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Thursday, May 7, 2020

lockdown day 52

Got up, went back to sleep. It's my 39th birthday today. Went to shower, put the trash bins away and returned some calls. About to go outside for a bit to enjoy the sun.
(Morning: coffee, booat, water)

We went to pick up some Burritos for lunch,  came back home, ate and rested. We went out to the bank and to safeway. I listened a town hall meeting. Rested for a bit.
(Afternoon: water. Burrito)

Had a zoom get together that my wife put together. My family and friends joined to hang out for a few minutes. We had cake and after the cake I had a chat with Amilcar and Brian. When I was done with that I went to the living room and soon after showered, sent Javi to shower. I washed dishes and put away things. Javi went to bed and now my wife and I are watching TV. 
(Nighttime: pasta and chicken. Beer, cake, water)

Special note:
My wife is amazing. During these strange times she worked really hard to make today a great day. She set up the zoom meeting,  she made the cake and dinner. She is just awesome and I am blessed to have her in my life.

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