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Friday, July 31, 2020

lockdown day 137

Got up, showered and got Gabriel ready. Took him to preschool and Javi to boys and girls club. We went out to Hayward to look at some places. They were nice, only 1 had real potential. After we drovr back home.
(Morning: boost. Coffee)

Stopped by Target on the way home, grabbed the boys a sweater and used the bathroom. Came home to bave lunch,  after collected some garbage and went to throw it out. Picked up my Mom to go to Total Wind and got some Toña beer and some white zinfandel for my wife. Dropped my Mom off and picked up Javi and now we are home.
(Afternoon: chow mein, beef and broccoli,  water)

We went out to pick up our meal from Dominic's and came home. Had a very good dinner of ribs and Cajun shrimp. Had a nice Toña as well. We need to go out to get some milk soon.  We went to Target and grabbed somethings for the boys and for the weekend. Came back home, I showered and put the boys to bed. Watched some of season 2 of the Umbrella Academy and soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: ribs, corn, potatoes, cajun shrimp, vegetarian soup, beer, biegnet)

lockdown day 136

Got up, showered, got the boys ready for preschool and the boys and girls club. Dropped them off and came home. I have the next 2 days off. So today I watched some Law and Order and napped. 
(Morning: Boost)

Woke up from my nap to go get Gabriel. We are back home now,  maybe having lunch soon. Had some soup and chilled, took annap and we went to get Javi. Came back home and the boys ate, I have a headache. We tried to play Mario Party but Javi acts like a psychotic child so I decided to not play anymore.  Watching Everybody Loves Raymond and trying to get rid of this headache. 
(Afternoon: sopa de res, flan)

Ordered Chinese food, now waiting for it. The food came and we had dinner. The kids played for a bit while I started watching the game, recur Javi's hair and my wife bathed them. Ran out to the dollar tree real quick and came home to shower. Now putting the boys to bed. After we watched a movie and I organized some of my wrestling accessories.  Pretty soon I have to boxed them up. Anyway, going to bed.
(Nighttime: fried rice, chow mein, lemon chicken, water)

Thursday, July 30, 2020

lockdown day 135

Woke up around 6:50, still not feeling 100%. Went to get Gabriel a bottle before I showered and got ready. Got out and waited for the boys to wake up to help get them ready. We dropped the boys off and came back home. I made some coffee and checked in to work. Answered some emails, set up my message as I will be off tomorrow and Friday. Talked to a few people before getting on the forum meeting. Hopefully I will feel better as the day goes on. The forum was OK, it was very long, I really didn't want to be in that meeting, it dragged a lot. We ordered some sandwiches from Darby Dan's and went to get them before getting Javi. 
(Morning: Coffee, Water, Boost)

Got the Darby Dan sandwich and a Crab salad sandwich for myself. Picked up Javi and came home, my Mom got here a few minutes after us and picked him up. We had lunch and I rested for a bit and logged back in to work. Reviewing some documents that were sent to me and running out the clock, I'm off for the next few days. I got the garbahe ready to go and we went to go get the kids.
(Afternoon: Crab Salad sandwich, Cold chai, water, doritos)

Got to my sister's place and got the boys,  we hung out for a bit and then headed over to target to get Javi's glasses. We got a few other things and came home. I had chilaquiles and beer for dinner, showered and changed the boys, now watching nxt. My wife put the kids to bed, I went to the living room and watched the Giants game. They came back to tie it in the 8th and a Yaz walk off in the 9th. Giants win!
After I watched some tv and fell asleep on the couch.
(Nighttime: chilquiles, beer, water, ice cream, ritz crackers)

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

lockdown day 134

 Got up, put clothes to wash, showere and got ready for the day. Got the boys ready and dropped them off at preschool and the boys and girls club. Came home to start working and do laundry. Had some coffee and chilled. About to go get something before getting Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water, boost)

