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Saturday, April 30, 2022

What a day!

Woke up this morning and went to make the boys breakfast. While they ate I went to shower. 2 games today. One at 10 and the other at 1. I had some coffee and got Gabriel ready for his game. I loaded the tee and his bag into the truck and we were off to the park. Since the game was early and Javi's game was later, Javi amd i helped put with coachibg the kids. He played well, lead off the game with a hit on the first pitch. 2 more hits off the tee, played 1st and 2nd base. He ended up getting the game ball for the day. His first one this season. He was so happy and we were so proud 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Got home and I had a quick peanut butter and jelly snack before getting ready and go to Javi's game. That one was close and Javi got his chance to play catcher. He was awesome and he also got a game ball. He tripled and hit a single. After we came home and now just hanging out before going to Target.
(Afternoon: sliders, Gatorade, water)

We got home and I was itching and restless. I started organizing the pantry in the garage and played with Gabriel in the office. After I cleaned up the kitchen and prepared some pork should to make chicharron tomorrow. Now just hanging out before bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, pastry)

Friday, April 29, 2022

End of week 3


Woke up this morning and went to get dressed for work. Wearing my Warner 94 throwback today. It felt like a good day for that. Got the boys items ready for school and went to drop them off. Came back home, made coffee and checked in to work. No training this morning but waiting for my unit mates to finish to call me. 

(Morning: Coffee, water)


We hit up Home Depot real quick to grab some items, got some tea at Teaspoon, picked up Gabriel and got lunch. Returned home, ate and got ready for the PM training. It finished early and now just running out the clock. After work we headed over to pick up some eye drops at Kaiser and got haircuts for the boys.

(Afternoon: Super Burrito, Thai Iced Tea, water, chips, pastry)


Got home, relaxed and watched some TV. Had dinner and some wine and after put the boys to bed. Watched some TV and had some wine. Now off to bed. Games at 10 and 1 tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: wine, burrito, water)

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Going back

Woke up and got ready. It's earlyI don't want to go into the office. But we do what we must. I would like to just sleep all day, so exhausted. Anyway,  got my things ready and it's off to the BART station. Train ride was good, it's cold this morning. Got to 1235 and set up. Training with Karla this morning and having lunch with Kathleen today. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch and had a good chat to catch up with Kathleen. After I went back to the Expo room to get ready for the PM training. It went well, Julia and I finished early so inwas able to pack up early and leave on time. Now on the BART train on the way home. The train ride home was good. Got here in time to grab the packages that were delivered. Got my new Niners jersey and tried it on. It looks amazing. After we got ready to go to Costco. 
(Afternoon: Monster,  water, sandwich)

Javi didn't want to go to Costco so we only took Gabriel. Grabbed some items and came home. Pit the meat and chicken away. Had dinner and went to shower. After I talked to my mom and watched TV. Almost bed time.
(Nighttime: beer, water, sundae, pizza)

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

In office day


Woke up and went to get ready. Grabbed my coffee and my things before heading out to the BART station to go to work. Drove to the Bayfair BART station and caught the train. The ride was smooth and quick. Got to the Civic Center station and headed over to 1440 to start my day. It's cold out today, let's see how it goes with training this morning. The training was good, short today. We let them work on task since our supervisor did not have the cases ready for us. We spent time looking over the material for tomorrows session. I am training all day tomorrow. 

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Talked to Amilcar for a bit before eating my lunch. Walked over to 1235 and finished the day there. On my way home now. Practice is at 4:30. Made it in time to take Javi to practice. My wife took Gabriel to his. Practice was interesting and a little uncomfortable due to the coaches issues. But they tried Javi out as a catcher to see if I was bullsh*tting about how good he has gotten with practice. He did his thing and earned some playing time as a catcher. 

(Afternoon: Sandwich, zoa, water)


After practice we came home. I went real quick to grab dinner and returned. Boys showred, I showered. We watched Young Rock and Moon Knight. Giants lost and so I lost a bet and owe one of the coaches a 6 pack. Anyway, off to bed, early wake up time to catch BART to work.

