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Sunday, July 31, 2022


Woke up and went to rewatch some of Summer Slam. Took a shower and had some coffee. Got ready to go to Coyote point to meet up with family to have the kids play together. 
(Morning: coffee, senorita bread)

Passed by Panda Express on the way to the park. We got there and found a table to eat while we waited for everyone to show up. After they did and everyone ate we watched the kids play in the playground for a few hours and headed home.
(Afternoon: Panda Express, taco, zoa, water)

Had left over tacos while watching the Giants game. Started laundry and took a walk with my wife. Bathed Gabriel,  Javi showered, I showered and we caught up on a show. Now going to bed. Work for 2 more days and we start our vacation. 
(Nighttime: Tacos, margarita, peanut butter cups,  water)

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Uniform day

Woke up and showered. Had coffee and we were off to go get the school uniforms for the boys. After we hit up Cardenas to grab some food to make later. We got home and I ran out to get a few things we forgot. Now resting up until company comes over.
(Morning: coffee)

My wife made arroz a la valenciana and we ate. I took a nap. Woke up around 3 and started chopping onion, radish, cilantro and limes for the tacos. Amilcar and Olga came by and after some time I started making the tacos. We ate and then Oscar, Monica and the kids came over.
(Afternoon: beer, water, tacos)

We had a lot of fun as always and had some fun conversations. Everyone left and we cleaned up. Now watching TV. About to go to bed. More activities tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water)

Friday, July 29, 2022

Last day of training


Woke up and went to get ready. Set up Gabriel for preschool, it's his last day today. Made coffee and logged in to work. We did our first training and some people just love to complain. They say misery loves company, so others did the same. It is sad how these people are, they get paid well and don't want to do their jobs. The second training was much better, it went by quick. There were some good questions asked and I sent them over. Ran out real quick to but lotto tickets for the next run. We'll see how that goes. I need to go to Target before picking up Gabriel. 

(Morning; Water, coffee)


Ran out quick to Target and grabbed a few things. Went to get Gabriel on his last day, he was ready to go. Drove home and started making hamburgers for Javi and my Mother in Law. My wife was on her way back from Javi's eye appointment with crab sandwiches. We had lunch I logged out and took Gabriel to get his first covid shot. After we came home and headed to the movies to watch the super pets.

(Afternoon: crab sandwich, coke, water, popcorn)


After the movie we ate at Famous Dave's and came home. Javi's friend is still with us. Right now they are playing in the living room and I am resting in the room watching Smackdown. They picked him up and we all changed. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: BBQ, corn bread, potato salad, beans, water)

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Going in again

Work up and got dressed. Got my things ready and headed out to the BART station. Running a bit late but I got to the train on time. Now enjoying the ride. Got to Civic Center and walked over to work. Set up in the Expo room and now getting ready for the trainings. The first one went well, about 35 minutes, now waiting for the second show. Both trainings went well, after I was able to review a few things and get ready for the afternoon training I have to go to.
(Morning: water, Coffee, peanut butter cookie)

Had lunch and was taking a nap when the lights went out in the building. I asked if I could go home and finish the day out and I was given permission. Packed up and walked briskly to BART, caught the train and headed home. Got here and now logged in and attending the training that I was scheduled for. Finished with training, now organizing out back and cleaned up. Getting myself some iced coffee for a boost. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich, peanut butter Ritz, water, ZOA, iced coffee)

After work we went to Cold Stone for ice cream and shakes. Came back home, bathed Gabriel and Javi showered. I took a shower and had some food while watching episode 3 of The Captain. Sent the boys off to bed and watched Loot with my wife. Now going to sleep. 
(Nighttime: water, beer, Cole slaw, biscuits)

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

on the morning train

Woke up and went to get ready. Got my coffee and lunch, packed my bag and off to the BART station. Now on the train heading for work. Got to the Civic Center BART and walked over to work. Went to set up and checked in. Got ready for the training. For the morning I will be with Karla and I will close out the trainings. They both went well, a little over 35 minutes on both. Some good questions and suggestions from EW's and we sent those off. Now going to warm up my lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee, pop tart)