Went to a bakery and my mom called saying that she had my niece and wanted to see yhe boys. So she picked up Gabriel and we got Javi. They have been playing since that time. Right now on lunch. Got back in to work, my mom watched the boys for a bit. They went home and I stayed back here with Javi and Gabriel. They are watching Blaze. About to get a Monster, falling asleep here. My wife and mother in law came back and I finished up working and signed out.
(Afternoon: chicken sandwiches, water, flan, monster)

I cut Javi's hair and helped him with the shower. We sent out a few more places to look at for Thursday. I showered and chilled wkth Gabriel for a bit while watching the Giants game. Put him to sleep and came out to watch a show. Started feeling a bit dizzy, need to sleep.
(Nighttime: bisteak encebollada, water, mango)

Monday, July 27, 2020

lockdown day 133

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, I showered and got ready. Got Gabriel ready to go to preschool, we went to leave him while Javi stayed behind with his Abuela eating breakfast. The drop off was good and quick. After we came home to pick up Javi to take him to the Boys and Girls club for the day. Back home now and checked in to work. Reviewing emails and also checking on our regular desktop. It's been some time since I turned it on and it's been acting up. Working on getting it up to speed. Had to leave it running while I went to get Javi.
(Morning: Coffee, boost, water, donut)

I went to get Javi and came back home. My Mom passed by shortly after to pick him up. I had lunch and we went to look at a few places during my lunch break. Came bacm and finished some things for work, signed off and now going to get the boys.
(Afternoon: chicken flautas, chicken flauta sandwich,  frui juice, water, iced soy chai)

Got to my sister's,  picked up the boys and came home. Gave the boys their new Mario Party backpacks and they loved them. They had dinner and I showerd. After I bathed Gabriel and got him ready for bed. Washed some dishes and got the lunch bags ready for tomorrow. Put the boys to bed and now hanging out. came out to watch tv and Gabriel woke up, so I went to put him down again. Finished watching RAW and plaued Madden, about to go to bed. 
(Nighttime: water, coffee cake, sushi burrito)

Sunday, July 26, 2020

lockdown day 132

Got up, made breakfast and chilled a bit. Showered and we went to costco and Safeway to get some items for the house. Came back home and now finishing watching Smackdown.
(Morning: egg and bacon sandwich,  donut, coffee, water)

My sister came over and we went for a walk. Came back and i made sliders and fries. Right now watching a show, might go to the park later. We didn't go to the park, i played Mario Party with Javi and Gabriel. We went out for a bike ride and did a jump rope challenge. 
(Afternoon: sliders and fries, water, energy drink)

We went to Target since my wife promised a toy to Javi if he did some rope jumping. We came back home, Gabriel fell asleep in the car. I showered and after made sure Javi showered. We played with his Mario toys while listening to the Giants game. We also played Uno. After he went to bed. Gabriel woke up, I changed him and put him back to bed. Now watching tv in the living room. By the way, the Giants won. Split the series. 
About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, Doritos,  water, donut)

lockdown day 131

Got up, showered, got ready and made breakfast for the boys. Loaded up the car and headed out to my dentist appointment. It was great as usual. After I headed to my mom's to set up the computer. 
(Morning: water, boost)

I installed most items to the computer. Couldn't figure out the outlook issue, after we went to get some tortas and I came home to eat lunch finally. Got here and ate, laid down for a bit and now in thriving room with the boys. Me and Gabriel napped while Javi played in his playroom. I got and gathered some things and got ready to go.
(Afternoon: torta de carnitas,  water)

We went to Target and got a few items. Came back home and chilled. I sent off some things that were needed for our mortgage loan and tool a shower. Changed the boys, gave them glow sticks to play with. Made a snack for myself and now putting them to bed. Watched tv and played madden now off to bed.
(Nighttime: cheese sticks, beer, iced chai, water)

Saturday, July 25, 2020

lockdown day 130

Got up, put clothes to wash. Showered and got Gabriel ready for school. The drive was good, it's a cold morning. We got to the preschool and there was no parking in the front so I had to go around the school and park in the lot. Dropped him off and put gas in the truck, came home to get Javi and switch out the laundry. Took Javi to the boys and Girls club and came home. I checked in to work and started answering questions. Folded some clothes and now listening to the new Taylor Swift Folklore album.
(Morning: Boost, Coffee, water)

