope outside while my wife made pineapple empeñadas. We took a walk and came back home.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, water)

Bathed the boys, made them peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches for dinner. About to shower and see what I have for dinner. Ended up making tortilla and cheese and had a few beers. Put Gabriel to bed, finished the Umbrella Academy and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, tortilla and cheese, water)

Sunday, August 2, 2020

lockdown day 138

Got up, changed Gabriel's diaper,  made myself and egg and cheese sandwich with coffee and chilled a bit. Showered and got dressed, going to sww what we do.
(Morning: egg and cheese sandwich, coffee, water)

We decided to head down to Fisherman's Wharf to get some food and a quick trip out. We had lunch at Boudin's and the Chowdet hut. I had the crab sandwich and fries calamari. My wife a clam chowder bowl, Gabriel a cheese pizza and Javi a burger and fries. After we went to Alamo Square to show Javi the Painted Ladies from Full House and Fuller House. He thought it was cool. We drove home after and now are resting. 
Fell asleep for a bit, was tired and when I woke up i played with Gabriel and chilled again. We started watching more episodes of the Umbrella Academy. 
(Afternoon: crab sandwich, fried calamari,  water)

Made some Pina coldas and had some beers.
Still watching  the show. About to shower and put Gabriel to bed. He went to sleep, I came out to watch more Umbrella Academy amd sent Javi to bed. Now hanging out.
(Nighttime: tortilla and cheese, beer, water)