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Saturday, May 30, 2020

lockdown day 75

Got up, put Gabriel's battery to charge. Took a shower and now watchibg tv until i go pick up my mom. Picked her up and picked up lunch. We.came home.
(Morning: coffee,  water)

Ate a sandwich for Darby Dan's,  went to the park. Javi rode his bike while we waited for everyone to get there. The kids played and we talked and after we went to get some Starbucks and came home.
(Afternoon: darby dan sandwich,  water. Caramel frappuccino)

I went to Costco with my mom and took her home. After I came back and put the things away, had dinner and watched the final episodes of Brooklyn Nine Nine and now hanging out in the room. I went to shower and put Gabriel to sleep. Came out and have been watching tv with my wife. Starting the show Scrubs now. After going to bed
(Nighttime: shrimp fettuccine Alfredo,  beer, water)

lockdown day 74

Got up 30 minutes before my alarm. Put clothes to dry, gave Gabriel a bottle. Showered, made coffee, checked in to work. Made the boys breakfast and chatted with a few people. Started to clean up some things and throwing some things away. This morning has been going ok so far. I'm a bit sleepy, but we push through.
Gabriel has been doing great so far with his potty training,  he is wearing spider man underwear and he is going to pee around every 30 minutes. 
(Morning: Coffee, Water, boost)

We had some bean soup with rice. I had to check a case for a manager and sent that back to him. We went for a walk and chilled. Gabriel is doing great with his peeing in the toilet. After work we went to get food. 
(Afternoon: bean soup, rice, water, sardines, monster)

We got Popeye's chicken and we went to my sister's house so the boys could see them for a bit. Javi was dancing to the Michael Jackson game on the Wii and was doing really well. We left and came home, my wife bathed the boys, they are playing in the water, i will get them out soon. Gpt that done, went to shower and put Gabriel to bed. Watched Smackdown and went to bed.
(Nighttime: chicken, cole slaw, biscuits)

Friday, May 29, 2020

lockdown day 73

Got up, showered, checked in to work. Made the boys pancakes and a coffee for myself. Answered a few emails, talked to Karla for a bit to catch her up on the forum and now just hanging out waiting for questions. Unit meeting later.
(Morning: water, boost, coffee)

The desk came in and I built it before lunch. We had Chevy's and after i attended my unit meeting. Nothing much going on. Ran out the clock and after had a video call with Amilcar. We went to the park so Javi could ride his bike and ran into Cullo who was playing baseball. Now we are home.
(Afternoon: fajita burrito, water)

Got here and chilled again. Put clothes to wash and was hanging out with Gabriel in the room. Amilcar called again and we talked for a bit, Javi came by to get a picture of something. I changed Gabriel, brushed his teeth and put him to sleep. When I got out I had some pie and a peanut butter sandwich. Javi created a game and we played it. He went to bed and i stayed up playing madden. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: strawberry pie, peanut butter sandwich, water)

Thursday, May 28, 2020

lockdown day 72

Got up, showered and made coffee. Had to get in contact with IT so I can fix my computer issue. Took me a bit, but we got it done. Joined the forum and it was boring. Not too much information today. After I helped a few people and came outside.
(Morning: boost. Water. Coffee)

We went to get Javi's things at school.and dropped off his work. Got gas. Went to the bank and came home. I am off for the day. Right now I am outside getting some air with the boys. After they got a little crazy we came back inside and chilled.
(Afternoon: white rice, carne asada, water )

We went to target and go grab dinner. Came back home and now resting. About to shower. Brushed Gabriel's teeth and lut him to bed. Came out and tried a strawberry pie my wife made and now hanging out watching tv. Watched some episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and stretched out my back.
(Nighttime: chicken nuggets, mcdouble, water, strawberry pie)

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

lockdown day 71

Got up, showered, put clothes to dry, made coffee and checked in for work. It's hot today and my wife took the day off. I didn't as there is not much for me to do today. I made the boys pancakes and had a boost. Folded some clothes,  answered some questions for some people and hung outside to get some air. My wife and kids went to get lunch for us.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

