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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

lockdown day 344


Woke up and got dressed. Gave Gabriel some milk and he ate half of a muffin. Got him dressed and ready for preschool. We drove him over and checked him in. Returned home to have coffee and a muffin and checked in to work. Spoke to my unit member and we talked about the upcoming training and now I am waiting to see what updates she has made.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Muffin)


Before getting Gabriel I hit up Target. Picked up Gabriel and came home to have lunch. About to hang out outside for a bit before getting back in to work. Met with my team about the training, got the training schedule and training assignments, now waiting for approval. 

(Afternoon: Vanilla Chai, Orange Soda, Tacos, chips, salsa, water)


Hung outside for a bit. Played Mario Party while waiting for the Chinese food to arrive. Had dinner, showered and helped Javi shower and get ready. Watched some tv until bed.

(Nighttime: Chinese food,  water)

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