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Monday, September 30, 2019

It's a new week, yes it is!

Got up, so tired. I blame myself for sure. I didn't go to sleep until around 12:30 AM. Anyway, went to get dressed and made my coffee and headed out. Some traffic due to a car accident on the opposite side of the freeway. I got here on time and came in to check in. My supervisor is out, so he is sending me to 1440 for a meeting on the end 2 end training. I get to 1440 hang out with Karla for a bit. Go to this meeting that turned out to be a speaker phone meeting with people who were in the building where I was just at. Finished that, talked to Sandra and Rebekah before heading downstairs to say hi to Amilcar and go back to my desk.

Went to warm up my food. Got an invitation and text request to go to another meeting. I ate and chilled. Went to the meeting at 2. Took the place of my supervisor and gave training updates. I think they are planning on having us do some random training. We'll see, sent the report to my supervisor and now running out the clock, waiting to go get the boys at my sister's place. Swimming later tonight. 
Got to my sister's house and now hanging out a bit, waiting for time to go home. Swim class tonight. 

Took the boys swimming. Came back home and bathed them and had dinner. After put Gabriel to sleep. I showered and watched tv. Fell asleep the couch but in bed.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The day after

Got up, made the kids eggs and pancakes. No breakfast,  just coffee. Cleaned the bed and vacuumed the room. Watched some of the Giants game, it's Bruce Bochy's last game as the skipper of the Giants. It did not start well.

Showered and shaved. Headed out to get lunch before going to my sister's house. My wife is going to watch a movie with her. I am here with the kiddos.
Been watching the Giants game and some football. Giants lost and now watching the tribute to Bochy.
After we went to target and headed hime.

Got home, hung out and helped make dinner. Talked to my mom for a bit and took a shower. Gabriel woke up and I put him back to sleep. Now sent Javi to bed.
Watched tv and stayed up way too late

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Happy Birthday Javi!

Got up, went back to sleep. Got up again and got ready. We went to pick up the cake and came back home. Rested a bit, bathed the boys and got them ready.

I headed out to Costco to get the food for the party.  Came back home and we headed to the bounce place for Javi's party.
We got there and started setting up, people started coming and playing. Javi had a great time, he was so happy.
It was a good party, good friends, good family. After we went home.

Got home, opened the gifts. Oscar, Monica and the kids came by to play with Javi and Gabriel.  We had fun catching up and they had fun playing.
When they left I put Gabriel to bed, came out and played an Angry Bird game. Javi went to bed and now I am watching tv, getting ready to go to bed.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Last training day

Got up and got ready. Went to work, traffic was ok. Parked and went in to check in and went to conduct the training. It went well, good feedback and everyone look good with it.

Had lunch and went to get coffee. Got Karla a coffee for her birthday. We did the second training and it went well. After I came home to get my wife and kids to go have dinner.

Folded clothes. Changed the boys, made the loot bags for the party and now putting Gabriel to sleep.
Watched some AAA wrestling while my wife went to pick up her mom at the airport. Went to the room to check on the kids, Gabriel was crying.
Now just waiting for them to get back so I can go to sleep. Tomorrow is Javi's birthday.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Got up, got dressed and headed out to work. There was a bit of traffic, but I got there on time. Checked in and chatted with a few people. Later we have our unit meeting.

Had lunch and made the copies for tomorrow's training. Then headed over to 1440 for our unit meeting. We discussed the trainings and how we wanted to adjust them. We were told that we would no longer get telecommuting. The higher ups said they could not justify why we would need itx but still let others in our same position have it. I expressed how tired I am of the constant disrespect and how they don't value us as a team.
After I went to get the kids at my sister's house and went home.

Got home, chilled. Watched a bit of football. Started laundry. While the boys had dinner and Javi did his homework, I took a shower. After I put Gabriel to bed and now watching some tv. Still very upset about what happened today. But it will pass. I was going to call out sick tomorrow as a small protest,  but we have training and I can't do that. It wouldn't be right. Have to show respect to my team and the EW's in training

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hump day

Got up and got dressed. They boys were up before I left so I gave them hugs and kisses goodbye. Later it's Javi's parent/teacher conference. There was a bit of traffic on the drive in. But got here on time. Forum meeting at 10. Off early today.
The forum was ok, there was some good information but some people were asking dumb questions. Anyway after went to warm up my food.

