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Thursday, June 9, 2022

In office day


Woke up and went to get ready. My stomach is not doing too well today. I packed up the rest of my things and I went over to Bay Fair BART. I guess there was a computer malfunction earlier and there were delays, but I was able to get to work on time. When I got here there was some things in the room where I usually set myself for and started the training. It was a task support day, we helped out a few people and now just waiting for time to pass by so I can go home. 

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Had lunch and now watching Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' I am so, so tired. I want to take a nap. After work I walked over to the BART station and headed home. Got home and changed, went to practice and had the kids that showed up hit and field after I treated my side and kids to some Ghirardelli ice cream.

(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, water, ZOA, ice cream)


Got home. Ran out quick to Target to get some items and came home. Showered an did some laundry, now just watching TV. Folded some clothes, about to go lay down. Super tired. 

(Nighttime: beer, water)

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