We went to pick up the boys and came home to have lunch. I finished the laundry and chilled. My sister picked them up and we finished working. Now picking up some food and drinks at Chili's before going to get them.
(Afternoon: shrimp fettuccine Alfredo,  water)

We got there and ate, played a few games and came home. Bathed the boys and showerd. Having a beer and going to put Gabriel to bed. Watched some tv and fell asleep on the couch for a bit. Off to the room now.
(Nighttime: margaritas, beer, slider, wings, egg roll)

Thursday, July 23, 2020

lockdown day 129

Got up, I went to shower. Came out and got Gabriel ready for preschool, he was not having it today but I got him ready and took him to preschool. He did well today, after I came home to pick up Javi to take him to the boys and girls club for the day. I came back home and checked in to work and started looking at emails and talking to some people. I did my 2 recordings for the day, waiting for approval. If not I have to re-record them and add one more item.
(Morning: Boost, Coffee, Water)

Went to pick up Javi and came back home. My Mom passed by to get him. I made lunch for myself and now waiting to get back in to work. Took a 15 minute nap and logged back in to work. Now waiting for my meeting to start. Meeting was done, got some good updates. Finished out the day and went over to get the boys.
(Afternoon: Egg and cheese sandwiches, mac and cheese, water, energy drink)

Hung out at my sister's plafe and came home. Wanted to watch the Giants game. Made a pizza and food for Javi. Showered and put Gabriel to bed. Now finishing up the game. Giants are down 4-1, looking for a comeback. Well, still looking for the comeback, it didn't happen. Anyway, watched tv, played madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, water)

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

lockdown day 128

Got uo, showered and went to wake up the boys. We took both boys to drop them off. They did well today. I attended then forum and started working on my recording.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Went to pick up Javi and my mom passed by to get them. Had lunch and rested a bit. Got feedback from the recording and did another one and submitted it. It was approved. I have one more to do tomorrow. Now we are going to get the boys. We hung out for a bit at my sister's and went home. 
(Afternoon: carne molida, rice, water, cake, vanilla soy chai)

Got home and the shoes I ordered came in. They fit great. I had dinner and made macaroni and cheese for the boys. Washed dishes and played Mario Party 9 with Javi. Bathed Gabriel and i showered after. Now trying to put him to bed. Got out and we finished our mortgage loan application amd I played madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: 4 tacos, beer, water, mac and cheese, cake)

lockdown day 127

Got up, went to put clothes to wash. Showered after and got ready. When I was done I went to change Gabriel and got him ready to go to preschool. We drove him over and dropped him off, he was happy to be there. We came back home and picked up Javi to take him to the Boys and Girls club, we dropped him off and came home to check in to work. I reviewed emails and caught up with a few people. I have been up and down the stairs washing and folding laundry. Waiting for the next batch. I have a long meeting in the afternoon today.
(Morning: Coffee, Boost, cake)

I went real quick to safeway to get something and went to get Javi after. Came home, my mom was waiting for him to take him to my sister's for the day. I had lunch and attended a zoom meeting. After I was given an assignment to record a training, so I will be doing that soon. When I was done I left to go get the kids.
(Afternoon: chop suey, monster, water)

Got home, chilled. Made dinner and gave the boys food. Changed Gabriel and i showered. Put him to bed and played Mario Party 9 with Javi. Now hanging out watching tv. Played madden now going to bed.
(Nighttime: egg and cheese sandwiches, rice and beans, cake,  water)

Monday, July 20, 2020

lockdown day 126

Got up, showered, got Gabriel ready and we took him to preschool. He did fine, he enjoys it. We came back home and i went to take Javi to summer camp while my wife got ready. It's her birthday today and our plan is Starbucks, drive to Hayward to check out some neighborhoods, go to Target and come home. The drive and your were fine, they areas look nice. We bought a mini bookshelf for Javi and Gabriel's playroom. So I came home and i built it.
(Morning: pastry, iced caramel Macchiato, water)