(Nighttime: water, coke, chicken nuggets, McChicken, McDouble)

Game day

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the items ready for the boys for lunch. Got them ready and we were off to drop them off st school. The drop offs were good, after I came home and made coffee and started my work day. Did some research and checked out some documents. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went to go get Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and checked back in to train. We finished early and I got the boys ready for their games. Logged off of work and now off to the park.
(Afternoon: water, zoa, soup, white rice)

My wife took Gabriel to his game and I took Javi to his. He did ok today, some bad swings but he can learn from it. They won the game. After we came home, had dinner, showered and now resting before bed. Have to wake up early to go into the office tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: Gallo pinto, eggs, tortilla, mango margarita, water)

Monday, April 25, 2022

week 3

Woke up and went to get ready for work. I got the things ready for the boys. Got them ready and we took them to school. Came back home and started training. Today was a bit irritating to be honest. Thr workers are acting helpless and like they are not smart enough to learn and get it done. After we finished I got ready to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Picked up Gabriel, had lunch and started the PM training. Again, these people are acting like dummies. It's a lot of new concepts and new ways of doing work, but it can be done. Anyway, after work I had the boys practice outside to get ready for tomorrow. About to go to Target. 
(Afternoon: sopa de res, water, white rice, reese's pieces)

Helped Javi shower,  my wife bathed Gabriel. We had dinner, I took out the trash and showered afterwards. Washed dishes and now just hanging out until bed time. Training again tomorrow as it never ends. Going to bed.
(Nighttime: sliders, beer, water)

Sunday, April 24, 2022


Woke up and went to make coffee before taking a shower. Got ready to go to church. Got the boys ready and we were off. After church we came back home to drop off my Mother in Law and went to Kennedy Park.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Got to the park, grabbed some lunch for the boys. After some time we went to meet Javi's friend at the movies to watch The Bad Guys. After we stopped by to grab dinner.
(Afternoon: Chicken, spaghetti, water, popcorn, coke)

Had a carnitas torta and we came home. Been relaxing, doing laundry, packing the snacks up for the next game. Also got the items ready for school for the boys tomorrow. Showered and now relaxing before bed. Ordered Javi's recuerdos for his communion and now off to bed. Training all day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: torta, water)

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Game day

Woke up and got the boys breakfast. Went to shower and got ready for the game. Had some coffee and Javi and I drove over to thr Park. We got there and started warming up and the game started. It was a good game, the kids were ready from the start today. Javi got an RBI single, scored and stuck out. He played 2nd base and LF. They won the game and after we went to get the car washed and came home. 
(Morning: coffee, nachos, water)

We drove to Sizzlers and had lunch. Came home and have been resting up. We went over to grab some drinks at teaspoon and came home. 
(Afternoon: seafood plates, salad, ice cream, water, Thai Iced Tea)

Relaxed and watched TV, changed the boys. Put Gabriel to bed, Javi stayed up a little later. After he went to bed we watched one more show and now it's off to bed for me.
(Nighttime: water, beer)

Friday, April 22, 2022

Friday vibes

Woke up and made coffee. Gave the boys cereal for breakfast and we watched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 secret of the ooze movie before we got thr boys ready for the play date at Javi's friends house. I took them over and I went to the mall.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Walked around and looked at some shoes, but I didn't buy any. After I went to the dollar tree to grab a few cards and bags. Had lunch at Cardenas and came home to mow the lawn in the front of the house. Laid out and watched a show on Peacock and started watching the Giants game. Went to go pick up my wife and kids and now we are home.
(Afternoon: torta de carnitas, horchata, water, jelly beans)

Ate some bean soup with white rice. Watched the rest of the Giants game on my tablet while the boys played on the TV. Had Javi shower, bathed Gabriel and I changed. Watched TV, sent the boys to bed. Watched more TV and now off to bed. Games tomorrow for both boys. 
(Nighttime: Bean soup, white rice, pizza rolls, chips, beer, margarita, water)

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Rained out the rained out game