They returned with in and out burgers and we had lunch. Checking on some things before I go on my lunch break. We went outside for a fresh air break. We had a water gun fight and Javi was upset as always, he doesn't like to lose and takes it to another level. He was a bit disrespectful and we had to get on him for that. Now he is in the room being dramatic. I have a little less than 2 hours of work to go. Getting sleepy. 
(Afternoon: 2 double doubles, water, Popsicle, iced coffee)

Had an issue with my computer. Will check it out tomorrow. Anyway, we went to the park to do a few laps on the bike and now we are home. Trying to stay cool here. Bathed the boys, showered and after set up Gabriel to go to sleep. He fell asleep and I came out to watch tv and have dinner. After my wife went to bed,  I played madden and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: tortilla, eggs, cheese, chesse its, cranberry juice, water)

Monday, May 25, 2020

lockdown day 70

Got up, took out the recycling,  about to make breakfast for the boys. It's memorial day so no work. It should be a short week for me this week. Anyway, tired and let's see how today plays out. Made pancakes for the boys, made eggs and vienna sausages with toast for myself. Gabriel took half of my sausages. Had coffee, drew Javi some pictures and nlw hanging out watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine. 
(Morning: eggs, vienna sausages, coffee, water)

Took a shower and brought out the little pool for the boys. My wife went to cook, I am outside enjoying the weather while the boys enjoy the water. I would for sure like to nap. Had lunch and now watching some tv. After that we went outside and had a big water fight and hung out in the sun.
(Afternoon: gatorade, arroz a la valenciana,  water)

Tried watching most of RAW, a documentary and the Wrong Missy before getting Gabriel ready for bed. It's really hot and I need to shower again. Made a quick snack and no hanging out for the rest of the night. 
(Nighttime: pina colada, water, tortilla,  avocado, cheese, beer)

lockdown day 69

Got up because the crazy 2 year old we have was fighting with the crazy 7 year old we have. Made them pancakes and cleaned up. Showered and finished cleaning. Watxhed the Undertaker episode #3. Getting ready to go throw out the trash and pick up my mom.
Drove out and took out the trash, picked up my mom and stopped by to get Burritos. 
(Morning:coffee, boost, water)

Got home, ate lunch and headed to the park. Javi rode his bike and we had lots of fun. After we came home to rest a bit. After that we went to target to get a few things and dropped off my mom at home. We returned to rest.
(Afternoon: burrito, water)

Watched part of the Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest and now putting Gabriel to bed. That took a long long time, after both boys went to bed i came out and showered and watched a few shows. Played Madden while watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: left over burrito, water, gatorade, cracker Jack's)

Sunday, May 24, 2020

lockdown day 68

Got up, made the boys some eggs. Not sure if I mentioned this when it happened but I guess it would be my nephew passed away on Thursday. Today I donated to his go fund me to help out. We were not close, I haven't seen him in a long time, but it still is a loss.for the family and for my cousin. Hopefully they can find slme peace in these times.
Right now watching Beauty and the Beast and waiting for a mattress to be delivered. 
(Morning: coffee)

Played outside with the boys. We ordered food from Red Lobster and we waited. When the food got here it was really good. We had a great lunch and chiilled a bit. Might go out to the park. We got everything ready and headed out to the park. Cullo met us there, we had fun. Javi rode his bike around 3 times, they played with the football.and soccer ball. After we came home. Gabriel and I took a nap, we were tired. 
(Afternoon: steak and lobster, mashed potatoes, biscuits, key lime pie, water)

Bathed the boys, they played for some time. We started watching the Invisible Man and now putting the boys to bed. After that I came out to finish the movie. After that I played madden and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: cheese sticks, corn chips, cheese its, strawberry Margaritas, water)