Went to take out the trash and to pick up Gabriel. Took him to the Dollar Tree and came home to finish cleaning up the playroom and to have lunch. She wanted Benihana's so we got Benihana's. After I cleaned up some more. Went to tanforan to look for pull ups for Gabriel for his preschool and Popsicles for the house, they had neither. Went to get Javi and came home to finish cleaning up. We just finished, about to rest up for a bit. The garbage will be taken tomorrow.
(Afternoon: water, Benihana's chicken and beef, fried rice, salad, shrimp, sushi)

We chilled for a bit and had to head out to Target tonget those diapers and Popsicles. Came back and I bathed Gabriel and i showered afterwards. Gabriel fell asleep on the couch, i moved him over to his bed. Now watching tv. Played Madden and now off to Never Never Land.
(Nighttime: pastry, water)

lockdown day 125

Got up, showered an had breakfast. Took the boys outside for a bit to toss water balloons. Around 12 we are going to the park.
(Morning: coffee, danish)

Went to the park. Met up with my Mom, brother,  niece and nephews. Decided last minute to grill burgers at the house. We left the park and i got the grill ready, we ate and eventually watched Extreme Rules.
(Afternoon: hot dog, hamburger, beer, water)

Finished the PPV and had dinner. Showered and put Gabriel to bed. Now watching a movie on Netflix. Stopped the movie,  wasn't good.  Played madden,  now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: water. Chicken sandwiches)

Sunday, July 19, 2020

lockdown day 124

Got up, made pancakes for breakfast. Had some coffee and chilled for a bit. Looks like Gabriel messed up Javi's glasses and I had to make an appointment to order him some new ones. We washed the car and cleaned it out. After we got ready to go to costco. 
(Morning: pancakes, coffee)

Got some items at costco and came back home to have lunch. About to head out to Target. We got there and were able to order Javi 2 pairs of glasses as Gabriel cracked his current ones. Came back home and started watching Psych 2 and now trying to get on this zoom call for Brian. It's not letting us in.
(Afternoon: bbq chicken croissants, water, energy drink,Flan)

Didn't  work for us, about to go get some food for Ulisa and come back and eat some chicken sandwiches. Well, they finally got a fix, about to get on this call. Got on the call and had fun, after we went to pkck up food for my wife and slurpees for the boys. We came back and had dinner,  i talked to Arnel and after bathed the boys ans I took a shower. Now trying to put Gabriel to bed. Didn't work, came out, watched Cold Case, played Madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, chicken sandwiches, pastry)

Saturday, July 18, 2020

lockdown day 123

 Got up, showered and put clothes to wash. Still not feeling 100%. Got Gabriel ready and headed out to drop him off. Came back and picked up Javi to take him to summer camp.  Returned home for coffee and a boost and to check in to work. Talked to Amilcar for a bit and waited for questions. Folded clothes and got ready to go out.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

Went to pick up Gabriel's bag at my sister's place, drove to pick him up, put gas in the truck and came home to eat. Had lunch and around 2 we went to pick up Javi.  checked back into work after lunch. Finally finished watching the Golden Girls, the show was funny but didn't live up to the hype that people said it was. It felt problematic with bad acting and almost every 2 to 3 episodes one was threatening to leave. Also the recap shows were too many. Anyway, still not feeling good, need some rest. 
(Afternoon: bean soup, red bull, water,  peanut butter sandwich)

After work we went to get somw food. We came back and ate and I took a nap with Gabriel. He woke up and so did I. I showered and right now hanging out with Javi while he watches Dispicable Me 3. After every one went to bed, I watched Everybody Loves Raymond and played Madden,  now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, super nachos)