Woke up and went over to get Gabriel the breakfast I promised him. Had breakfast and chilled a bit. Watched the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and did laundry. Changed the sheets and went to shower.
(Morning: coffee, mcmuffin, sausage biscuit, sausage mcmuffin, hash brown, warer)

Drove to Pleasanton to go look for Javi's shoes since apparently the had a better selection at the Macy's there. Spoiler alert.   They did not. Before we left there was this lady who was being rude to the Macy's worker and breaking things and berating her because she was wearing a mask. Saying things like 'I can't understand you' 'incan see your mouth because of your mask' 'you know covid is over' and when she broke a plate she yelled "its because you are bot helping me". I told the lady thay it was her fault, if she wasnt so rude maybe her experience would be better. I reported it to 2 other employees to make sure the worker was not harrased any further. We ended up getting both boys some black and white Nike's the Cortez style. About to have lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Food was ok, the service was horrible. There was a big delay. We came home after and I folded some laundry and watched a movie with Gabriel and tool a nap as well.
(Afternoon: water, bread, Shepard's pie, coke)

We went out real quick to get some things at Target and came home. Just relaxed the rest of the night and watched a few shows and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: sausage mcmuffin, hash brown, water, lemonade)

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Day off

Had the day off today. Woke up around 7:30, had some coffee and showered. Got ready to take the boys down to their dentist appointments. They were good, no cavities, which is always a good thing. After we picked up my Mom and Myrna and headed over to have an early lunch at Red Robin.
(Morning: coffee, water, burger, fries, onion rings)

After lunch we dropped them off and went to Serramonte. Found the shirt I am going to wear for Javi's communion and drove back home. When we got here I took a nap before we got ready to go to practice. 
(Afternoon: water)

We went to practice and it was good. I did the hitting practice for the kids. Javi did really well
 After I got him some shaved ice and we came home. Made some nachos, watched some TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: shaved Ice, nachos, beer, water)

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

last time this week

Woke up and really didn't want to train. But here we are. Got dressed and waited for Gabriel to wake up so he could have breakfast and get ready for school. He was not having it today, he was being a brat but eventually we got him ready and took him to school. We picked up some Starbucks on the way home. Now home, logging in to work and starting training. Training is done, took a walk and now just waiting for time to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: water, Caramel Macchiato)

Went with Javi to pick up Gabriel and filled up the truck with gas. $84 today. After came home to eat and get ready for the next training that starts at 1:30. The PM training went well, finished with 45 minutes to spare. After I practiced a bit with Javi and Gabriel in the yard before getting Gabriel ready for his game

(Afternoon: Arroz a la valenciana, root beer, water)

We went over to the park and found out that the other team was a no show. So we just had a practice for the kids and came home.  We ordered Mountain Mike's pizza and went to pick it up, came home to have dinner and relaxed te rest of the night. Off of work the next 3 days.
(Nighttime: pizza, water, mango margaritas)

Monday, April 18, 2022

What is going on?


Woke up and got ready for work. Javi is off this week so I am taking it slow here, letting Gabriel wake up a little bit later than normal since he starts at 8. When he was ready we went over to drop him and off and returned home. Made coffee, had a pre training check in and we started the training. It went ok, less that 2 hours which creates an issue for us. But anyway, after the training I went out with Javi to practice catching and hitting. Pretty soon going over the pick up Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee)


Went with Javi to get Gabriel. Last minute I decided to go over to Panda Express to grab some sides for lunch. Returned home, had lunch and now going to start the PM training. The training went well, we last longer than the first one which was good. Now about to log off and play with the boys outside. 

(Afternoon: water, coke, carne asada, ribs, fried rice, chow mein)


Tried to nap, couldn't. Tool out the trash, had dinner and showered after. Watched some TV and relaxed. Going to bed, one more day of work for me this week.

