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Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Heading in to work


I had a really bad night. I fell asleep pretty quickly but I woke up and I was thinking about the loss yesterday. It was more from the standpoint that we let these kids down as coaches. Now let me say this, there are 4 of us. Out of the 4, I am the only one that doesn't hype up the kids into thinking that they are unbeatable and that they will win the league and go on to TOC. However, I am part of this coaching staff and the fact that they bought in to this and played like it, is on us. Today is a new day and we try to move on. Anyway, woke up and went to get dressed, packed up my things and headed out to the BART station. Caught the train and listened to a podcast on the way. I got to the city and took a nice walk over to 1440. I am in the conference room right now, set up and ready to go. Let's see where today takes me.

(Morning: Water, coffee)


Ate my lunch and still was in a meeting with Monika and Karla. Got some items completed and soon going to be packing up and taking off to go home to make it in time for practice for the boys. Left work and caught BART. It was a newer train. Filled up the car with gas and washed the car. Got home and updated something for work before going to practice. 

(Afternoon: ZOA, sandwich, water)


Practice was good, we focused on infield and hitting. Javi ran quite a bit and it was good for him. He got hit on the ankle. But he was ok. After practice I packed up the equipment since I will be taking it on Saturday. Came home to drop off Javi and went to pick up dinner. Watched Young Rock with Javi after dinner, put them to bed. Showered and tried to watch Moon Knight. I fell asleep,  I'll try to rewarxh tomorrow. Anyway, going to bed now.

(Nighttime: burrito,  beer, water, chips)

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