Friday, July 17, 2020

lockdown day 122

Missed my alarm this morning. Got uop, showered, got Gabriel ready and went to drop him off. Came back for Javi and took him to the boys and girls club. When we came home I made coffee and checked in to work. I have a meeting at 9. I attended the meeting and it was ok, very little information, after some time we went out for a walk. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

We got ready to go get Gabriel and on the way to get lunch we got a call that Javi had an accident and we went to pick him up. Got home and made a frozen deep dish pizza. Talked to Brian for a bit as it is his birthday and kept working. I have a meeting at 4 and after that I will be running out the clock.
Well, the meeting was a bit of bs, but nothing new. Now waiting to see if we go get some milk.
(Afternoon: Deep dish pizza, monster, water)

We went to target to get some milk. Came home, I organized the fridge and pantry. Played Mario Party 9 with Javi, put the boys to bed and showered. Not feeling well, have Vertigo symptoms. Going to try and sleep it off.
(Nighttime: boost, sandwich, water)

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

lockdown day 121

Got up, went to go shower. After I got Gabriel ready for pre-school. We dropped him off and he did great. We came back home to pick up Javi to take him to the Boys and Girls club. When we got back I checked in to work, talked to a few people and waited for the forum meeting. Had some coffee and been hanging out answering things all morning.
(Morning: Boost, water, coffee)

We left to go get my wife a subway sandwich, Happy Meals for the boys, I got nuggets, a chicken sandwich and a McDouble. We came home, my Mom picked up Javi, she had Gabriel already. We had lunch and now checking in to work. Sleepy, want to rest. I ordered a lap top for Javi for when school starts up. Going to go pick it up when I take my mom to best buy.
(Afternoon: 20 Chicken nuggets, McDouble, McChicken Sandwich, energy drink.)

Picked up my mom,  went to best buy and held her pick out a computer. I picked up Javi's laptop and se went back to my sisters place to get the boys. We came home and had dinner,  showered,  played Mario Bros with Javi and have been trying to get them to sleep. My sister told me my niece may have been in contact with a person who had covid-19 so we are not going over or sending the boys over until we hear the results of her tests. Played Madden and watched tv and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: sopa de cola, water)

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

lockdown day 120

Got up, started laundry, showered and got ready to take the boys to preschool and summer camp. Came back home and checked in to work. Been folding clothes and waiting for time to go get Gabriel. Had some coffee and conversations with folks.
(Morning: Coffee, water, boost)

I went to pick up Gabriel and came back home. We had lunch. Right now waiting for the last part of the clothes to finish drying and going to lunch. Got most of my vacation days approved and talked to a few people, now running out the clock with a Monster.
Done with work, watched the beastmaster finale and went outside to play for a bit.
(Afternoon: Water, Spaghetti and meatballs, chips, Monster)

My wife ordered sushi for dinner,  after we are going to bathe the boys and I am going to shower. Need to get the day off of me. After the boys were bathed and changed for bed we played Mario Party 9 and I won which made Javi upset. I went to shower, after brushed Gabriel's teeth and put him to bed. About to watch the Walter Mercado documentary. Finished that, played madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, sushi)

lockdown day 119

Got up, showered, not feeling too well today. A ringing in my ear is bothering me. Anyway, got Gabriel ready and took him to preschool, came back home to get Javi and took him to the Boys and Girls club and came home to sign in to work. Talked to a few people and now waiting for questions for the day. I did a bit of a resistance workout and we went out real quick to Safeway before getting Javi.
(Morning: Coffee, water, Boost)

Got some items at Safeway, ran into a Nikko and said hello real quick, we were in a quick rush to go get Javi. We picked him up and came home in time to meet my Mom who had Gabriel and Myrna. They left my sisters place. About to have lunch and check back into work to see what happens for the rest of the day. My ear still has a slight ring to it, but it's going away slowly. Did some more work and researched some lap tops and computers. We tool out the trash and went to my sister's house to get the boys. 
(Afternoon: Arroz a la valenciana, left over wings, water, monster)