(Nighttime: Mac and cheese, donut, cookies, beet, water)

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter Sunday

Woke up and had some coffee. Played a little WWE 2K22 and showered. Went to put up the canopy and just as D-Von Duddley would do, I got the... tables! Setting other things up so we can go to church and have less to do when we return. We went to church and grab some donuts on the way home.
(Morning: coffee, water, donut)

Got home, started watching the Giants game, started up the grill and everyone started coming over. Grilled carne asada, ribs, corn and tortillas. We had a good time, the kids were happy doing the Easter egg hunt. After we were done I put all the tables, chairs and canopy away. Everyone left for the day and I just finished washed dishes. Taking a break before cleaning some more.
(Afternoon: Mac and cheese, macaroni salad, carne asada, ribs, tortilla. Mango margarita, water. Cake)

Cleaned up some more and went to shower. Had dinner and watched AFV. Now just relaxing for the rest of the night. 
(Nighttime: ribs, carne asada, water, macaroni salad)

Egg hunting time

Woke up and made the boys breakfast. Got ready to go as the egg hunts were starting at 9. It was raining hard out, so they pushed it back to 10. We drove over to Kennedy Park and waited. My wife took Javi to his section and I went with Gabriel to his. They got eggs and played a bit before we headed to the little league field for another egg hunt. Since the fields were wet. They just handed out eggs. After we went to Newark to pick up some treats for tomorrow. Came home and had lunch before heading out again.
(Morning: coffee)

After lunch we rested a bit and headed back over to Kennedy Park to meet Javi's friend and his mom. We played for a while and got on some rides there. After we came home to rest some more before cleaning up.
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, zoa,water)

We went to pick up sushi and BK, came home and had dinner and finished watching the Giants game. Went outside to practice again with Javi with the catchers gear on. We did some yard work and used the firepit. Went to shower and now hanging our.
(Nighttime: beer, chicken sandwich, whopper melt, water)

Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday

Woke up and got ready. Javi got ready and we waited for my wife and Gabriel to get up. We got him ready and dropped him off at preschool so he could do his Easter egg hunt. The three of us had breakfast and went to Costco to got some items for the weekend. Returned home and I cleaned up the garage and rested before getting Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water, toast, omelet,  hash brown)

Picked up Gabriel and came home. Practiced with Javi in the backyard with the catchers gear on. Had lunch and took a nap. When I woke up we went to Kennedy Park to check it out and after some time we returned home. Bathed Gabriel and now watching the Giants game.
(Afternoon: water. Sopa de queso)

Fell asleep for a bit on the couch. Woke up and talked to my mom for a bit. Showered. Played cards with the boys. Had dinner and watched some shows. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beet, pizza)

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Here we go... one more time this week


Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready for school and took them over. Came home to make coffee and start training. Today was a short training since the material was not too long and there was an error with the message so we cut it short. After I assisted some people in helping them create quick links on their work site. About to go to Target to get some items for Gabriel for tomorrow and pick them both up since Javi has a minimum day.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Came home with the boys and went out to pick up pizza with my wife. Came back home and now working. Edited a power point with Karla do they could roll with it tomorrow. We didnt notice that the current information was not up to date. So we wanted to give them the right information. They will do that tomorrow. I logged off of work for the week and I went outside with Javi to play catch. He practiced with the catchers glove, he did good. Tomorrow we go full gear.

(Afternoon: Snickers, water)


No coaches were available to help at Gabriel's game. Most kids weren't going either. So his game was canceled. Hanging out and had dinner. Showered and they are watching the Prince of Egypt. During the movie I went to shower and get my things ready for tomorrow. Got Gabriel ready for bed and when they fell asleep I started getting the Easter eggs ready for Sunday. I have been catching up on Law and Order SVU and Organized Crimes. Going to bed after.

(Nighttime: meat, rice, cheese, water, soda)

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

hump day

Woke up, still sick. But at least I was allowed to work from home. I got dressed,  got the boys ready and took them to school. Came back home to make coffee and start the training. It went well today, almost the 3 hours again. After ingot ready to go to Home Depot and to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Got my bucket for baseballs, they had a Giants one. So that was cool. Picked up Gabriel and grabbed some drinks from teaspoon. Came home and logged back in to work and set things up for tomorrow. On my break I went over to pick up Javi and came home to finish work.
(Afternoon: bistec encebollada, white rice, water)

Practice was good, we worked on a lot of hitting and Javi wanted to practice catching in the gear. So we did that. He was pretty good for his first time. After we came home, had dinner, watched Young Rock, I showered and now just watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: McDouble, chicken nuggets, sprite, water)

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Day 2


Woke up, still feeling really bad. But I am home and I can push through the training. I got ready and got the boys ready, took Javi to school. Gabriel stayed in since he is sick as well. The training went good today, almost went the full 3 hours. Right now I am setting up the items for tomorrow. I will be working from home on my in office days since I am sick and we are down trainers. Right now waiting for time to go get lunch.