Had lunch, left work to go home for a bit before the conference. I went with my wife to the school and met with Javi's teacher. We got the report that Javi is doing really well and that he is ahead on math and reading. After I went to get my flu shot and back home before we went to Target and to get the kids.

Got to Target and did some shopping. Went to my sister's to pick up the boys. After we ate at In and Out and came home. It was bath time for the boys. After did some reading with Javi, he was being a little lazy today with it. When the boys went to bed, I showered and we set up the goody bags for Javi's class. Watched some tv before bed.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Feels like a long week

Got up. Got dressed. Put clothes to dry and headed out to work. Got here, checked in and went to do 2 shadows in the morning. They went well. I went quick to check in with Randy about a MC income issue and Mary was there. We talked for a bit, then I excused myself so they could have a chat.

Kathleen stopped by for an interview and after she came up to visit. We talked for a bit and she went on her way. Now having lunch and debating if I go get an iced drink.
I got a drink over at Peet's. Did my shadowing and went back to my desk. Got home and cleaned up and we headed out to get the last things for Javi's party.

Got back home, Gabriel was flipping out. Had dinner, he woke up and flipped out again. He went back to sleep again. Javi went to bed soon after and now watching TV and will play a game of Madden before bed.

Monday, September 23, 2019

A new week

Got up, got dressed and headed out to work. Today is week 2 of training. I will be shadowing 2 EW's today doing their tasks. Drove to work, there was slight traffic and when I got in I was able to check in. My supervisor did not come in today. One of the EW's asked if I could shadow earlier and I did. I had to modify my day due to a function meeting.
The shadow went well, she is doing real good work and is caught up. After I took a break and went to have lunch.

Ate lunch and started watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and around 1:10 I went to look for the other EW so I can shadow him. He was also on top of things and I studied his process and took notes. After I went to visit Randy and had a conversation with him and Olga about things at work.
After here I have to go get the kids and they have swimming later today. Still have some things to do for Javi's birthday party, hopefully we can get those done today.
I got to my sister's and picked up the kids and headed home

Took the kids swimming, after we went to Costco and back home. Bathed Gabriel and put him to sleep, my wife helped Javi shower and do his homework. Now watching tv and going to bed soon.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 3

Got up early. Came out to the living room to see what the kids were up to. Made then breakfast,  made coffee and an omelet and started watching football.
Showered and got ready.

The boys had lunch, my stomach hurts a bit. Waiting for the Niners game to start.
That game was bad, the Niners offense was really bad in the first half. The Defense helped them big time. They won a sloppy game. After we went to Taget.

Grabbed dinner and cleaned up a bit. Bathed the boys and put Gabriel to bed. Talked to Arnel for a bit and now going to play Madden before bed. Have to make changes again to my Fantasy football team,  lost again, 0-3

Saturday, September 21, 2019


Got up and went to make Javi some toast and Gabriel some eggs. Took a shower and off to order Javi's Birthday cake. When we were done we went to Kmart.

After Kmart we went to the Dollar Tree and now we are at Target. We did some shopping and headed home.
When we got here we rested a bit, played games and the boys went out in their bikes.

Did some painting and watched some tv. Caught up on some shows. Out Gabriel to bed and later sent Javi to bed. I fell asleep on the couch, just getting to my bed.

Friday, September 20, 2019


Got up, put clothes to dry and got ready for work. Made my coffee and headed out to work. Got in, checked in, submitted my time sheet and headed off to the Active Shooter training. I will be here until around 11:30.
The training was ok, a little unorganized at times, but some really good information. After I walked over to have lunch with Amilcar.

Had lunch, chatted for a bit. After I went to the post office to send the money out for Javi's after school program. Went to Walgreens for some change and back to the desk. Finished the show Unbelievable and drove home.
Got home and folded clothes. Went to pit gas in the truck and out to eat dinner at the Outback Steakhouse.

Had dinner and came home. My wife showered and I changed Gabriel. She went to bed early with the boys, while I showered and played 2 games of Madden while watching Hot Rod. Now going to bed.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Happy Birthday Charles

Got up and got dressed. Sent my nephew a happy Birthday message and headed to work. Today is a light day. Got in, checked in and pretty much just waited until we had the 2913 meeting. It was good, but we need to get better with the topics.

