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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

lockdown day 71

Got up, showered, put clothes to dry, made coffee and checked in for work. It's hot today and my wife took the day off. I didn't as there is not much for me to do today. I made the boys pancakes and had a boost. Folded some clothes,  answered some questions for some people and hung outside to get some air. My wife and kids went to get lunch for us.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

They returned with in and out burgers and we had lunch. Checking on some things before I go on my lunch break. We went outside for a fresh air break. We had a water gun fight and Javi was upset as always, he doesn't like to lose and takes it to another level. He was a bit disrespectful and we had to get on him for that. Now he is in the room being dramatic. I have a little less than 2 hours of work to go. Getting sleepy. 
(Afternoon: 2 double doubles, water, Popsicle, iced coffee)

Had an issue with my computer. Will check it out tomorrow. Anyway, we went to the park to do a few laps on the bike and now we are home. Trying to stay cool here. Bathed the boys, showered and after set up Gabriel to go to sleep. He fell asleep and I came out to watch tv and have dinner. After my wife went to bed,  I played madden and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: tortilla, eggs, cheese, chesse its, cranberry juice, water)

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