(Morning; Water, Coffee, Fig Newton, granola bar)


Went to pick up lunch and came back home to eat. Now logged back into work and going to try and figure some things out for tomorrow and the next day. On my break I went over with Gabriel to pick up Javi and now we are back. Waiting for time to go. Game day for Javi today. Time to head out to the park for the game. I set up the field and finished up helping the kids warm up.

(Afternoon: Water, burrito, chips)


The game began and the team did well. Javi hit a 2 run home run and got a single and score. He is really heating up with the bat and his baseball skills are improving. So proud of him. They won the game and after we got the camry washed and came home to clean up and have dinner. Finished watching the Giants game, they won. Now off yo bed.

(Nighttime: left over burrito, water, chips)

Monday, April 11, 2022

And it begins

Woke up not feeling well whatsoever. Wanted to call out but today is the first day of training and I can't do that. I got dressed, got the boys ready and took them to school. Came back home to make coffee and to log in to work. I attended parts of the morning training to see how they spilt it and after I checked in with Karla about it. Julia and I are training in the PM so I connected with her about the split.
(Morning: coffee, watee)

Went to pick up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and logged in to training. It was good for day 1. I am still not feeling well, but I do what I do. After training I met again with Karla to go over day 2. I train with her in the morning tomorrow. If I still feel this way I am not going in to the office on Wednesday and Thursday. After work I rested a bit and had Javi practice some hitting.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, water)

Made the boys some peanut butter sandwiches, myself some tuna sandwiches and had the boys shower. Watched the Giants game, a show with my wife and now off to bed. Had medication and hope I feel a bit better tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: tuna sandwiches, water, root beer, hot chocolate)

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Palm Sunday

Woke up and went to shower. Made breakfast for the boys. Soon going with Javi to Church. Going to try and relax as much as I can today. We start training tomorrow. Church was good, we got our palms and went to the dollar tree and came home. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

While my wife made lunch I had the boys go outside and practice their swings. Had lunch and now watching the Giants game and will take a nap.
(Afternoon: lobster ravioli, angel hair pasta, soda)

We went to the park and Target. Came home to have dinner. I changed the boys and I went to shower. Watched some TV and now going to bed. We start training tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: coke, water, wingstop)

Game day

Woke up and got ready. Gabriel isn't playing this morning he is not feeling well. We had Javi practice hitting off a tee. We went to the bank and to pick up some food. Grabbed some items at the Dollar Tree and went home to have an early lunch.
(Morning: water, Panda Express,  coke)

We went to the game and although it was a loss for the Angles, they ended up fighting with great effort and made it interesting. Now we are on our way to Anticoh for Micaela's birthday party.
(Afternoon: Zoa)

Made it up here in good time. Relaxed and had fun. Helped out with the pinata and had a few beers and cake. About to go home soon. We passed Chick-fil-A and grabbed some food. We were shorted fries. The food was eh. Drove home and got here. Changed the boys, now watching TV for a bit.
(Nighttime: Chicken wrap, chicken sandwich, coke, chips, beer)
(Nighttime: beer, cake)

Friday, April 8, 2022

Sonic 2

Woke up and got dressed. Got Javi ready for school. Gabriel stayed home. Tool Gabriel over and came back home to make coffee and log in to work. Had a meeting in the morning and we ran out real quick to Target to grab a few things. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch and had a meeting. Went to go get Jave and came.back home to another meeting. Tired of working this week. But anyway, we continue. Almost of of work and later we watch Sonic 2. Had a meeting before logging off and it was pretty much BS. But anyway, after I put some mosquito spray in the backyard and we got ready to go to the movies. 
(Afternoon: water, soda, pupusas)

