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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

In office day


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got ready for work, packed my things and headed out to the BART station. Got there and hopped on the train to go to work. The ride was smooth, no issues. When I got to the city it was cold. Walked over to the building and set up. Had my coffee and started the training, it went for about close to an hour and 30 minutes. Right now we are having the group work on tasks and reach out to use for help. 

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Cookie)


Had lunch and watched a movie on Netflix, about to log back in to work and take questions as they come. I am really bored, I want to go home already, but have to wait. Going to start packing up soon so I can take off. Packed dup and started my walk to the BART station. Caught the train and got to Bay Fair. Took the car to get washed and came home to hang out.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, ZOA, water)


Had dinner, played a game with Gabriel. We went out to pick up food for everyone else and came home. Took out recycling, trash and made my lunch for tomorrow. Going to shower now.

(Nighttime: ravioli, Cheesecake, water, orange soda)

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