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Saturday, July 18, 2020

lockdown day 123

 Got up, showered and put clothes to wash. Still not feeling 100%. Got Gabriel ready and headed out to drop him off. Came back and picked up Javi to take him to summer camp.  Returned home for coffee and a boost and to check in to work. Talked to Amilcar for a bit and waited for questions. Folded clothes and got ready to go out.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

Went to pick up Gabriel's bag at my sister's place, drove to pick him up, put gas in the truck and came home to eat. Had lunch and around 2 we went to pick up Javi.  checked back into work after lunch. Finally finished watching the Golden Girls, the show was funny but didn't live up to the hype that people said it was. It felt problematic with bad acting and almost every 2 to 3 episodes one was threatening to leave. Also the recap shows were too many. Anyway, still not feeling good, need some rest. 
(Afternoon: bean soup, red bull, water,  peanut butter sandwich)

After work we went to get somw food. We came back and ate and I took a nap with Gabriel. He woke up and so did I. I showered and right now hanging out with Javi while he watches Dispicable Me 3. After every one went to bed, I watched Everybody Loves Raymond and played Madden,  now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, super nachos)

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