Saturday, May 23, 2020

lockdown day 67

Got up, put clothes to dry, showered and checked in to work. Checked emails and started working on an appeals case. Helped Javi get ready for the last meeting of the school year. It went well for him, after we went outside for a little bit and I got him ready for his second meeting of the day.
(Morning: Boost, Water, Coffee)

Javi had his second meeting, he had fun. We had lunch and went to throw out trash and get come coffee. Now we are back home and I am back to working. Let's see where the rest of the day goes. Did some more work and we took a break to have Javi ride his bike. He did great today again. Did some more work and was done for the day.
(Afternoon: White rice, Carne molida, water, Iced Caramel Macchiato)

Took a quick nap and my wife ordered food. Had dinner,  showered and changed Gabriel, about to put him to bed. Came out and watched a movie with my wife, played madden and off to bed.
(Nighttime: sushi burrito,  sushi, water)

Thursday, May 21, 2020

lockdown day 66

Got up, showered and checked in to work. I made the boys some eggs, made myself some coffee and had a boost. Started working and reviewing some items. Worked up until we had our unit meeting at 11. It was about as productive as using an umbrella in the pool when it's raining. Anyway, we drove out to get some lunch.
(Morning: Boots, Coffee, Water)

We got to Jack in the Box, got the stacked grilled cheeseburger munchie meal and some other items for everyone and drove home to eat. Lunch was good, about to rest up before checking back in to work. Checked in and started working on a case. A little later there was an incident where Javi kicked Gabriel in the face, we had to discipline him and take care of the situation. Now waiting to run out the clock. We went out to dona bike ride and Javi did really well today.
(Afternoon: Stacked Grilled Cheeseburger, monster tacos, fires, lemonade, water)

We went to Target for a quick run and got Gabriel a bike. Came home and got on a zoom call with Arnel and his family for a birthday zoom call. After they logged off it was me, Arnel, Brian and Edgar  and we were hanging out talking. Now putting Gabriel to bed. After I came out and asked Javi to help me build Gabriel's bike. We did that, I showered and now watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime: shots of tequila,  beer, peanut butter sandwich, gallo pinto, cheese and tortilla)

lockdown day 65

Got up, showered, checked in to work. Made the boys pancakes and started working. Atteded the forum and it was, um, well yeah. Anyway later today going to pick up some Panda Express and I have a training to do on the PM.
(Morning : coffee, boost, water)

We went to go pick up the food and came back home. The food was not that good. Played blocks with Gabriel and now resting until I have to do training at 2. I did the training and it went well. After we went for a walk and ran out the clock.
(Afternoon: orange chicken,  teriyaki chicken, fried rice, fruit punch, water)

Started watching NXT, stretched out my back. Warmed up the leftovers for dinner and now hanging out. About to shower. After we played mouse trap and watched tv before going to bed.
(Nighttime: fried rice, gallo pinto, beer, tortilla and cheese)

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

lockdown day 64

Got up, back felt great. Went to put clothes to dry and went to shower. Checked into work and chatted with a few people. I helped a few EWs out and worked on a case. We went to play outside for a bit ans came back for lunch.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

My wife made some chicken gnocchi soup and we had leftover pizza. It was delicious. After lunch we rested and I took a quick nap. After checking back in to work I saw that I was tasked with training tomorrow in the PM on Pickle/DAC/DW so I am setting that up right now. Had to drink a Monster in hopes of getting some energy. Yeah that did not work. Gabriel napped and when he woke up I grabbed him and napped with him as well.
(Afternoon: chicken gnocchi soup, pizza, water, Monster)

