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Friday, February 26, 2021

lockdown day 347


Woke up and got dressed. Gabriel woke up and came out so I gave him some pediasure for breakfast. Changed him and was going out to warm up the truck when the door knob came off the door. I had to re-install it before we left to drop him off. We took off and dropped Gabriel off at preschool, it was a quick drop off. Got back home and moved the cars for street cleaning purposes. Asked to be off at 1 today, not feeling too good. Will be meeting with my team about the training at 10 today. 

(Morning: Coffee, water, Pop Tarts)


Picked up Gabriel and came back home. Finished up work early and we left to go grab good, hit up Walmart, get gas and go to Costco. After we came home and I've been playing Madden waiting for my wife to wake up from her nap.

(Afternoon: California roll, 2 fish filet sandwiches, milkshake, coke, water)


After playing 2 games of Madden, we watched WandaVision and I got things ready for movie night. Made popcorn,  chips, salsa and Margaritas. Watched The Tom and Jerry movie. After took the boys to bed and now watching a true crime series. About to go to bed. 

(Nighttime: Margaritas, chips and salsa, water)

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