Washed the truck and got to the theater. They were delayed a bit and we had to wait past the start time. We watched the movie and it was fun. Javi and Gabriel really enjoyed it. After we came home and now I am watching Man in the Arena. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: pupusa, coke, beer, water, cookie, popcorn)

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Thirsty Thursday


Woke up again with the intention of calling out. But we got the text that my supervisor called out, so I just logged in to finish up a request by another department so they could get the update out to the staff. I got ready for work, got the boys ready as well. Had Javi pack up his donations for Church today and dropped the boys off. Getting off early today, Gabriel has a game. Been here just answering questions and getting ready to go. I may have to go take my Mother in Laws car to get a smog check. So I took it over and it turns out that the fuse was burnt out so they had to change it. The smog check took a little longer than anticipated, but it passed. Now back at home and almost time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


Went to pick up Gabriel and logged back in to work. About to go eat lunch and be off for the rest of the day. Gabriel has a game at 5:30, Javi has a play date after school. Tired, I may take a nap. Was not able to take a nap and around 4:45 I got Gabriel ready for his t-ball game.

(Afternoon: Water, Chicken Gnocchi Soup)


We got to the park, went over to the field and I had him start warming up. I helped out today as the other coach wasn't available. Gabriel did a real good job today, helping out at first base, playing first base and finally playing at 3rd. He was able to get a hit off of pitching and 2 off the tee. He had a real good game. After we came home, showered and helped Javi shower. After I had dinner I bathed Gabriel and we watched TV. Its hot tonight, going to bed soon.

(Nighttime: beer. Fajitas. Rice, water)

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Heading in to work


I had a really bad night. I fell asleep pretty quickly but I woke up and I was thinking about the loss yesterday. It was more from the standpoint that we let these kids down as coaches. Now let me say this, there are 4 of us. Out of the 4, I am the only one that doesn't hype up the kids into thinking that they are unbeatable and that they will win the league and go on to TOC. However, I am part of this coaching staff and the fact that they bought in to this and played like it, is on us. Today is a new day and we try to move on. Anyway, woke up and went to get dressed, packed up my things and headed out to the BART station. Caught the train and listened to a podcast on the way. I got to the city and took a nice walk over to 1440. I am in the conference room right now, set up and ready to go. Let's see where today takes me.

(Morning: Water, coffee)


Ate my lunch and still was in a meeting with Monika and Karla. Got some items completed and soon going to be packing up and taking off to go home to make it in time for practice for the boys. Left work and caught BART. It was a newer train. Filled up the car with gas and washed the car. Got home and updated something for work before going to practice. 

(Afternoon: ZOA, sandwich, water)


Practice was good, we focused on infield and hitting. Javi ran quite a bit and it was good for him. He got hit on the ankle. But he was ok. After practice I packed up the equipment since I will be taking it on Saturday. Came home to drop off Javi and went to pick up dinner. Watched Young Rock with Javi after dinner, put them to bed. Showered and tried to watch Moon Knight. I fell asleep,  I'll try to rewarxh tomorrow. Anyway, going to bed now.

(Nighttime: burrito,  beer, water, chips)

Another day


Woke up and got ready. Was going to call out, but I could manage today. Got the boys ready for school and gave them breakfast. After I had them get ready and went to drop them off solo. After I bought some toiletries for Javi to donate. Came home and made some coffee and logged in to work. Tired and really not in to it today. But here we are. Had a meeting with Karla and Monika and now just waiting for time to get Gabriel.

(Morning; Coffee, water, chorizo con huevo, tortilla)


We drove over to get Gabriel and came back home. Right now just working and letting the time pass by. Javi has a game today. So right now I will read some items and on my next break go pick up Javi and come home to finish up work and get ready for the game today. After work we went over to the park and got ready for the game.

(Afternoon: Water, Milka, torta de carne, rice, mashed potatoes, cheese, tortilla)


The game was not good. The kids were not ready at all. They were not focused and ready to play. That falls on the coaching. We will be better starting tomorrow. Anyway, after I had a talk with Javi about it and we had dinner. Showered and now watching TV before bed.