Had lunch and started watching a show on Playboy. Going to rest my eyes, 2 more trainings today. I open the first two and Julia will close. Finished the trainings and packed up my things and headed to the BART station. Thebride was a bit delayed but I git here ok.
(Afternoon: Pasta dish, water, ZOA)

Put my things awaynand chilled for a bit. Showered and had dinner. Now just Watchung tv until bed. 
(Nighttime: beer, water, Ritz crackers, wings, cheesesticks)

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Last week of work


Woke up and got dressed. Reached out to Lifetouch regarding Javi's Communion pictures and got some assistance. Grabbed the items for Gabriel and set him up for preschool. My wife took him today. While they did that I made coffee and logged in to work to check some emails and other things. Answering a few questions now and passing the time until I go get him. I put away the hitting nets and other items, used the string trimmer in the back yard for some prep work to clean it up. Now updating a website for the program.

(morning: Water, Coffee, pop tart)


Went to pick up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and started getting things ready for training. The first one went ok, now we are waiting for the second one to begin. The second one was good as well. Now just waiting for time to be off. 

(Afternoon: Bratwurst, water, cheesecake)


After work we went to Target to get the last set of crayons and to the Dollar tree to get bags and something for the kids at Gabriel's school. Came home and while my wife made dinner, I bathed Gabriel,  had Javi shower and I showered. We ate and I hung out with the boys in the room. Now they are in bed. I'm watching TV until it's time for bed for me. Going in to the office tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: Caramel popcorn, water, beer, pasta diah)

Monday, July 25, 2022

And the madness begins...

Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's things ready for school and I went to make coffee and log in. My wife took him to school today, it's his last week of preschool here where he is at. Attended the first training and there were some issues, we tried to get then corrected for the next one. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

We got some info before lunch but not good info. We went to get Gabriel and came home to have lunch. I logged in to work and we set up for training. It was about 30 minutes. Now just waiting for questions and answers that we need. We are going to Benihana's tonight for my wife's birthday. 
(Afternoon: White rice, meat patties, grape soda, gummy worms, water)

After work we drove down to Benihana's and had dinner with my mom, sister and brother in law to celebrate my wife's birthday. We had a good meal and came back home. I took out the trash bins, watered the front lawn and showered. Watched some TV and played with Gabriel before getting him ready for bed. Now off to bed as well, I have some things to take care of tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: Benihana trio, water, ice cream)

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Sunday before training

Woke up and went to go hang out with the boys into he living room. Gave Gabriel some milk and bread for breakfast and had some coffee. After a bit I showered and we left to the mall on Pleasanton. 
(Morning: water, coffee, bread)

My wife and mother in law did some shopping. We had lunch and returned home. I took a nice nap on the couch and was woken up to go to the park.
(Afternoon: pad Thai, root beer, water, lobster wanton)

After the park we went to get some tea at Teaspoon. Hit up Target and came home. Made dinner for the boys and showered. Had Cheesecake and ironed a shirt I want to wear. Sent the boys to bed and now going to watch TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: Cheesecake, water margarita)

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Water park

Woke up and went to get coffee and relaxed. Gave the kids breakfast and started to get this ready for our day trip. Now we are off 
(Morning: coffee, bread)

The drive was good. It was hot. We got to San Ramon and located Arnel. Priscilla and the kids and spent the afternoon swimming and having fun. On the way back we stopped at McDonald's amd grabbed food for the ride home. 
(Afternoon: root beer, skinny popcorn, McChicken, McDouble, iced tea)

We got home and I put things away and things yo wash. I took a nap and later I showered. We went out to pick up sushi for my wife and came home to eat dinner. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: sushi, beer, bratwurst)

Friday, July 22, 2022


Woke up and got dressed. Called out today, I needed a reset dat before training. Got Gabriel's things ready, got him ready, gave him breakfast and took him to school. After the drop off I went to the movies to watch NOPE.
(Morning: water, popcorn, fruit punch)

The movie let out in time for me to get Gabriel and drive home. Had lunch and now getting a smog check done on the truck. Finished that and set up an appointment for the truck for a recall service. Now going to nap.

