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Thursday, July 14, 2022

If you're going to San Francisco...(July 13, 2022)


Woke up and got ready to go to work. Packed up my things and headed out to the BART station. The train ride was good, it felt quick. Got there and there was a light drizzle. Walked over to work and started to set up. Logged in and started helping people. At 9 I joined the forum and did my part of the presentation. Still in this meeting and after not sure what will go on. I was able to find a pre-sale password for a WWE event that I want to take the boys to in September. Got the cheapest tickets and we will try to move down during the event since I doubt it will be a sell out.

(Morning: Coffee, water, cookie)


Had lunch, Amilcar stopped by dropping off some items he brought us from their trip Now relaxing and tryin to stretch out my back. About to log back in and answer more questions. Let's see how this goes. I am really tired and would like to sleep. Not feeling well, so hopefully that gets better. Got my things ready and I walked over to the Civic Center station and rode the train home. It was a nice ride. Got home and put things away.

(Afternoon: water, Sandwich, ZOA, nerds)


Relaxed and heated food for dinner. Ate, got things ready for tomorrow and took a shower. We watched tv for a bit before going to bed. Early wake up time for me as I go back to the office.

(Nighttime: water, cheese stick, burrito, apple, plum)

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