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Sunday, July 3, 2022

Aquarium day

Woke up.and changed. Got the boys ready and we were off to Monterey to go to the aquarium. The drive was about an hour and a half and we found parking and had breakfast before going in. We spent around 2 and a half hours in the aquarium. The boys enjoyed it and were fascinated with the marine life.
(Morning: coffee, water, donut)

We had lunch and walked around Monterey for q bit. Specifically on Cannery Row. We drove back home, the drive took a little closer to 2 hours but we got home safely. I finished watching Money in the bank, took a nap and bathed Gabriel when I woke up.
(Afternoon: Club sandwich, Dr. Pepper, water)

My wife and I went to Target. Came back home and had dinner and watched some TV. Now off to bed, no work tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, beer, grilled cheese sandwiches,  chips)


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