We got there and chilled for a bit, we came home and did some exercise with the boys. Vaccuumed the room and now hanging out with Gabriel before going to shower. I had some asparagus for dinner, put the boys to bed and watched some Beastmaster episodes,  played madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: asparagus,  water, salami and cheese)

Sunday, July 12, 2020

lockdown day 118

Got up and made breakfast. Pancakes, bacon and chicken sausage.  Had some coffee, showered and got ready. My brother and niece are coming over and we are going to Rockaway Beach. We left and got there and spent a few hours there. The kids had lots of fun.
(Morning: coffee, pancakes,  bacon, chicken sausage,  water)

Left the beach and headed home. Cleaned out the car and had lunch. Watching the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Going to rest up as well. I fell asleep probably 30 minutes into the movie. Got up and spent some time trying to fully wake up.
(Afternoon: chicken nuggets, cheese sticks, pot stickers,  iced coffee, water)

We ordered Wing Stop and went to pick it up. Had dinner, washed dishes, my wife bathed the boys, i showered, took some time to put the boys to bed and came out to watch some tv and play madden. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: wing stop, celery, carrot, water)

Saturday, July 11, 2020

lockdown day 117

Got up, made the boys breakfast ans went to shower. Drove over to my mom's house and helped her with some computer things. It took some time but got it done. 
(Morning: egg sandwich,  chicken sausage, coffee)

Still at my mom's place and after we were done I dropped her off at my sister's to pick up her car. Came home, rested a bit and we headed over to Serramonte. After we got home and started making an early dinner of sliders and fries.
(Afternoon: mango juice, pasta and shrimp, water)

Made dinner and had dinner. Had a few beers and a pina colada, now watching Beast Master on Netflix. Went to shower and we watched the Mighty Ducks, after I played Madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: sliders, fries, beer, pina colada, water)

lockdown day 116

Got up, showered and went to get Gabriel ready. I started laundry and cleaned the bed. We went to drop off Gabriel at preschool and came back home to pick up Javi to take him to summer camp. On the way back we stopped at Starbucks and came home. I checked in to work and have been catching up on emails and talking to people. Waiting for questions.
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, Water)

We went out to Target before getting Gabriel. We came home and had lunch, finished laundry and now back at work waiting for questions. After some time we took a break and went to go pick up Javi and brought him home. Not sure what we are going to do later tonight, right now running out the clock.
(Afternoon: Steak, white rice, tortilla, cheese, water, energy drink)

We went to the park for a bit. Came back home and dropped off the boys and went to Trader Joe's for some items. Got home had a pizza and watermelon mimosas. About to shower. Finished that and hung out for a bit. Put Gabriel to bed and played Madden before bed.
(Nighttime: watermelon mimosas, pizza, water)

Thursday, July 9, 2020

lockdown day 115

Got up, showered, got Gabriel ready and went to drop him off. We came back home and took Javi to day camp. Returned home toput away the trash bins and checked in to work. Had my coffee and a boost. Now waiting for questions from people to help with. Trying to figure out what is going to go on with Javi's school.
(Morning: Boost, Coffee, Water)

We drove to pick up Javi and brought him home. My wife went to the dentist and I stayed here and waited for my Mom to come get Javi. She did I had lunch. Checked back in to work and saw that my meeting was canceled. Now just going to run out the clock. After work we went to get the boys. My Mom, sister, brother, nieces and nephewa were there. They were watching Hamilton and we had a quixk bite to eat.
(Afternoon: Pastry, boost, water, energy drink, gallo pinto, egg and cheese)

We lassed by the Habit burger and got some food to bring home. We had dinner,  I bathed the boys, showere and left a birthday message for one of my nephews. The boys played a  bit and now trying to get them to sleep. They went to sleep, I came out and played madden and now off to bed.
(Cheeseburger,  fries, water)

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

lockdown day 114

Got up, showered and got ready. Got Gabriel ready and we took him to school, after we came back and picked Javi up and took him to summer camp. Got home, checked in to work, had coffee and a boost. Attended the forum meeting and chatted with a few people. We took a walk and got ready to go pick up Javi.
(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)