(Afternoon: half sandwich and hakd salad, water)

My wife and the boys went to the park for a play date with Javi's friend from school. While they were out I watched Smackdown, talked to my Mom and showered. When they got back Javi accidently closed the car door on Gabriel's finger and both were crying hysterically. We calmed them down and eventually sent them to bed. Watched the Gray Man on Netflix and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, rosquillas, beer)

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Thirsty Thursday


Woke up and went to get ready. Got Gabriel's items ready, had him get dressed and took him to preschool. Made some coffee and logged in to work. Talked to my supervisor and unit mates and now reviewing some items. Had a salami sandwich that I had made for work the other day and got ready to go get Gabriel.

(Morning; Sandwich, coffee, water)


Picked up Gabriel and passed by grabbing coffee. Came home and had lunch, now logged in to work and running out the clock. Still nothing regarding the training. Logged off and we went to costco.

(Afternoon: Iced Caramel Macchiato, water,Costco.


Got to Costco and grabbed a few things. Came home and had Javi shower,  Gabriel showered and I did as well. Ate some food and now just hanging out until bed time. 

(Nighttime: water, skinny popcorn, bread loaf)

Wednesday, July 20, 2022



Woke up and went to get dressed. While I was getting ready Javi knocked on the door and asked for medication. He is not feeling well. I asked my supervisor if I could work from home today as my wife has some appointments today for her birthday. Made coffee and now logging in to work. In the forum meeting now, there has been some updates that are good. My wife and Javi came back home from eating breakfast and dropping off Gabriel at preschool. 

(Morning: Water, coffee, pop tart)


We went over to go get Gabriel at school and picked up some lunch. Came home and had lunch and logged back in to work. Later today I am taking my wife out to dinner for her birthday. Well, it looks like we are rescheduling the dinner now. My wife is not feeling well, so we'll see what happens. 

(Afternoon: Panda express, cran-grape, water)


My wife wanted pizza so we ordered one from Mountain Mike's. Picked it up and came home to have dinner. I changed Gabriel and took a shower. I had to run out real quick to Target to grab medicine for my wife and Javi as they are not feeling well. After I got home we watched TV, now off to bed.

(Nighttime: pizza, wings, water)

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Another day


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Got Gabriel's thing ready as well. I did some accounting and sent off some payments. Got him ready to go, my wife is taking him to school on her way to the office. I had some coffee and logged in to work. Javi and I went for a walk and now I am doing laundry while answering questions.

(Morning: water, coffee, nutter butter, cookies)


Javi and I went over to 7-11 to cash in some lotto tickets and scratchers so we can buy a ticket for this go around. He got slurpees and after we headed over to get Gabriel at school. On the way back home we picked up some McDonalds and had lunch here. About to log back in to work and answer more questions.

(Afternoon: McDouble, McChicken, McNuggets, water, ZOA)


We went to Target to get some items. Came home and I made myself 2 bratwurst and hot dogs for the boys. I cut my hair and showered. We watched some TV and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: bratwurst, beer, water)

Monday, July 18, 2022

New week


Woke up and got ready for work. Got things ready for Gabriel and then found out he wouldn't be going to preschool since he is a bit sick. Logged into work and had my coffee and now answering questions. My wife needed me to go out real quick to Target to grabs something and I went and returned. Now logged back in and waiting for lunch.

(Morning: Water, coffee, ritz cheese crackers)


Looks like my supervisor will be off for the rest of the day. I think I still have training in the PM, not sure if the person still wants to meet today. About to go have lunch and relax until that time. I did the training and helped Javi with some hitting off the tee and soft toss. We need to ramp things up as Fall Ball is coming soon. Gabriel is sick so I have to wait until tomorrow to start him with his practice.

