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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Oogie Boogie Bash


Woke up and got ready to go to work. Packed my things and off to the BART station I went. Caught the train and arrived at work. It was cold this morning. Go to the building and set up. Started the training and it went well today. It is my last training day as I am off tomorrow. At 9 I logged on and got our tickets to the oogie boogie bash and our Disneyland tickets. After training I got ready for lunch.

(Morning: coffee. Water, cookie)


Had lunch and took a nap. When i logged back in I went to a meeting. After I got my things ready so I could go home. I walked over to the BART sand caught the train home. When I got home I put things away and we got ready to go out to have dinner.

(Afternoon: water, zoa, sandwich)


We ate at Mel's Diner and we came home. Took a shower and changed Gabriel. We watched a show on Netflix and sent the boys off to bed. Now Watchung The Boys and off to bed.

(Nighttime: water, coke, burger, garlic fries)

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

In office day


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got ready for work, packed my things and headed out to the BART station. Got there and hopped on the train to go to work. The ride was smooth, no issues. When I got to the city it was cold. Walked over to the building and set up. Had my coffee and started the training, it went for about close to an hour and 30 minutes. Right now we are having the group work on tasks and reach out to use for help. 

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Cookie)


Had lunch and watched a movie on Netflix, about to log back in to work and take questions as they come. I am really bored, I want to go home already, but have to wait. Going to start packing up soon so I can take off. Packed dup and started my walk to the BART station. Caught the train and got to Bay Fair. Took the car to get washed and came home to hang out.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, ZOA, water)


Had dinner, played a game with Gabriel. We went out to pick up food for everyone else and came home. Took out recycling, trash and made my lunch for tomorrow. Going to shower now.

(Nighttime: ravioli, Cheesecake, water, orange soda)

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Another day


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the items ready for Gabriel for school, got him dressed and gave him breakfast. My wife took him to preschool as I had to start training. Had some coffee and we began the training. Had some questions but not too many. Javi's friend came over to hang out with him for a bit. Now just waiting for time to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee)


Picked up Gabriel and now here at home. Had some sliders for lunch. Logging back in to work and going to run out the clock. Everything is set for tomorrow. Brought in most of the trash bins. One more remains. My wife went with the boys to drop off his friend. I was able to fold laundry and now just answering questions.

(Afternoon: Sliders, water, cookie)


After work we went to Costco and grabbed a few things. Came home, had dinner, bathed Gabriel and I showered after. Watched TV and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: ice cream, pizza, water)

Monday, June 27, 2022

Last week of training

Woke up and got dressed. Got items ready for Gabriel for school. Gave him breakfast and changed him. I logged in to work and had some things assigned to me. My wife took Gato school on her way to the office. On my break I went with Javi for a walk and we talked a bit. I was trying to explain to him how many things in life come from within, he has to show the drive and the consistency to get where he needs to be. He thinks I'm just ragging on him, but hopefully something sticks.
(Morning: water coffee, senorita bread)

Hit up Target and picked up Gabriel from preschool. Took the camry to get washed and came home. Had lunch and checked back in to work. Ran out the clock and cleaned up the office a bit.
(Afternoon: Chicken, rice, lemon lime soda, water)

Played in the back yard and went to pick up some pizza. Had dinner and chilled for a bit. We took Gabriel to ride his bike in the neighborhood and came back in. Showered and watched TV. Now off to bed. Training tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: pizza,  water)

Sunday, June 26, 2022

13th Anniversary

Woke up and went to chill in the living room. Took a nap, showered and had coffee and we were off to the Japanese Tea Garden. 
(Morning: water, coffee, cokkies)

We got there and walked around. Gabriel needed to pee so I had to go look for a bathroom. There was none so I had to have him pee in a bottle in the truck. After we went to the park so they could ride their bikes and came home. Rested a bit and went to get Senorita bread and passed by Walmart. Grabbed some coffee and came home.
(Afternoon: senorita bread, iced Caramel Macchiato, water)

Napped again, watched the last few minutes of Game 6 of the Stanley Cup finals, Colorado won. Showered and made dinner for myself. Now going to watch an episode or 2 of the Umbrella Academy. Well we finished the series, now off to bed.
(Nighttime: hamburgers,  beer, water)

