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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

In office day

Woke up and got ready. Mentally preparing myself for the drive and the day at work. About to make coffee and head out. The drive was good, I found parking in my usual area. I took a nice nap and when it was time to go in I headed out for my walk to work. The air is cold today, but not too bad. I got to 1440 Harrison and logged in. Training was good, I did the last of the power point slides and Karla did the rest. She forgot her lap top at home so we had to share mine so we could do the training. Right now I am waiting for questions from the group. My back is a little sore and I am so tired. Wish I was at home sleeping. Odioh returned today and we caught up with him and now going to eat.
(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)

Had lunch and now waiting for time to start the training again. My back started hurting a lot. I almost fell out the chair. Today has not been nice to me. The training went ok, it's just some people try to be disruptive and show how much of an ass they are. Anyway, after work I drove over to Union City to switch out with my wife at Gabriel's practice. I think it may be over soon. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich, chips, iced coffee, water, capri sun) 

Practice finished and we came home. Had dinner and bathed Gabriel. I took a shower and tried to rest up. My back is really hurting. Took medication and now laying down. Hopefully my back will be fine for tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: shrimp Alfredo pasta, water, Hawaiian bread)

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