(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, water, iced coffee)


After work I took Javi out again to work on his throwing. He missed a pop up and hit his nose. After I hit grounders to both Javi and Gabriel and had them throw to a target. When we were done I cleaned up outside, had Javi shower, bathed Gabriel,  I took a shower as well. Took out thr trash and had dinner. Now watching TV.

(Nighttime: cheese sticks, water, cran-grape, biscuits)

Sunday, July 17, 2022


Woke up and hung out in the living room for a bit. Bad some coffee and went to shower so I can get ready to take Javi to Church. I was going to take Gabriel but he wanted to go with my wife and mother in law to Milpitas. Attended church and we came back home. Had an early lunch and now waiting for my wife to get back.atet we go to the park.
(Morning: water, coffee, loaded mashed potatoes, bacon Mac and cheese, Zebra popcorn)

They got here and wanted to go to Sozzlers. I declined since I has just ate. Here with Gabriel until they return. My Brother, Monica and the kids came by and when they got here we left to the Duck Pond park. We played a little baseball and after we went over to in and out for lunch before we came home.

(Afternoon: water, coffee, pink lemonade, 2 double doubles, rosquillas)

Was on the couch falling asleep and Gabriel wanted to play Cuphead. I was tires and tried to play. He was mad because I kept dozing off, but it's like dude if you let us sleep, I wouldn't be falling asleep here. Anyway, we went to Cardenas, came back home to water the lawn. Changed Gabriel and I showered. Watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Reunited and it feels so good (21st Anniversary)

Woke up and went to make breakfast. Eggs. Bacon, sausage, pancakes and coffee. Today is our 21st anniversary together. After I cleaned up and went to shower and get ready. We are going to visit Arnel, Priscilla and the kids. We got in the car and made the drive down. We had a really good time seeing them and catching up. 
(Morning: eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, coffee, water)

We left and went to get the boys haircuts in San Bruno. After bad lunch with my Mom and Sister at Red Lobster. It was ok, service was not good. After we went to Serramonte and dropped my mom off and hung out a bit before coming home. 
(Afternoon: cacao, water, admirals feast, bacon Mac and cheese, biscuits)

Here at the house. Tried on some clothes on the boys and washed them. Gabriel's Michael jackson shirt came in and he was so exited and loved it. I bathed him, javi showered and I showered after. Now watching some TV before bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, rosquillas)

Friday, July 15, 2022



Woke up and went to get ready for work. I wanted to call out today, but I am the only one on our team that is in. I went to get things ready for Gabriel for school and took him over. Came back home to have coffee and log in to work. Worked on some training region cases and sent them to the person I am training in the afternoon. On my break we went for a walk and came back home. I got an email from the person I was going to train and she said she had to leave and wanted to move it to Monday. So I am free for the rest of the day training wise.

(Morning: Coffee, water, Zebra popcorn)


We went to go get Gabriel and came home. We were in a bit of a pickle trying to figure out lunch. We ended up on ordering Ike's. We ordered sandwiches and I went to go pick them up. Before I went over to buy some chicken breast at Costco and some gift cards. Picked up the food and came home and had lunch. I had the Damon Brice, basically a steak sandwich. Now checking back in to work and going to run out the clock. We are going to watch a movie later today.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, water, lemon lime soda)


We drove over to the movie theater at Bay Fair mall and watched Paws of Fury. It was ok, I fell asleep for a bit, but the kids enjoyed it. After the movie we came home and I talked to my mom. Changed Gabriel and took a shower. Doing laundry right now. Finishing up laundry and off to bed.

(Nighttime: popcorn,  fruit punch, lemon Cheesecake,  plum)

Thursday, July 14, 2022



Woke up and went to get dressed. Packed my things and headed out to the Bay Fair BART station. The ride into the city was good. Felt quick. It wasn't as cold today as it was yesterday morning. Today I have an open morning and a training in the PM. Right now I am all set up in the Expo room and ready to answer questions. Been sitting here and reviewing items. My back is a bit stiff still, need to stretch it out. I have everything ready for the training in the PM. About to go heat up my lunch.