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Swap Meet

Woke up and went to chill in the living room with Javi. After some time Gabriel came out and we were watching TV. They had breakfast,  I had coffee and showered amd we went to the Swap Meet. It was ok, we thought it would be better. We also went to the library and got library cards.
(Morning: water, coffee)

We drove to sizzlers for lunch. Had the salad bar and after we came home. I took a nap before getting ready for out anniversary dinner.
(Afternoon: salad bar, water)

Drove down to San Mateo for dinner. Ate and had a good time. On the way back tlwe went to Target and drove home. Got here and built Gabriel's bike my sister and brother in law got him and bathed him. Put the kids to bed and watched some Netflix.  Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: rum and Coke, water)

Friday, June 24, 2022

Finally Friday


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got Gabriel's items ready for school and changed him. My wife dropped him off as they went a bit late and I started the training. It was good today, just a task support day. After we went to get Gabriel as he is getting out early.

(Morning: Water, Coffee)


Picked up some Thai tea and grabbed Gabriel. Came home to have lunch. Soon going back to his school for the parent teacher conference. We got there and went in, it went well, Gabriel is doing awesome there, ready for kindergarten. After we came home, the kids played with water balloons and I took a nap 

(Afternoon: Hot Dog, Thai Iced tea, water)


Grabbed dinner, ate, watered the front lawn, watched a few episodes of The Umberlla academy and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: nachos, beer, water)

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Back at it again

Woke up and got ready to go to work. Packed things up and headed to BART. The ride was good. Got to work and set up. Started training and it's going OK so far. Almost done.
(Morning: water, coffee, cookie)

After training I was able fix the power point and sent it to the class. Had lunch and tool a nap, I was tired. After I talked to Karla about a training issue and now tomorrow we will be showing them how to separate income in the system. Now getting ready to go home. I walked over to the BART station and took the train home, got the car washed and arrived at home.
(Afternoon: zoa, water, sandwich)

rested a bit and we went over to the park so the boys could ride their bikes and after play time we came home. I made some payments and showered and now relaxing. Finished watching The Boys and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo,  tiki punch, water)

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

In Office day

Woke up and got ready to go to work. Got my things ready to go and caught the BART to work. Got there and set up and started the training. It went well today, few questions and after I updated some items and got ready for lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee. Cookie)

Had lunch, took a quick nap and cleaned up some items on the power point. Started packing up and headed over to BART to come home. The ride was good and quick. Now driving home.
(Afternoon: zoa, water, sandwich)

Got home and changed. Took the boys to the Duck Pond and after to grab some food. Came home to have dinner. Showered and watched TV with the boys, played Mario Golf and after watched the finale of Obi-Wan. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Panda Express,  coke, water)

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Week 3 of training


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Got Gabriel's things ready and I made some coffee. My wife took him to school late and due to timing I stayed back and logged in to work so I could start the training. Today went almost the full 3 hours, it was jammed packed with information. It it super hot today and it is crazy hot in here. Now getting ready to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee)


We went to go get Gabriel and picked up some lunch. Got the car washed and came home to eat. After lunch I logged back in to work and had to update the VPN for my lap top so that took some time. Now just waiting for time to be off, it is still hot. After work I cleaned up some items in the garage and waited for my wife and kids to get home. 

(Afternoon: Popeye's chicken, grape soda, cole slaw, biscuits, water)


They got home, both kids showered. We had to go out to Target for a baby shower gift for my wife's co-worker. Came back home and showered and now watching TV. Still hot as heck out here.

(Nighttime: water, pineapple juice, cookie)

Monday, June 20, 2022

Chill out day

Woke up and refreshed before making breakfast for us. Had food and coffee and watched the Broken Skulls Session with Jeff Jarrett and cleaned up. My wife and mother in law went shopping. I brought in the tables and chairs from outside and went to shower and change.
(Morning: eggs, bacon, sausage, sweet bread, coffee, water)

Afternoon :
After my shower I had the boys change. I did laundry and when my wife came home we had lunch. Hung out jn the back yard in the shade and came in to fold clothes and get ready. Going to watch Top Gun Maverick in a bit.
(Afternoon: burger, pineapple juice, POG juice, water)