Got up from the nap, I watched a show on Owen Hart and played with the boys. Went to shower,  came out had some snacks and the boys stayed up late. Changed Gabriel and around 10 my wife took them to bed. I stayed up to stretch my back and play Madden.  Now off to sleep. 
(Nighttime: cheese stick, won tons, cheese its, watermelon,  strawberries,  water)

lockdown day 63

Got up, changed Gabriel. Went to shower, made coffee and had a boost. I checked in to work and when Javi got up I made them pancakes. My wife had to go to the office today so I was going to be home with the boys. Helping potty train Gabriel and had Javi do his school work. When my wife came back home we went for a walk where Javi complained the whole time, even made the statement that he wished he couldn't walk so he wouldn't have to walk. I was very upset with that. He saw how my Dad was, in a wheelchair not being able to walk and for him to take that for granted really struck a nerve. When we got back home I asked him to do some school work and he started acting out so I felt it was time to give him a reality check. I showed him pictures of kids his age that are in wheelchairs, use permanent crutches, have issues with walking that would love to be in his shoes and take a walk around the neighborhood. I also showed him pictures of kids who are starving and that go hungry every night while this guy complains about his rice and beans touching. Very disappointing behavior from him right now, I don't understand what else to do at this moment to get him to understand how great he has it. Anyway, helping people with issues with cases today. So far work wise it's been good.
(Morning: Boost, coffee, water)

Had lunch and started watching some Brooklyn Nine Nine and now hanging out with Gabriel until I log back in. Fell asleep for a bit and started working again. We took a break to go outside and walk around and for Javi to practice riding his bike. We went out to pick up some Starbucks and came home. Now watching RAW
(Afternoon: meat, rice, potatoes, water, cookie, caramel crunch frappuccino)

My wife ordered pizza and we waited for it. We ate and took off to Target. We found a few things we needed and came home. When we got here my back stretcher came in and I used it, it felt good. I opened a toy we bought Gabriel and then I bathed the boys. Got them ready for bed. I took a shower and when I got out I took Gabriel to bed. Talked to my mom while doing that. When I was done I came out to finish laundry and played Mouse Trap with my wife and Javi. After that we watched TV, I played Madden and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, water)

Monday, May 18, 2020

lockdown day 62

Got up, made the boys eggs and sausages. Had to clean a few walls because the Picasso brat wrote on the walls. Now having coffee and watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine. After that episode I watched the 2nd episode of the Undertaker series on the WWE Network. Now we are outside playing.
(Morning: Coffee)

I turned on the grill. Cut onions and tomatoes and made hot dogs and hamburgers.  We ate and went for a walk and a bike ride. Gabriel ran into Javi's bike and got hurt. We came back home and now are resting. When I was in the bathroom,  I guess Gabriel spilled some things and got in trouble so.i took him to nap
(Afternoon: triple.burger, water, gatorade,  mini donuts, water)

When he got up, I went to cut some watermelon,  ate some left overs and made the boys some food. Finished watching the last 2 episodes of the Last Dance documentary and it was really good. Went to shower and now trying to put both the boys to bed. After they fell asleep incame out and watched some TV and played Madden before bed.
(Nighttime: shrimp fettuccine alfredo,  wings, beer)

Sunday, May 17, 2020

lockdown day 61

Got up, about to take the recycling out. Need to transport this trash to another location to get rid of it. It's crazy the amount of garbage we get in a day. Anyway, about to have coffee and maybe a boost. Cleaned the bed, only had coffee, no boost today. Vaccuumed the living room and playdd a game of Madden. The boys played outside for a bit and we came inside. Trying to potty train Gabriel, he pooped on himself so I gave him a bath. About to shower and get ready.
(Morning: coffee)

Had some chicken flautas for lunch, chilled with the boys in the room and went real quick to throw out the trash and go to Target. I found disinfectant wipes! And some other items we needed. Came home, the boys were playing while my wife was napping. I tuned into the Ludacris vs Nelly thing on Instagram and ordered wing stop.
(Afternoon: water, monster,  chicken flautas)

Picked up the food and came back home. Had dinner and chilled for a bit. We went for a drive around the neighborhood to get the boys out and now we are back home. Showered and now hanging out and having some drinks. Watched some tv and went to bed.
(Nighttime: wingstop wings, fries, veggie sticks)