(Morning: Water, cookie, coffee)


Had lunch and now mentally preparing for the training later today. About to start this training and hopefully I can be done before 3:30 so I can pack up my things and get ready to go home. I think tomorrow I may call out.  Did the training and it ended early. I have to create some training region cases for tomorrow so she can work on them. Packed up my things and now off to Civic Center station to go home.

(Afternoon: Orange Juice, Gallo Pinto, tortilla, water, ZOA)


Got home and put things away. We headed over to the Costco business center to grab a few things. Came home to have dinner. Had Javi shower. Going to shower now as well. After I had some popcorn,  watched a show and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: plum, water, beer, wings, cookies, popcorn)

If you're going to San Francisco...(July 13, 2022)


Woke up and got ready to go to work. Packed up my things and headed out to the BART station. The train ride was good, it felt quick. Got there and there was a light drizzle. Walked over to work and started to set up. Logged in and started helping people. At 9 I joined the forum and did my part of the presentation. Still in this meeting and after not sure what will go on. I was able to find a pre-sale password for a WWE event that I want to take the boys to in September. Got the cheapest tickets and we will try to move down during the event since I doubt it will be a sell out.

(Morning: Coffee, water, cookie)


Had lunch, Amilcar stopped by dropping off some items he brought us from their trip Now relaxing and tryin to stretch out my back. About to log back in and answer more questions. Let's see how this goes. I am really tired and would like to sleep. Not feeling well, so hopefully that gets better. Got my things ready and I walked over to the Civic Center station and rode the train home. It was a nice ride. Got home and put things away.

(Afternoon: water, Sandwich, ZOA, nerds)


Relaxed and heated food for dinner. Ate, got things ready for tomorrow and took a shower. We watched tv for a bit before going to bed. Early wake up time for me as I go back to the office.

(Nighttime: water, cheese stick, burrito, apple, plum)

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Taco Tuesday


Woke up and went to get ready for work. It's cold today. Made Gabriel some chicken nuggets for lunch and packed it up for him. My wife is taking him today on her way to the office. I logged in to work and got ready to go to a webinar. This webinar is really tiring and dry, but we move on and learn. After this is done I will be taking Javi for a walk. We went around the neighborhood for our walk. It is nice out right now, so there wasn't much need for a sweater. Javi was asking questions about potential careers. He said he wanted to be a policeman when he was little, but he no longer wants to do that because he sees that robbers kill policeman. Pretty soon going to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water, cereal)


Went to get Gabriel and got gas, washed the Camry and came home. Just had lunch and now logging back in to work. SO tired and want to log off. Answered a few more questions. Got an assignment to present at forum tomorrow, so I am getting that ready. I want to take a nap, but we power through. After work we went to the park. 

(Afternoon: Carne molida, white rice, lemon lime shasta, water)


Shot some hoops, tossed the football around and the kids played. We went to get dinner and came home. All of us showered and now we are watching TV before bed.

(Nighttime: burrito, horchata, water)

Monday, July 11, 2022

New week


Woke up and went to get ready. Got items ready for Gabriel for preschool. Made myself some coffee and got Gabriel ready to go. My wife took him while I logged in to work. Now just waiting for questions from people. I had Javi start on his school work and had some cereal. Thinking of drills that we will be doing later to practice some baseball. After he was done we went for a walk. It's hot outside. Getting ready to head out to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, cereal)


Went with Javi to go pick up Gabriel. But first we went to Teaspoon to get some drinks. Picked up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and soon will be in a meeting at work. Finished work and set up the back yard for practice. 

(Afternoon: Water, Thai Iced Tea, Spaghetti and meatballs) 


Spent time outside practicing catching grounder and throwing. Had Gabriel hit some baseballs off the tee. Had Javi put on the catcher's gear and caught and worked on his throwing. After we put things away. I took out the trash and took a shower. Hsd dinner and relaxed for a bit before bed.