Picked up some Poke one and got Javi, came home and my mom picked him up. Had lunch and will be checking in to work in a bit. Waited around to answer questions, not many today. About to clock out and go get the boys.
(Afternoon: Poke Burrito, water, gatorade, chips, coffee cake)

We got to my sister's place to get the boys. They were playing with their Uncle Danny and we hung out for a bit. After we went to get the boys some slurpees and pizza for my wife and came home. Most of my items that I ordered came in the mail. I washed my new masks and played Mario vs Sonic at the Olympics. Now about to shower and try to put them to bed in a bit. My wife wanted to go to bed early so she took the boys to bed. I watched wrasslin' and a movie, going to bed after.
(Nighttime: pizza, water, slurpee)

lockdown day 113

Got up, showered and got ready. When I came out Gabriel was already dressed, we went to drop him off and took Javi to the Boys and Girls club for the day. Started laundry and started work. Talked to a few people, checked emails and folded clothes.
(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)

We went for a walk and came back home. Now waiting for another batch of clothes to fold and leaving soon to go get Gabriel. Took out some cardboard and recycling and drove to get Gabriel. Got him and came back home. Had lunch and now checking back in to work. Going to get Javi a little later.
We went to go get Javi and came home, did some more work and after i am done we are going to Target to get some items for the boys.
(Afternoon: Carne Molida, cheetos, energy drink, fruit punch, water)

We got the items and came home. One last wash and I am done with laundry. Played madden amd chilled. Bathed the boys, about to shower. Put the boys to bed and came out to wash the last of the dishes. Cleaned up a bit and played another game of Madden, now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: iced Chai tea latte, water, lemon chicken, peanut butter sandwich, milk)

Monday, July 6, 2020

lockdown day 112

Got up, changed Gabriel, went to shower and got dressed. We dropped Gabriel off at preschool and he did really well. We came back home and picked up Javi and took him to his first day at the Boys and Girls club. We came home and I checked in to work and have been catching up with people and emails. Right now going to do the Cyber security training.
(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)

We went to pick up Javi at the boys and girls club. He was happy when we saw him, he really enjoyed his time there and is looking forward to tomorrow. We got home and my mom passed by to.get him. She took Javi, Gabriel and Myrna over to my sister's for the afternoon. Finished up working and watched a documentary on Netflix (Athlete A) and we got ready to go get the boys.
(Afternoon: soup, water, cheese its, energy drink)

Got to my sister's place and hung out for a bit. My niece had left some questionable items out that could be harmful to my kids so I addressed that. We left. Picked up some Chinese food on the way home and had dinner. I took a shower, played with the boys, put them to sleep, played madden and watched some episodes of the Golden Girls and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: fried rice, Mongolian beef, lemon chicken, water)

lockdown day 111

Got up, checked the stove to make sure the clicking noise was no longer there. It was fine. Made the boys pancakes. I had some as well with coffee. I normally don't eat breakfast but today I indulged. About to go clean the bed and lay down for a bit. Didn't clean the bed, showered instead and we got ready to go.
(Morning: pancakes,  coffee)

We went to Red Robin's and had lunch. Stopped by Orange park to play some catch and hit some balls, Javi rode his bike and we came home. Made an iced coffee for myself. Finished Fraiser and played Mario Party 9 with Javi.
(Afternoon: big pig burger, fries, onion rings, water, iced coffee)

Bathed the boys, showered and had dinner. Put Gabriel to bed, put away some dishes and washed the rest of them. Now watching the Golden Girls. Watched tv, played madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, chicken tostada, half BBQ chicken wrap)

Sunday, July 5, 2020

lockdown day 110

Got up, went back to sleep, got up again. Had coffee, donuts and showered. We took off to target to get a few things.  Still bummed about Gabriel being sick and having to cancel the BBQ.  We went to Target and got a few things we needed and some things we didn't need. Started the grill and took out the trash.
(Morning: coffee, donuts)

