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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

lockdown day 119

Got up, showered, not feeling too well today. A ringing in my ear is bothering me. Anyway, got Gabriel ready and took him to preschool, came back home to get Javi and took him to the Boys and Girls club and came home to sign in to work. Talked to a few people and now waiting for questions for the day. I did a bit of a resistance workout and we went out real quick to Safeway before getting Javi.
(Morning: Coffee, water, Boost)

Got some items at Safeway, ran into a Nikko and said hello real quick, we were in a quick rush to go get Javi. We picked him up and came home in time to meet my Mom who had Gabriel and Myrna. They left my sisters place. About to have lunch and check back into work to see what happens for the rest of the day. My ear still has a slight ring to it, but it's going away slowly. Did some more work and researched some lap tops and computers. We tool out the trash and went to my sister's house to get the boys. 
(Afternoon: Arroz a la valenciana, left over wings, water, monster)

We got there and chilled for a bit, we came home and did some exercise with the boys. Vaccuumed the room and now hanging out with Gabriel before going to shower. I had some asparagus for dinner, put the boys to bed and watched some Beastmaster episodes,  played madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: asparagus,  water, salami and cheese)

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