(Nighttime: water, grilled cheese sandwiches)

Sunday, July 10, 2022


Woke up and made breakfast for us. Showered and got ready to go to church with Javi. We attended the services and hit up the dollar tree to get some cards and index cards. Came home and chilled for a bit.
(Morning: egg, bacon, sausage, English muffin, coffee)

Hung out in the backyard, it's hot today. Had some pizza for lunch and tried watching a movie on Netflix, but fell asleep. Now seeing what we do for the rest of the day.
(Afternoon: water, pineapple juice, pizza, ice cream)

We went out to the park and the boys played, rode their bikes and we tossed the football around. Came home and they ate, I mowed the front lawn and bathed Gabriel,  after Jablvi showered I tool one as well and relaxed for the rest of the night. Going to bed now.
(Nighttime: water. Raisin bran)

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Thor: Love and Thunder

Woke up and gave the boys cereal for breakfast. Showered and had coffee, now waiting for time to head out to watch Thor: Love and Thunder. The movie was good. We enjoyed it, after we we drove home. 
(Morning: coffee, water, popcorn, fruit punch)

Had the boys use the bathroom and rest a bit before going to our aunts house to visit. We got there and had lunch and hung out for a bit. After we came home and rested a big before going out to eat.
(Afternoon: water, screwdriver, rum and Coke, chicken, carnitas)

We went to Shell Shock and had a seafood bag. Hit up Target for eggs and came home to chill. Watched TV and rested up. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: wine, water, chips, seafood bag)

Friday, July 8, 2022


Woke up and went to get dressed. Not a good night for me. Anyway made coffee and waited for Gabriel to wake up to get him ready for school. Took him over and dropped him off at school. Came back home and logged in to work. Now just waiting for questions. Now we are about to go get Gabriel.
(Nighttime: water, raisin bran, coffee)

Picked him up and came home. Had lunch and chilled. Now logging back in to work, going to my unit meeting pretty soon. Finished work and took Javi to get his covid booster shot. He was nervous but it was over before he knew it. After I treated us to slurpees.
(Afternoon: Water, Coke, Asian Chicken Wrap, slurpee)

Rested up and we went to Target to grabbed some items. Came home and had dinner. Showered and changed the boys. We watched the last episode of Thr Boys and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, pizza, ceviche)

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Back issue

Woke up with the intention of not going to work since my back was hurting. But I went to get ready and grabbed my things and headed out the door. Jumped in the car and went to the BART station and caught the train. The ride was good, smooth with no issues. Got to the Civic Center station and walked over to work. Set up and now restarting my computer for an update. Been here and it's been a pretty chill day so far. My back is still stiff, watching a show on Bob Saget while waiting. 
(Morning: water, coffee, cookie)

Had lunch and rested up a bit. About to log back in soon. No interactions today, so it was really chill. Finishing packing my things and pretty soon heading out to catch the BART train home. Got on the train to head home. Picked up some items at BevMo! And drove to the house. Emptied the garbage and compost and we got ready to go to Costco. 

(Afternoon: Chow Mein, Fried Rice, water)

Got to Costco and picked up a few things. Came home and put things away. Had dinner and had Javi shower. My wife bathed Gabriel and I showered. Did some laundry and watched a documentary on Netflix. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water. Asian chicken wrap)

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

In office day


Woke up and went to get dressed and ready for work. I have to go in to the office today. Got my things ready and headed over to the BART station to catch the train to go to work. The ride was good, quick. The weather down here is not too good. But I am here in the building working and waiting for the forum meeting to begin. In the meeting now and it is very dry, making me want to nap. But we power through. Almost done with this meeting, I have another one in the PM.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, cookie)


Had lunch and watched the movie Old and rested up a bit. Talked to my Mom and also had a video chat with my wife and kids. Got me a coffee and now going into a webinar. After I was reviewing some items and the fire alarm went off. I packed up and went outside. After it was all clear I went back to the Expo room and soon after left to walk to the BART station to go home. The train ride was good and I went over to wash the camry and came home.