Had lunch and watched Netflix Unbelievable.  After I went to my sister's to get the kids and soon after went home. I went to pick up food and called my mom and it appears that my niece swallowed a thumb tack so they are at the emergency room right now.

Had dinner, putting Gabriel to bed.  My Mom said that my niece is still waiting. They may do surgery on her later. Showered and went out to clean and sanitize bottles. Spoke to my mom and they sent my niece home. Took Javi to bed and now watching AHS 1984. Going to bed soon

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Shadow day

Got up, my back was a bit stiff. Got ready, made Gabriel a bottle and headed out to work. Stopped by Starbucks for double star day and there was a bit of traffic coming in. Still got here on time.
I went down to shadow an EW on an intake. He did really well, have 2 more to do later.

Having lunch, soon I will go back downstairs to shadow. I went downstairs with the intention to shadow 2 people, but one had to go to a meeting so I only did one. I did my wrap up and headed to pick up the kids at my sister's.
After came home.

We had dinner, cleaned a bit. Bathed both boys and put Gabriel to bed. Watched some tv and now going to bed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Training day 2

Got up, my stomach was hurting a bit. Leaving early today to get to work so I can get parking near 1440 since I will be there all day for training. Going to nap, so sleepy.
Got in to work and checked in. Went to get ready for the training. It was good. After I met Tim and Kathleen for lunch.

Had lunch at the V Cafe and after came back to do the afternoon training. Afternoon training was fun, besides a few hiccups. Tomorrow we shadow. After I talked to Jamila for a bit and headed home.
Got home, cleaned the bed and folded clothes. Then we went to Costco.

Got back from Costco and put away what we bought. Javi read for 36 minutes and did a speed test. I am trying to put Gabriel to sleep so I can go out and shower and wash some bottles.
Showered and got lunch ready and now watching Smackdown before going to bed.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Training day

Got up, got ready, headed out. It's raining a bit, so you know what that means? Yup, stupid people driving. Got to work, checked in. Now we are waiting for training to begin.
The morning training went well, there were 9 EW's. Took about 2 hours and 15 minutes.
After I went to have lunch.

Had spaghetti and meatballs for lunch. Getting in the mindset for the next training.
The second training was fun, the EW'S are really good and willing participants. After I came home and started laundry and got ready for swimming.

Swim class was good. Came back home, lost my Fantasy football matchup by less than 1 point due to a Bell fumble 👎anyway, on to the next week. Bathed Gabriel and put him to bed. Now going to shower and finally eat something.
Done and watching RAW, going to do some accounting and go to bed

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Clash of Champions

Got up, about to clean and watch the Niners take on the Bengals. Later today is WWE Clash of Champions.
The niners took care of business and won. We got ready and headed out to lunch.

Had lunch at Benihana and it was fun. We came back home and the kids rode their bikes. Started watching Clash of Champions.
The event has been good so far, looks like a majority of the heels will win early and the babyfaces later in the show.
Playing Uno with Javi as well.

Made the boys dinner. Javi showered. Put Gabriel to bed and now going out to the living room. Still need to shower and get my things ready for tomorrow. Tried watching football highlights for the Niners game, but surprise surprise, only east coast teams highlighted. Any way. Showered and now going to bed

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Weekend vibes

Got up, hung out for a bit. Made Gabriel and egg and me some coffee. Showered and got ready. My wife and mother in law went shopping, I took the kids to the park.

Took the boys to Red Robin for lunch, we had a good time. Came back home, now trying to nap.
No nap, went to serramonte for a bit and did some shopping and came home.

Chilled and watched some Netflix and made the boys dinner and put Gabriel to sleep. Showered and later took Javi to bed. Now watching the end of Aladdin.
Played a game of Madden and now going to bed

Friday, September 13, 2019


Got up, went to work and the drive was good. Got there and checked in. Submitted my time sheet and went to our meeting. The meeting went well and I went back to my desk.

Had lunch and hung out. Went back to 1440 to attend a celebration for some of the EW's I have helped. After I came home. Had some dinner and chilled.