The movie was good, I enjoyed it. We came home to bath the kids, I showered and took out the trash, watered the front lawn and we watched some TV. Now relaxing until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, tortilla and cheese, popcorn, coke, cookie)

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Father's day

Morning : 
Woke up and got dressed and ready to go. Got things ready for the BBQ later and Javi and Ganr gave me a card for Father's day. After we went to Target to grab some things and came home
(Morning: nada)

Watched the Giants game and started up the grill. Everyone came over and we had had a BBQ. My sister, brother and mom came over and we hung out. Had food, talked and made plans for later in the year to go to a giants or a niners game. After every one went home and I chilled outside with the boys.
(Afternoon: carne asada,  Gallo pinto, beer, margaritas, water)

Javi and I watched TMNT 3 Turtles in time and they went to bed. We tried to watch a movie but I kept falling asleep  maybe tomorrow. Anyway, changing now and off to bed in a bit. It was a great father's day.
(Nighttime: beer, water, Gallo pinto, corn, meat)

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Great America day

Woke up and went to rest on the couch. Got ready and we went to Great America. We only did the rides this time, no water park. We got on the bumper cars, the gondolas and I took Javi on Psycho Mouse.
(Morning: water, coffee, POG juice)

We got on more rides in Snoopy land. Walked around some more and headed home. When we got here I finished watching the Giants game and rested a bit.
(Afternoon: icee, water)

We had Chinese food for dinner, I cleaned up the back yard a bit. Now I am resting again. I have to clean the grill by tomorrow. We watched a rescue dog show and put the boys to bed. Now going to sleep as well.
(Nighttime: Chinese food, beer, water)

Friday, June 17, 2022


Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's things ready and we took him to preschool  he has his Annie performance today. My wife, Javi and I went to have breakfast at Black Bear Diner a d attended the show. It was really cute and he did an amazing job. After we went to Costco and came home.
(Morning: coffee, eggs Benedict, biscuits and grace, chorizo )

We got home, I put things away and took a nap while they watched Annie. Going to watch Lightyear later today. We went to the movie and it was good. Not great, but good, after we came home.
(Afternoon: popcorn, water, coke)

Showered and talked to my mom. Had dinner and talked to my wife's friend and I had dinner. We watched The Boys and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: nuggets, pizza rolls, lunchable, wine)

Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Day After


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got my things ready and headed out the door to drive to the BART station. I got there and took the train to go to the city. It was a nice ride on a newer train. When I got to my stop I got out and started to walk over to my building. The streets of San Francisco are a mess. Homeless people everywhere, urine and poop everywhere, drug needles all over the place. They need to fix things ASAP. I got here and set up, now waiting for time to start the training. The training was good, we had a break out room where we went over a new document for people who will be leaving the training this week. Now on to lunch.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, pop tart)


Had lunch with Kathleen. We had a good chat and caught up. After I came in to the Expo room and I was able set up the training agenda for next week. Now going in to a training. Listened to the training and it was boring, I think I dozed off for a bit. But it was info that we already knew,  just a few new things. Anyway, now leaving to catch BART home. Got to the station, jumped in the car and drove home. Left my things and walked over to Kennedy Park and met up with my wife and kids.

(Afternoon: Water, ZOA, sandwich) 


After the park we drove to Sonic to get some milkshakes and came home. Ate some left over Panda Express my wife left and I went to shower. Watched the last quarter if the Warriors game. They won the finals in 6 games against the Celtics. Watched Obi-wan and now of to bed. 4 day weekend for me.

(Nighttime: beer, water, Panda Express)

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Last game of the year


Woke up and got dressed. Drove over to BART and took the train to work. Walked over and set up and now having issues with internet connectivity. Called IT and they had me go over to 1650 Mission to get some items for my lap top. Did that and returned to work. Now just waiting for time to leave.

(Morning: Coffee, Iced Caramel Macchiato, water, Maple scone)


Had lunch and pretty soon going to head out to the BART station to go home. It's the championship game today at 6 for Javi. Have to get home to get ready for it. Got home and we got ready to go.

(Afternoon: Water, Sandwich)


The game didn't go as we wanted. We got mercy ruled. We lost 15-0. Javi played his best and did great. The team was over match. But they had a great season. After we came home and had dinner. Bathed the boys and showered. Now getting ready for bed.