Saturday, May 16, 2020

lockdown day 60

Reached another milestone her, 60 days in shelter in place. Looks like we may be getting some things back open. Still not sure when we go in to our building to work. I got up, pit clothes to dry, showered and checked in to work. The internet went down for a bit but I was able to improvise and we got things moving. The training went well and after we got ready to go throw out some trash and drop something off to my sister. 
(Morning : coffee, boost, water)

Drove to my sister's and dropped off some things that my mom had for her. I also left the AAA cards. Came back home and had slme bean soup. Took the boys outside for a bit and now hanging out until I go log in to the next training. Just one more to go.
The last training was interesting. We had many technical issues. Karla couldn't hear me and I tried several things to get it going. We figured it out though. Now running out the clock, so happy that the trainings are OVAH!
(Afternoon: bean soul, white rice, cheese, water, monster)

The food got here. We had Chili's. I had the burger, the boys shared some sliders and my wife ate a salad. Good meal and after I cleaned Gabriel up and put on his pj's, I went to shower and now I am putting him to bed. He went to sleep, Javi, my wife and I played a Disney game and after I played Madden.  Now heading off to bed.
(Nighttime: pasta. burger, mashed potato, pink lemonade, water)

Friday, May 15, 2020

lockdown day 59

Got up, showered and got ready for work. Made coffee, had my boost and checked in. Tested out a case in training region regarding the question I was asked yesterday and sent out the answer. The first training went well, took us about an hour and 15 minutes. 
After that I went out real quick to drop off something to my mom and pick up some stuff she had for me. Took Gabriel with me.
(Morning: water, boost, coffee)

My wife made Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo for lunch, had 2 bowls, it was delicious. After we ran out to drop off some flowers to her friend whose aunt passed away. Now we are home, getting ready for the next training that starts at 2:30. We did the second training and it was good, after i cleaned up a bit and we headed out for some shopping. 
(Afternoon: water,  shrimp fettuccine alfredo)

We went to Trader Joe's for somethings,  got gas at Costco and since there wasn't a line we went in for a few things. Now we are at home to rest for the rest of the day. Tomorrow just 2 more trainings to go. Gave Gabriel a bath and now waiting for Javi to be ready to shower. After he showered, I tool a shower and put Gabriel to bed. We watched some tv for a bit. Played madden and now bed time.
(Nighttime: hot dog, slice of pepperoni pizza, beer, cheese its)

Thursday, May 14, 2020

lockdown day 58

Got up, showered and got ready for work. Checked in and now making coffee. Training twice today. Almost half way done. Hopefully today goes well. Training went pretty well, it was fun, packet meeting. Tool us about an hour and 10 minutes. After we had a talk with our supervisor regarding the discrepancy in training times and to make sure we are giving the same information. So hopefully we can do that going forward. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

My wife and mother in law made a failed attempt at pupusas. So we went out to get lunch. They wanted to go to in and out, I didn't want to because I knew the line would be crazy, but they insisted and ofcourse I was right. So they had McDonald's and I will be looking for something else to eat here at home. Ate the dino nuggets and cheese sticks. About to go get ready for training. 
The second training went well, after I checked in with a few people and they enjoyed it. I have to review a case in trauning region and get back to an EW regarding that scenario. After just hung out and ran out the clock.
(Afternoon: water, dino nuggets, cheese sticks)

Going to see what we have for dinner. My wife put a deep dish pizza to bake and we played outside and ran around. Came in to eat and hung out. Now putting Gabriel to bed. Came out and played Uno with Javi. He went to bed and now hanging out having Sangria.
(Nighttime: pizza, water)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

lockdown day 57

Woke up, put clothes to dry and went to shower. Got ready, signed in to work. Made the boys pancakes and got myself a coffee and a boost. Started looking over some things and got ready for training. The first training went well, there were more questions today than yesterday, but we got through it.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

After the training we ordered food from Darby Dan's and went to pick it up. The sandwiches were delicious,  now resting until it's time for the next training. Training is done and it was good. Went about a little over an hour. Checked in with a few people regarding the training afterwards and they said they understood it. Talked to the other trainers and they went long on theirs. Karla and i are still trying to figure out what the difference is between our training. But oh well. Now going to watch some Disney +.
(Afternoon: Darby Dam sandwich, water, monster)

