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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Rained out the rained out game

Woke up and went over to get Gabriel the breakfast I promised him. Had breakfast and chilled a bit. Watched the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and did laundry. Changed the sheets and went to shower.
(Morning: coffee, mcmuffin, sausage biscuit, sausage mcmuffin, hash brown, warer)

Drove to Pleasanton to go look for Javi's shoes since apparently the had a better selection at the Macy's there. Spoiler alert.   They did not. Before we left there was this lady who was being rude to the Macy's worker and breaking things and berating her because she was wearing a mask. Saying things like 'I can't understand you' 'incan see your mouth because of your mask' 'you know covid is over' and when she broke a plate she yelled "its because you are bot helping me". I told the lady thay it was her fault, if she wasnt so rude maybe her experience would be better. I reported it to 2 other employees to make sure the worker was not harrased any further. We ended up getting both boys some black and white Nike's the Cortez style. About to have lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Food was ok, the service was horrible. There was a big delay. We came home after and I folded some laundry and watched a movie with Gabriel and tool a nap as well.
(Afternoon: water, bread, Shepard's pie, coke)

We went out real quick to get some things at Target and came home. Just relaxed the rest of the night and watched a few shows and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: sausage mcmuffin, hash brown, water, lemonade)

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