(Nighttime: beer, water, carnitas sandwich)

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Rest day

Woke up and went to get ready. Got Gabriel's lunch readynand was ready to take him to preschool,  but my wife offered to take him when she went to work, so they left a little later. I made coffee and logged in to work. Started training and we went over some items and had them work on tasks. They had some interesting questions for the most part. I did the last portion on my own. I took a walk with Javi on my break. After I met with Karla before talking to Odioh. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

My Klay Thompson jersey came in and we had the meeting with Odioh. We are waiting for a response to what we will cover next. Amy wife came home with Gabriel and we went to pick up lunch. Came back and ate. Played catch for a bit with Javi with his regular glove and catcher's glove just in case he is needed behind the dish tomorrow. Hit hit a few times, still needs to go out there and hit again.
(Afternoon: water, horchata, burrito)

We hit up Target to grab some groceries. Came home, I made a sandwich for lunch tomorrow.  Had dinner, had Javi shower. I showered and chilled for a bit. Now off to bed. Big game tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: half burrito,  pizza, beer, water)

Monday, June 13, 2022

Game day


Woke up and went to get ready. Got Gabriel's things ready for school, got him dressed and we were off to take him to preschool. Came back home to make coffee and start training. We were able to cover 2 days worth of training today. There were not to many questions being asked and that was pretty much it. Getting ready to go get Gabriel. Javi has his TOC game 2 tonight in Union City.

(Morning: Water, coffee)


Picked up Gabriel and came home to have lunch. Now checking back in to work and soon will be getting ready to go to Javi's game. Finished work and we were off to the game. We did some warm ups and we also did some soft toss before the game.

(Afternoon: White rice, carne molida)


The game was good until it wasn't. They had a commanding 5 innings and lead 8-0. In the sixth they almost let it get away from them. We had to use a rule to seal the win and move on to play on Wednesday for the championship. I wasn't too happy with the way we won, I mean, they played a hell of a game and they should have been able to close it out, but in the end they couldn't do it, but we knew the rules and a win is a win. After I got the boys McDonald's and drove home. Ate some food and showered,  now resting up before bed time.

(Nighttime: McChicken, McDouble, chicken nuggets, water)

Great America (6/12/22)

Woke up and went to thr living room and fell back asleep. So tired. When my wife got up we got ready to go to Great America. I took the boys with me to get gas and came to pick her up to go. The drove was good. Pretty quick an easy. We got in and went over to the water park portion and played for about 2 hours in thr water.
(Morning: nada)

We had lunch and got on a few rides. After we drove home. I am exhausted. I put on Toy Story 2 and 3 for Gabriel while I took a nap. When I woke up I gave Gabriel a bath.
(Afternoon: fries, root beer, lemonade, water, chicken strips)

Had some some sushi and beer. Took out trash. Showered and helped Javi shower as well. Watched some tv and now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: sushi, beer, water)

Saturday, June 11, 2022


Woke up and showered. Got ready and made Javi some pancakes for breakfast. We hit the road to Treeview Little League. We got there and the game and it was hot. The team did well and won. They move on to play on Monday. After we headed to have lunch at Texas Roadhouse. 
(Morning: coffee and lots of water)

Got to the restaurant and had lunch. After went to get gas at Costco. Now home relaxing. Asked Javi if he wanted to go with me to watch Jurassic World: Dominion and he said yes. Watched the movie, it was entertaining and we came home.
(Afternoon: water, Dr. Pepper, brisket dinner, bread, coke, popcorn)

Here at the house and watched Toy Story with Gabriel and a little bit of Toy Story 2. Showered and watched some TV. I am really tied, it's been a long day. But a fun day. Getting rest, tomorrow we go to Great America.
(Nighttime: beer, water, string cheese, pop tart)

Friday, June 10, 2022

Graduation Day


Woke up and went to get dressed. Set up breakfast for Gabriel and when he woke up he ate and I got him dressed. We went to go drop him off at school and came home. I made some coffee and logged in to work. I set up the training for Monday and now I am just waiting to log off. Off a t 12 today. Gabriel's graduation is at 1:30.

(Morning: Coffee, water, Monster Mix)


We went over to pick up Gabriel. Walked around the mall for a bit until we had to be back for his graduation. The ceremony was very cute. He sang a few songs and got his diploma. He was so happy. After we went to Chuck E Cheese and played before coming home to get ready for the batting cages.

