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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

last time this week

Woke up and really didn't want to train. But here we are. Got dressed and waited for Gabriel to wake up so he could have breakfast and get ready for school. He was not having it today, he was being a brat but eventually we got him ready and took him to school. We picked up some Starbucks on the way home. Now home, logging in to work and starting training. Training is done, took a walk and now just waiting for time to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: water, Caramel Macchiato)

Went with Javi to pick up Gabriel and filled up the truck with gas. $84 today. After came home to eat and get ready for the next training that starts at 1:30. The PM training went well, finished with 45 minutes to spare. After I practiced a bit with Javi and Gabriel in the yard before getting Gabriel ready for his game

(Afternoon: Arroz a la valenciana, root beer, water)

We went over to the park and found out that the other team was a no show. So we just had a practice for the kids and came home.  We ordered Mountain Mike's pizza and went to pick it up, came home to have dinner and relaxed te rest of the night. Off of work the next 3 days.
(Nighttime: pizza, water, mango margaritas)

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