Split a turkey sandwich with my wife, had some chips and water. Watched the new Kimmy Schmidt special on Netflix and folded laundry. About to shower and finish up laundry. Came out,  put the boys to bed and watched TV until I went to sleep
(Nighttime: half a turkey sandwich, water, chips)

Monday, May 11, 2020

locldown day 56

Got up, showered, got dressed. Made coffee, grabbed a boost and started to get ready for the trainings. We go at 10. Started the set up for the trainings and it went well. Rather quickly but smooth. After we did a check in and now we will get back together at 2:20.
(Morning: boost, coffee, water)

Ate lunch and rested.  Waiting for time to start up the training again. The second training went pretty well. The group didn't ask too many questions but it looked like they understood. We krdered some sushi and waited.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice,  cheese)

We ate and went for a walk. I have a bit of a headache and I bathed the boys. They played for a bit and I put Gabriel to bed while I talked to my mom. After he went to bed incame out and washed dishes and took a shower. After I finished the laundry and watched RAW. Played 2 games of Madden and now watching the first episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: sushi, water, fruit punch, ice cream, mini-wheats and cheese its)

Sunday, May 10, 2020

lockdown day 55

Got up, left the room quietly. Went to start cleaning up the living room and got readynfor the last run through for the training. Had boost and a coffee. Today is Mother's day and Money in the bank day. 
After the run through, we gave out the mother's day cards and I showered. Went to my sister's to drop off some food and the cards. Now I am back home. Later we go get our lunch.
(Morning: boost, coffee, strawberries,  water)

Took the boys for a walk and came back in. Rested up and then we drove to Porterhouse to pick up our Mother's day lunch. Came back home and ate. After I layed down and watched the Undertaker documentary. Waiting for Money in the Bank.
(Afternoon: 2/3rds porterhouse steak. Monster, water) 

Rested a bitm we went to Target and came back home. We brought the boys some Happy Meals. We watched some tv and I put Gabriel to sleep. Talked to my mom, had some cheese sticks and some fruit punch. After Javi went to bed we watched the most recent episode of the last dance. Now watching some more TV before bed. Training tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: cheeses sticks, fruit punch, water, peanut butter sandwich)

lockdown day 54

 Got up because my psychotic child was up early. Watxhex some tv and when Javi woke up I made breakfast. Chilled after and did a run through with Karla for the training. Going to do one more tomorrow. Played madden, took the garbage out to throw away, went to Safeway to grab a few things and came home to have lunch.
(Morning: coffee, eggs with Vienna sausage)

Had lunch, some Chop Suey, after I took a shower,  we went outside to hang out and toom a nice walk. Relaxed and took a nap. Woke up and worked on some mothers day cards and made the boys dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs. 
(Afternoon: chop suey)

I had leftover burrito and some cheesesticks. I changed Gabriel and put him to bed. He was acting out a lot tonight. Anyway, after I washed the last of the dishes that were used and had some snacks and watched some of the Pirates of the Caribbean The curse of the Black Pearl. When Javi went to bed we watched a show on Netflix and after I continued to movie. Still have about an hour to go. About to go to sleep. Busy day tomorrow.
(Nighttime: cheese its, pretzels, corn chips, burrito, beer, water)

Saturday, May 9, 2020

lockdown day 53

Got up, put clothes to dry and went to shower. Checked in to work and started reviewing the power point for training. Karla and I practiced it and we saw that it wasn't ready and we needed some changes. Contact our supervisor and we submitted the changes and now we wait.
(Morning: water, coffee, boost)

We ordered Red Robin's for lunch and nkw we are hanging out. It's hot but a bit windy. I am meeting again with Karla at 2 to go through the presentation again. Man, this training is going to be interesting. Stil not fully completed. Oh well.
(Afternoon: burger, fries, water)