(Afternoon: cold cut, cookies, pizza pretzel, lemonade, coke, water, turkey burger)


Batting cages were good. Did a lot of pitching to the kids. Helped out a lot with hitting techniques. After we came home and had Javi shower, I showered and had some food. Now just relaxing. Bed time, big game tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: grilled cheese, watermelon, beer, water)

Thursday, June 9, 2022

In office day


Woke up and went to get ready. My stomach is not doing too well today. I packed up the rest of my things and I went over to Bay Fair BART. I guess there was a computer malfunction earlier and there were delays, but I was able to get to work on time. When I got here there was some things in the room where I usually set myself for and started the training. It was a task support day, we helped out a few people and now just waiting for time to pass by so I can go home. 

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Had lunch and now watching Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' I am so, so tired. I want to take a nap. After work I walked over to the BART station and headed home. Got home and changed, went to practice and had the kids that showed up hit and field after I treated my side and kids to some Ghirardelli ice cream.

(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, water, ZOA, ice cream)


Got home. Ran out quick to Target to get some items and came home. Showered an did some laundry, now just watching TV. Folded some clothes, about to go lay down. Super tired. 

(Nighttime: beer, water)

Dentist appointment

Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's lunch ready and had him dress for school. We took him over to preschool and came home. I made some coffee and set up for training. I was only doing an hour and a half today as I had to take Javi to the dentist to get a tooth pulled. We went over and it was quick and we came home. Javi did well today.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Dropped Javi off and went to pick up Gabriel. Had lunch and logged back in to work. Had another meeting to attend and ran out the clock.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, root beer, water)

We went to Costco and came back. Had dinner and I'm about to shower. Have to get ready for tomorrow. It's an in office day for me. Put away my lunch and now just resting before going to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water, yogurt)

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Scrimmage day


Woke up and went to get dressed. A bit sore from yesterday's practice. I'm not used to doing much running but I did yesterday and I'm paying for it a bit. Oh well, got Gabriel ready to go and we were off to drop him off at school. Came back home and made coffee. No training for me today, but I have to get things ready for tomorrow. Looking over items and chatting with people providing support. I took a walk with Javi, played catch and had him hit off a tee and do soft toss. Pretty soon going to Target with Javi since my wife is picking up Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, monster mix, coffee)


Grabbed some items at Target and returned home. Had lunch and was able to play some soccer with Gabriel. A little later I put some items away and played some more soccer and had Javi do another round of hitting of the tee and soft toss. Met with my unit and my supervisor and now just running out the clock. Our team has a scrimmage with the All-Stars today.

(Afternoon: Bean soup, white rice, cheese, water, ZOA)


We went to the park and I set up the field. Got the kids ready and we played the scrimmage game. They were not on their game, bit for what it's worth they hung with them. After got a slurpee and came home. Helped Javi shower and I showered as well. Made air fryer grilled cheese and had the rest of the wine we bought. Washed dishes and now watching TV.

(Nighttime: slurpee,  wine,  water, grilled cheese)

Monday, June 6, 2022

Training begins


Woke up and got ready for work. Got things ready for Gabriel for school and got him dressed. We went to drop him off and came back home. Made some coffee and logged in to work to start the 1st day of training. It went pretty well, almost the full 3 hours today. After we went to get the car washed and to go pick up Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Went to pick up Gabriel and came home. Now we are waiting to see what is going on for the rest of the day. Javi has practice later today. Took my lunch and I was able to take a break to play soccer with the boys. Now trying to set up the document assignments for Wednesday. Did that and took off to practice. 

(Afternoon: Popcorn, doritos, water, pastry)


Practice was good. Javi and the kids had some fun. They did some fielding, hitting and running. After we came home, went to Cardenas and Burger King. Came home to eat and shower. Changed the boys and sent them to bed. Watched TV and now going to sleep myself. 