Showered, made popcorn for the kids. Watched some of The Secret Life of Pets 2 and put Gabriel to bed. Played Madden and watched some Netflix,  about to go to sleep

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Another day

Got up, got dressed.  About to head out to work. Let's see what today brings. I have to go to presentation to give feedback and later meet with the team regarding training.
I went to the presentation and it was good. It was about an hour long. After I went to have lunch.

Had lunch and headed out to find parking to go to 1440. Found it and hung out with Amilcar for a bit. After I went to the meeting where we talked about the trainings and headed over to get the kids after.
After getting the kids I went to pick up my wife and off to Tanforan we went. After we were done with our shopping it was time to go home.

Got home, changed Gabriel,  started Javi off on his homework and put Gabriel to bed. Showered, played Maddenx watched some tv and going to bed soon.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Forum day

Got up, got dressed. Gabriel came knocking on the bathroom door and I helped get him ready to go to day care. Drove to work and there was a bit of traffic. But I got to work on time. I have to leave early to take Javi to a doctor appointment.
I went to the combined forum and left pretty upset. Once again they treat the training team like crap. I wrote my supervisor an email expressing my concerns but I don't think anything will come of it.

Took off of work, went to Target for a pretzel and cheese and a frappuccino. Walked around a bit and now waiting to go get Javi out of school.
Got him and headed to Kaiser. The appointment went well. Went to Target after and got things to make dinner. Got to my sister's house to hang out before going home.

Got home, Gabriel fell asleep in the carm inwas able to help Javi with some homework and start dinner. My wife came home and we ate. I showered and bathed the boys after. Put them to sleep, played Madden and now going to bed.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Got up, got dressed.  Put clothes to dry and headed off to work. There was slight traffic but I got here on time. Part of the ceiling fell here at work so they are moving people around. Later I have to go to a meeting.
Got in, checked in and helped someone with a case and just chilled. Being sent to a presentation on Thursday.

Had lunch, watched some Netflix and now waiting for time to move the car. Found parking in my old spot and walked to 1440. Talked with Amilcar and Karla for a bit and now going for coffee before the meeting.
That meeting was straight up bullsh*t, one of the managers was being a twatsicle. After I went home.

Finished up making the meatloaf and had dinner. Played some dominoes with Javi. My wife helped Javi with homework and I played with Gabriel. After I showed and put both boys to bed. Watched some tv with my wife and now finishing Smackdown Live and going to bed.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Another week

Got up, so close to calling out. Not feeling well and I have to go to 2 meetings that really make no sense. Changed Gabriel's diaper and went to get ready. Started the drive off to work. I passed by looking for parking in my old spots since I have to end the day in a meeting at 1440. No luck, so I came to park at my site and was able to catch Amilcar passing by and gave him the nacatamales. Now here at work.
Got in and checked in, was reviewing some items before lunch.

Had lunch and went to 1440. Attended the meeting and was really annoyed with some of my team members. They are lazy and try to skirt off of others and focus on less important things.  After I went to my sister's to pick up the boys.
Got there and hung out for a bit. Headed out to the house to get things ready for swim class. I even had time to prepare the meatloaf for tomorrow.

Swim class was fun
Gabriel enjoyed himself  and Javi seemed to be doing good as well. When we got home I bathed the boys and put Gabriel to bed and Javi did his homework and soon after hit the sheets. I finished watching RAW and now going to bed.

Sunday, September 8, 2019


Got up,  Gabriel had a bad night. Had a nacatamale for breakfast and hung out and played with the kids before showering and going to the park.

We went to the park and came back home to watch the 49ers vs Buccaneers game.
Well, it was ugly, but a win is a win. After the game we went to Target and got some things.

Bathed the boys, put Gabriel to sleep and showered. Watched some tv, played Madden and about to go to bed.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Lookout weekend

Got up, made the boys pancakes and now drinking coffee. Watched some tv and some NFL news. Went to get ready and ordered a pizza.

Picked up the pizza and came home, went to see a condo and after hit up party city to get party things for Javi. After we went to drop them off at my sister's as we are going to watch Good Boys.

The movie was funny. A better movie going experience tonight for sure. Went to get the kids and now we are home. I forgot to bring the nacatamales so I headed back to my sister's. Now home, again and going to watch some tv and head to bed.

