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Friday, September 6, 2019

IT: Chapter 2

Got up, got ready and headed out to work. The drive was good. I got in and checked in and went to do the morning training. Everything was fine.

Had lunch and grabbed a coffee. Did the second training and after hung out a bit and headed home.
Got home and hung out a bit. Went to get dinner for Javi and Gabriel, along with ice cream for my wife. About to head out to watch the movie IT: Chapter 2

Got to the movies, got my popcorn and drink ready to watch the movie with my brother, his girlfriend,  my niece and nephew.  Well, first there were people taking videos from their phones to post on social media, which automatically makes me think they have mental issues. Second, the commentary that some people were making, talking to the screen and trying to be funny confirmed more mental issues. Lastly, the movie wasn't good in my opinion. It struggled between being being a comedy, slight drama and very little horror. It just wasn't good. Pennywise was nowhere near imposing or scary. The faces he made were not scary and the movements were really animated that made you laugh.
Anyway, after I drove home and I was going to shower but Gabriel got up, so we gave him meds, thinking he was still irritated from his shots he got today and he finally fell asleep.

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