(Nighttime: water, chicken sandwich, burger, horchata)

Sunday, June 5, 2022

meeting and end of the year

Woke up and went to shower. Got ready and had some coffee, took off to Castro Valley to attended a meeting about the TOC's. 
(Morning: coffee, pastry, water)

The meeting was informative, after I came home and rested a bit before we drove to Alameda for an early dinner. We got the there and ate and came back home to rest before going to Gabriel's end of the season party. 
(Afternoon: water, Banzai meal)

We drove over to Porky's pizza and Gabriel had some pizza, played games and got his medal. We came home, I showered and changed Gabriel and now watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Closing Ceremonies

Woke up and went to shower. Had some coffee and a pastry. Now watching the Floor is Lava. Soon going to go the the leagues closing ceremony. We drove over and gathered with the team. We went on the field and were officially crowned as league Champions. We got the trophies and took pictures.
(Morning: coffee, water, pastry).

We had lunch at the park. Talked to some of the other parents and stayed a bit for the hit-a-thon. Came home and took a nap. I'm exhausted, really tired. Went to Target so Javi could buy a game and after we celebrated the end of the season and Javi's championship at Famous Dave's.  Came home right after and played basketball with Gabriel outside.
(Afternoon: tri tip, coke, water, chips, famous Dave's bbq)

Changed the boys after they showered, watched the floor is lava and put them to bed. Finished laundry and watched the Our Father documentary on Netflix. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, wine, reese's pieces)

Friday, June 3, 2022



Woke up and got ready for work. Got the boys ready and gave them breakfast. Took them to school and came back home. Made coffee and checked in to work. Now having a few meetings and hoping today goes by fast. Met with the team to go over some items and had our unit meeting early. Now going to go get something at Target and have lunch. 

(Morning: Coffee, water, pastry)


I went over to Target, grabbed some waters for the boys and snacks for them as they were running low. Came back home and had the rest of the burrito Gabriel left over yesterday. Now I am about to check in to work and see how the last few hours go. So sleepy, I need to take a nap, but alas I cannot, after work we are heading down to my Sister's for my Brother in Laws birthday dinner. 

(Afternoon: Burrito, Sprite, water)


We drove down and made it to my sister's. We had dinner and cake and came home. When we got here we had the boys wash up and change. We watched an episode of the Boys and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: lemonade, water, beer, flautas, rice, rosquillas, cake)

Thursday, June 2, 2022

In office


Woke up early and went to get ready. Got my lunch and coffee ready as well and off I was to the BART station. There was an earthquake early in the morning so the trains were going to be slow. I didn't notice any difference in the length of the ride. Got to the city and walked over to 1235 and started setting up. Now just waiting for instructions for the day.

(Morning: Coffee, water, pop tart)


Had my lunch and talked a bit to my wife. Watched the movie Candyman and now just waiting for time to go home. Well, taking a break and again having to deal with this little league thing. It should be a done deal for the team, they should be the league champions. For whatever reason they are trying to delay and make it stressful for all involved. Anyway, going to check back in to work. Went over to check on my desk and got yelled at by an EW who is frustrated by a new process they released. I was like, it wasn't me, but we will help you get to where you need to be. Packing up now and getting ready to walk to the BART station. Got to Bay Fair and drove home.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, coke, water, donuts)


When I got home we were supposed to go to Target to get Javi a game. But the boys did not act well and they didn't earn the chance to go. We picked up dinner and came home. Ate and I showered. Changed the boys, watched TV. The Warrors lost game 1 of the finals, they should win the next one. Anyway, off to bed.

(Nighttime: super burrito, water, apples, strawberries, grapes, beer)

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

New month, same jury box


Woke up and got ready. Got the boys lunch ready and had them get dressed. We took them over to school and dropped them off. It was pretty quick. Came back home to make some coffee and logged in to the zoom link for jury duty. Let's see how today goes.

(Morning: Coffee, water, pastry, monster mix)


Well, I got excused as a juror, so tomorrow I go in to work. Let's see how the training prep will go. I went to wash and vacuum the camry and returned home to have lunch. After I took the truck to wash and now I am waiting to get Javi from school.  Went to pick him up and came home. I took a nap and woke up in time to go to practice. 

(Afternoon: torta de carne, tortilla, white rice, sprite, water)


Well, we got to the park to the news that it seems we may be tied for the league championship, so they have made a big mess of this. Don't know what happens next to be honest. But we practiced and Javi had a good go at it. After we came home, grabbed dinner. Everyone showered and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: Panda Express, beer, water)