(Afternoon: Coffee, water, tacos al pastor)


Practiced outside with Javi and Gabriel.  We did some baseball drills. Cleaned up the garage a bit. Ordered some Chinese food and went to pick it up. Came back and had dinner and went to shower. Had the boys change. Listened to music with Gabriel and watched TV with my wife. Now off to bed, back to the office tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: chow mein, fried rice, root beer, water)

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Back to work


Woke up and went to get dressed and ready for work. Did some early morning accounting and got Gabriel's things ready for school Soon after I woke him up so he could change and my wife took him to school. I logged in to work and checked my emails, helped a few people, took a walk and now just waiting to go get Gabriel.

(Morning; coffee, water)


We went to pick him up and passed by getting Starbucks. Now we are home, just finished lunch and now working again. On a break I went out to play a bit in the backyard with the boys. Put away the canopy since it is really windy and I didn't want it to break. Now just running out the clock.

(Afternoon: Iced Caramel Macchiato, bean soup, white rice)


Made tacos al pastor, hamburgers and pizza for dinner. Packed up my lunch for tomorrow. Washed dishes and chilled. Has Javi shower and now Gabriel is bathing. Going to shower after and change for bed. Played charades with the boys and watched a show. Pretty soon going to bed.

(Nighttime: Tacos, water, ice cream)

Monday, July 4, 2022

4th of July

Woke up and went to hang out in the living room. Watching a show with the boys and made them breakfast. Now relaxing again. Showered and chilled, did some laundry and pretty soon going to make lunch for the boys.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Made some buttered pasta for the boys, we played Mario Party Superstars and mybwife came home from shopping with her mom. She made some tacos for lunch. After I took a nap.
(Afternoon: water, coke, tacos, buttered pasta)

We went to the park so Gabriel could ride his bike, Javi and I played catch, they shot some hoops and played a bit. Came home to take out the trash and did some exercise. Showered and now watching RAW while playing charades with the boys before they go to bed. About to go to sleep, back to work tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, ice cream)

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Aquarium day

Woke up.and changed. Got the boys ready and we were off to Monterey to go to the aquarium. The drive was about an hour and a half and we found parking and had breakfast before going in. We spent around 2 and a half hours in the aquarium. The boys enjoyed it and were fascinated with the marine life.
(Morning: coffee, water, donut)

We had lunch and walked around Monterey for q bit. Specifically on Cannery Row. We drove back home, the drive took a little closer to 2 hours but we got home safely. I finished watching Money in the bank, took a nap and bathed Gabriel when I woke up.
(Afternoon: Club sandwich, Dr. Pepper, water)

My wife and I went to Target. Came back home and had dinner and watched some TV. Now off to bed, no work tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, beer, grilled cheese sandwiches,  chips)


Saturday, July 2, 2022

Money in the Bank

Woke up and made the boys breakfast. Had coffee and showered. Got the kids ready and we headed off to Great America. We are meeting my brother and cousin out there to hang out. When we got there we walked over to the water park and got in. It was a bit cold, but the water was just right. 
(Morning: coffee water, pog juice)

Had some lunch and we changed. We went over to get on some rides. We walked around and got on more rides. 
(Afternoon: Hot link, fries, carne asada tater tots, lemonade)

Left Great America around 7:30. Got home, all of us showered and had some food. Now going to bed soon after watching some of the Money in the Bank event. 
(Nighttime: cheese sticks, beer, water, launchable)

Friday, July 1, 2022

Rise of Gru

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's things ready and we took him to school. On the way back we filled up the truck and cleaned out the car. Javi helped vacuum and toss out trash. Came home and had coffee. Purchased our tickets for Minions Rise of Gru. Pretty soon I'm heading out to go watch The Black Phone 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Got home from the movie. It was ok, we watched most of Stranger Things last 2 episodes. My sister dropped off my mom and picked up Javi. We went out real quick to grab coffee at Bewja, came home and watched more of the show before heading out to the movies 
(Afternoon: popcorn, coke, cake, iced coffee)

We watched Minions the rise if Gru and it was a funny movie. We did not like the movie theater itself,  I knew that it was a bad vibe since earlier when I watched the movie in the morning. We returned home and changed end the boys,  now resting up. Great America tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: fruit punch, pizza, popcorn, water)