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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Last week of work


Woke up and got dressed. Reached out to Lifetouch regarding Javi's Communion pictures and got some assistance. Grabbed the items for Gabriel and set him up for preschool. My wife took him today. While they did that I made coffee and logged in to work to check some emails and other things. Answering a few questions now and passing the time until I go get him. I put away the hitting nets and other items, used the string trimmer in the back yard for some prep work to clean it up. Now updating a website for the program.

(morning: Water, Coffee, pop tart)


Went to pick up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and started getting things ready for training. The first one went ok, now we are waiting for the second one to begin. The second one was good as well. Now just waiting for time to be off. 

(Afternoon: Bratwurst, water, cheesecake)


After work we went to Target to get the last set of crayons and to the Dollar tree to get bags and something for the kids at Gabriel's school. Came home and while my wife made dinner, I bathed Gabriel,  had Javi shower and I showered. We ate and I hung out with the boys in the room. Now they are in bed. I'm watching TV until it's time for bed for me. Going in to the office tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: Caramel popcorn, water, beer, pasta diah)

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