Grilled burgers and hot dogs. Had some beer and now resting. Might watch the Mighty Ducks later. Chilled and watched Fraiser for a bit. The stove igniter started to click for no reason. We were a bit scared for a bit since we didn't know what was happening. I unplugged it and cleaned the stove out and now it seems to be OK. 
(Afternoon: hot dog, double cheese burger,  beer, water)

We went outside to do some sparklers and small fireworks,  the wind wasn't helping us out. Now we are back in the house. Watched some Fraiser and some unsolved mysteries and went to shower. Soon will be changing Gabriel to his PJ's. We did some fireworks and after I put Gabriel to bed. Watched some tv and now going to sleep.
(Nighttime: ritz crackers, water)

Saturday, July 4, 2020

lockdown day 109

Got up, took the laundry down to start washing. Made Gabriel some eggs and I went to shower. Took Javi to Krispy Kreme and to Target and came home. Watched some tv and chilled. 
(Morning: coffee, donuts)

 Gabriel was doing a bit bad, his tummy was hurting and he had a slight fever. Took some time but I got him to take a nap. After when he woke up, we played Mario party and went to go get dinner.
(Afternoon: bean soup, white rice, water)

Got our food and came back home. We had to cancel the visit to my sister's place to watch Hamilton and we canceled the BBQ tomorrow since we don't know how Gabriel will be.  Bathed the boys, atsrted watching Hamilton and i has to stop it a few times. Gabriel went to bed and we played charades for kids. Now I am trying to finish Hamilton. 
(Nighttime: burrito, chips, water)

Thursday, July 2, 2020

lockdown day 108

Got up, showered, got ready, got Gabriel ready and dropped him off at school. Came back and checked in to work and have been here waiting for questions. Javi played Mario Party 8 and we were finally able to unlock Blooper. He got ready to go with my mom.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water, cheese its, mini donut)

My mom picked Javi up, we went to Chevy's for lunch. After we went to costco to look for clorox wipes, nada. Now home and ready for work,  meeting at 4. Fell asleep for a bit and still waiting for questions. Meeting was good. None of us will be working tomorrow, after i headed out with my wife to get the boys. 
(Afternoon: beer, water, chips, salasa, lunch trio, energy drink)

Got to my sister's place and we got the boys, after we went to Serramonte and Target and came back home. I made French fries for the boys, I made an egg and cheese sandwich for myself, had a few beers, showered and now trying to get Gabriel to go to sleep. It took a long time, but he went down. Came out and pulled Javi's tooth out and made sure it was clean. Now watching a replay of the 2014 NLCS Game 5, when Morse tied it in the 8th and Ishikawa hit the walk off in the 9th to send to Giants to the World Series and an eventual World Series Championship. After going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, egg and cheese sandwich,  water)

lockdown day 107

Got up, showered, got Gabriel ready and took him to school. Came back home, woke Javi up and made him pancakes. Getting ready to take him to his doctor appointment. We went to the doctor and Javi freaked out a bit with the eye drops, he was acting a fool, even after all the practice. But any way, his eye sight stayed the same and the said he may not need the glasses anymore in his teenage years. So that was good. Got back home and checked in to work and started working.
(Morning: boost)

Javi had lunch, my wife had to take her work laptop to get checked out. I waited for my Mom to come get Javi. They left and I put away some items I ordered from Amazon and had lunch. Now watching the George Lopez special on Netflix. Checked back in to work, I was able to put away the things I ordered from Amazon and we went to Target. 
(Afternoon: Rice, Chicken, Tortilla, maduro, cheese, iced Chai tea latte)

Got to my sister's,  chilled a bit and came home. Put away the groceries and now watching NXT. Showered and had dinner, tried putting Gabriel to sleep but it didn't work. Played a game with Javi and watched some tv before bed.
(Nighttime: chicken, biscuit, tortilla and cheese, mini donuts,  cookie, water, fruit punch)