Had some cake. Bathed Gabriel,  ate leftovers from yesterday and put Gabriel to sleep. Javi and my wife are watching a movie. Going to go shower soon. Watched the rest of Wonder Park with Javi. After he went to bed we watched some Netflix and I played madden before bed.
(Nighttime: cheese fries, pasta, water, cake, beer)

Thursday, May 7, 2020

lockdown day 52

Got up, went back to sleep. It's my 39th birthday today. Went to shower, put the trash bins away and returned some calls. About to go outside for a bit to enjoy the sun.
(Morning: coffee, booat, water)

We went to pick up some Burritos for lunch,  came back home, ate and rested. We went out to the bank and to safeway. I listened a town hall meeting. Rested for a bit.
(Afternoon: water. Burrito)

Had a zoom get together that my wife put together. My family and friends joined to hang out for a few minutes. We had cake and after the cake I had a chat with Amilcar and Brian. When I was done with that I went to the living room and soon after showered, sent Javi to shower. I washed dishes and put away things. Javi went to bed and now my wife and I are watching TV. 
(Nighttime: pasta and chicken. Beer, cake, water)

Special note:
My wife is amazing. During these strange times she worked really hard to make today a great day. She set up the zoom meeting,  she made the cake and dinner. She is just awesome and I am blessed to have her in my life.

lockdown day 51

Got up, showered and started work. Made my coffee, had my boost and attended the forum. Some interesting items today, after that I cleaned some things outside and played for a bit until I had to come back inside.
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

Had lunch, chilled for a bit attended a meeting at 2 to go over the training materials  it went ok but in our follow up meeting we changed a lot of things. After work we went to target to grab a few things. We are back home now.
(Afternoon: meat, rice, tortilla and cheese, water)

Had some won tons and guacamole with chips along with a few beers. Watched some tv and changed Gabriel,  reas him a story and put him to bed. Now hanging out in the living room. I was searching for some deals on digital movies all the way past midnight, now it's my birthday,  going to bed
(Nighttime: beer, chips, guacamole, won tons, water)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

lockdown day 50

Got up, made Gabriel a bottle, took a shower and started work. While reviewing an item I was able to make pancakes for the boys. I had a boost and a cup of coffee to start the morning. I checked in with a few people regarding thier CF cases and started folding clothes. We ran out real quick to throw out some trash and pick up some gloves at my sister's and came home. Folded more clothes when I came in and now working until I go to lunch. Still no update or word for the training materials. Hopefully we get something soon. Time is running out.
(Morning: Coffee, Boost, Water)

Had lunch and rested up a bit. Still folding clothes and now helping some people out with cases. Took a late lunch and played outside for a bit with the new play set. Came back in and still waiting for the training material. I really don't understand the hold up and why they always do this to us. Now running out the clock. At 5 I went to my sister's place to grab some gloves and avocados and came home.
(Afternoon: half a sandwich, salad, monster, water)

Had dinner and relaxed. Had a nice margarita and chilled. About to bath the boys. Did that and got them ready for bed. Put Gabriel to sleep, showered and watched a few shows and played Madden.  Now going to bed
(Nighttime: Tacos, margarita,  water)

Monday, May 4, 2020

lockdown day 49

Got up, showered and signed in to work. I was having issues logging in remotely to my computer. So I had to call IT to get that fixed. Now on a Skype meeting for the training we are going to do and it is a mess. After the meeting I went to use the bathroom, cleaned up a bit and now we are outside for a little air and PE for Javi.
(Morning: coffee,  boost,  water)

Had some bean soup with rice and cheese. After I had some water, cheese its, banana chips and cheese its. Rested before I go to check back in to work. Did a quick technical run through on Skype to see how we present the training and basically just ran out thr clock.
(Afternoon: bean soup, rice, cheese, cheese its, banana chips)