Friday, September 6, 2019

IT: Chapter 2

Got up, got ready and headed out to work. The drive was good. I got in and checked in and went to do the morning training. Everything was fine.

Had lunch and grabbed a coffee. Did the second training and after hung out a bit and headed home.
Got home and hung out a bit. Went to get dinner for Javi and Gabriel, along with ice cream for my wife. About to head out to watch the movie IT: Chapter 2

Got to the movies, got my popcorn and drink ready to watch the movie with my brother, his girlfriend,  my niece and nephew.  Well, first there were people taking videos from their phones to post on social media, which automatically makes me think they have mental issues. Second, the commentary that some people were making, talking to the screen and trying to be funny confirmed more mental issues. Lastly, the movie wasn't good in my opinion. It struggled between being being a comedy, slight drama and very little horror. It just wasn't good. Pennywise was nowhere near imposing or scary. The faces he made were not scary and the movements were really animated that made you laugh.
Anyway, after I drove home and I was going to shower but Gabriel got up, so we gave him meds, thinking he was still irritated from his shots he got today and he finally fell asleep.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Got up, not feeling well. I think I may be getting a cold. My back hurts as well. Got Gabriel a bottle and got ready for work. The drive was good, parked and went to check in. Later we have our unit meeting, so I will be moving the car to be closer to it to leave.

Had lunch. Watched some Netflix and went to go look for parking. I could not find any so I parked at Costco.  We had our meeting, it went well. We discussed the current training and talked about tomorrow and how we will wrap it up.
After I drove home to get some chips and went to my sister's to celebrate lil will's birthday.
We had a good time, had dinner and cake. Tomorrow I am meeting them to watch IT chapter 2.

Got home, put clothes to wash. Put Gabriel to bed and we had a conversation with Javi about school. Hopefully he does well. Now watching some tv and going to bed. Tomorrow we wrap up training.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Got up, still tired. Really don't feel like going to work, but I will. Got dressed and made coffee, got to work and started my day.
Checked in and checked emails and got ready for the forum meeting.

Had lunch and hung out. Reviewed some items, had a conversation with my supervisor about the training and forum. After I went to get the kids.

Got home, made dinner and ate. Washed dishes, cut my hair. Put Gabriel to bed and I showered. Played go fish with Javi before he went to bed and now watching TV before going to sleep.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Back to work

Got up and got ready. I was able to sleep a little more since I have parking now. I am in so much pain. There was not too much traffic,  I parked and went to work
I did my shadowing for the week and chilled.

Had lunch and chilled for a bit. Left work to come home. Still in pain. Got home and hung out for a bit and off to Target for grocery shopping.

Got back, had dinner and took a shower. Pit Gabriel to bed and Javi soon after. Been watching tv and about to go to bed.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Driving home

Got up, got ready, my feel are killing me! Got the car packed and we headed off to Porto's to get coffee and pastries. Started the drive, Gabriel threw up and after about 2 and a half hours switched with my wife.

Had lunch and started driving again. Again after 2 hours I started feeling sleepy so I switched with my wife for the last 45 minutes.
Dropped off my sister and went home. Took everything out of the car, vacuumed the truck out and washed some mats from the car. Got things in order and bathed the boys, took a shower and rested.

Put more things away and washed bottles, put Gabriel and Javi to sleep. Finished washing clothes and now resting up watching RAW and some tv.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Disney day 2

Got up, getting ready to go to Disneyland. Slept in a bit and we are getting there after the park opens. They say it will be a hot one today.
We got there and had breakfast and got on the ship my wife wanted to go on. We hit up Big Thunder Railroad twice and a few other rides.

We took the train all around the park and after went to Disney California Adventure for another ride and lunch. Came back to the hotel for a swim and shower and soon leaving for dinner at the steakhouse.
We walked over to the restaurant and had a nice meal. I saw Jack Black in the bathroom waiting for his son, we acknowledged each other and went our separate ways.

After dinner we went to World of Disney and got the boys the Halloween shirts. My sister took Gabriel with her to the hotel, my wife and I took Javi to get on 2 more rides. After we walked back to the hotel, tomorrow it's time to get back home. My feet are killing me!