(Nighttime: Chicken nuggets, mcdouble, beer, water)

Monday, April 4, 2022

RAW after Mania


Woke up and went to get dressed. I really wanted to call out today, but something told me not to. My supervisor is out, one unit member called out as well and the other one is on vacation. So it was me and Karla today. Filled her in to what happened last week as she was out and now reviewing documents and getting ready for the training next week. I got the boys lunch ready and had them get ready and I took them school. Passed by McDonald's grabbing some breakfast for us here. Came home and had coffee and now just working until it's time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, sausage McMuffin, Sausage Biscuit, hash brown)


Picked up some medication for my wife and picked up Gabriel and came home. Started working again, got into a quick meeting and now waiting for my next break so I can go get Javi. Took Gabriel with me to pick him up and came home to finish up work.

(Afternoon: Water, chicken, rice, zoa)


Fell asleep for a bit. Took out the bins for tomorrow. Changed Gabriel and washed dishes. Showered, watched a few episodes of Young Rock with Javi and sent them to bed. Watched some TV,  a little bit of RAW and some of the Grammys. About to go to sleep.

(Nighttime: cuties, beer, popcorn,  rosquillas, water)

Sunday, April 3, 2022

WrestleMania night 2

Woke up and went to get ready to go to. Got the boys ready and we went to church. The service was good and after we went to Target to get Kingston's and Micaela's birthday gifts. After we came home to rest.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had some soup and we finished watching the movie from last night. After we drove to Castro Valley to have an early dinner. Now we are home, ready to watch WrestleMania Night 2.
(Afternoon: roast beef dip sandwich,  slider, fries, banana split, water, mondongo)

Watched WrestleMania night 2, some AFV, showered and watched The Walking Dead and some of the Grammy's. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, Monster)

Saturday, April 2, 2022

WrestleMania Night 1

Didn't have a good night. I was coughing and my back was hurting, lots of twisting and turning. Work up and made the boys breakfast and some coffee for myself. Got ready and soon will be getting Gabriel ready for his Morning game. Javi has his at 1. Gabriel's game was fun, I did the announcing since no one wanted to. Javi and my sister helped with the 50/50 raffle. After the game we rushed home to get ready for Javi's game.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Got home, had lunch and we were off to get ready for the game. Game started and the team was a little flat, they were up 2-0, went down 3-2 before they woke up. Javi struck out looking, got hit in the helmet with a pitch and in his last at bat hit a Grand Slam. They won the game 19-5 and Javi got the game ball. He was so happy as the kids mobbed him at home plate and when he got the game ball. After we came home to clean up.
After we went to pick up some food at Texas Roadhouse and came back home to watch WrestleMania night 1.
(Afternoon: torta de carnitas, birria taco, soda, water)

After some time I was able to watch the rest of the show in the living room. Talked to my mom for a bit and washed dishes, had a beer and watched part of a movie that we will finish probably tomorrow. Javi is still on a high from his Grand Slam and to be honest so am I. So proud of him. About to go to sleep soon. Church tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: rosquillas, water, beer)

Friday, April 1, 2022

April Fool's Day

Woke up as usual and got dressed. Let Gabriel sleep in a bit before I got him ready to go to school. Javi has the day off. I dropped off Gabriel and went to vacuum the truck and get it washed. Came home and picked up Javi and we were off to get my Mom. We got there and headed over to my aunts house to get my Mom's things, after put gas in the truck and dropped everything off at sister's. After a bit we drove to grab a snack for my wife and came home.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Got home and washed dishes. Had some bean soup and helped clean up. Now resting before going out to grab something and later watching the WWE HOF show. We went over to Target and came home. Cleaned up some more and my wife ordered some sushi. We went to pick it up.
(Afternoon: Bean soup, white rice, cheese, soda, water)

Had dinner, watched the HOF, changed the boys and showered. Watched some shows and now off to bed. Games tomorrow for the boys and WrestleMania night 1 is tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: beer, water, skittles, sushi,  milka)