We went to Costco and got a few things. It was strange with the masks on but at least there was a sense of normalcy with being there. Came home to drop the stuff off and get the boys and drove to in and out burger to get dinner. Getting home right now. Had dinner and after we watched The Last Dance. Showered and soon going to try and put Gabriel to bed. Tool some time but it happened. I came out and escorted Javi to bed. Once again asking him to make better decisions tomorrow watched TV, finished washing clothes and now habging out until bed time.
(Nighttime: 2 double doubles, water)

lockdown day 48

Got up, went to use the bathroom and then started to clean out the playroom. We collected 2 bags of garbage and full of toys that were decided to throw out. I went to go throw out the garbage and getting back home.
(Morning: boost, water)

Showered and had lunch. Cleaned out my coffee machine and went outside for some fresh air. Played with the kids and hung out. After some time came back in to watch some tv.
(Afternoon: arroz a la valenciana,  water, corn, fried banana)

We went out to pick up some sushi and Vietnamese food. Gabriel fell asleep in the car. We got home.and had dinner. I bathed the boys.  We were trying to watch The Last Dance on ESPN but these kids decided to active fools so I sent them to bed early. Right now putting both of them to sleep. Javi was really upset about the situation but I explained to him that he could be upset and that was OK, but he made a decision to act out and he had to face the consequences. As I tell him everytime he does something like that, that i expect him to make better decisions tomorrow.
Switched out with my wife and watched TV until bed time
(Nighttime: rice and pork, sushi, water) 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

lockdown day 47

Got up, made breakfast and coffee and hung out in the living room. Watched Project 11 that I had recorded on ESPN. Alex Smith went through a lot and it was an inspiring story. After I went to shower.
(Morning: egg, bacon and cheese sandwich,  coffee, water)

Cleaned up the living room again.abd had lunch. Packed some to take to my Mom along with a hand sanitizer that I got for her. 
I talked to my brother for a bit. It is his 44th birthday today. After we went outside to hang out so the kids can play. Talked to my mom for a bit and now going to pack things up yo take inside. Came back in and got ready and went to drop off some things to my mom, went to Target and put gas in the car and came home.
(Afternoon: arroz a la valenciana,  water)

Got home, rested, we ordered Chili's for dinner and watched TV. We ate and got the boys ready for bed and around 9 ish I put Gabriel to bed and went out to finish a show. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: burger,  fries, water)

Saturday, May 2, 2020

lockdown Day 46

Got up, Gabriel is having stomach issues so we helped him with that and I came out to watch TV with him before putting clothes to dry. Showered and checked in to work. Having good conversations this morning with some folks. Meeting later with Karla to go over the training. Folded some clothes and now waiting for the rest of the day to unfold. 
(Morning: coffee, boost, water)

We went for a drive to pick up my wife's lap top that was being repaired. On the way back home we picked up lunch. Got home, had lunch, started working and right now taking a break from work. 
(Afternoon: Hawaiian BBQ, water, monster)

We watched some TV and headed out to Target. Not much there, but we got a few things. Came back home and now out getting the boys food. Had some food and watched tv before falling asleep.
(Nighttime: water, apple, mini ravioli, jalapeno poppers, popcorn and cheese its)

Friday, May 1, 2020

lockdown day 45

Got up, changed Gabriel and went to shower. Had a boost, went to Javi's school and picked up his homework and came back home. We have been just resting. 
(Morning: water, coffee, boost)

Helped get the tacos ready for lunch, we were and now we are resting. I watched some episodes of Pysch and played Madden. Gabriel napped and when he woke up he refreshed and we had some ice cream. 
(Afternoon: tacos, water, ice cream)

Decided to go drop off the eye drops o got my mom and now we are back home. Took a nice panoramic picture of the night. Before we left I gave Gabriel a quick bath, when we got back home I helped Javi shower and after setting up a few things I showered as well. Arnel passed by and dropped off a few things they had for us and now again trying to put Gabriel to sleep. Came back out and watched TV until going to bed.
(Nighttime: water,  ritz crackers, peanuts)