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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

lockdown day 596


Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready with breakfast and ready to go. Today is the last day before I go back to the office for 2 days. Setting up some things before we go drop off Gabriel. My stomach is not doing so well today. We'll see how we get through it. Came back home and started training, it was good today. I introduced myself to the group and we started the training session. No questions today. After I put the compost and recycling bin back in. Now waiting for Gabriel to be off of school.

(Morning: Coffee, water, bread)


Went to go get Gabriel and passed by Javi's school dropping off some clothes we are exchanging. Came home, packed up the Halloween decorations, right now a few are drying, will put them away when they dry. Had lunch and now checking in to work. Going to get Javi on my break. Picked him up and came home to run out the clock. Practice was canceled so we took the boys to get hair cuts. 

(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, wate. Coke)


We dropped off the boys and went to Target. Picked up some burgers and came home to have dinner. Bathed the boys, showered and watched TV. About to go to bed. Have to wake up early to drive into the office.

(Nighttime: double bacon cheeseburger fries, strawberry shake, water)

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