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Friday, February 5, 2021

lockdown day 326


Woke up earlier than my alarm so I decided to get ready early. Changed, got Gabriel's lunch and backpack ready. I had some coffee, folded clothes and watched the news. When the boys woke up I gave Gabriel some cereal, had the boys change. Javi has a sports spirit day, so I gave him his Bosa Niners jersey. Dressed Gabriel and we headed out to drop him off at preschool. The drop off was quick and we came back home. I checked in to work, I had to restart my computer for some updates. Talked to a few people, went out to move the cars for the street cleaning service. I have my meeting early today.

(Morning: Coffee)


Went to go get Gabriel and came back home. It's nice out so we will spend some time out side today. We had burgers and fries and soon I will check back in to work. As for work I went to Bev MO and we went to Home Depot.

(Afternoon: double cheese burger,  fries, orange soda, water)


Got home and ordered Chinese Food. Had dinner, cleaned up and noticed that the battery from the string trimmer we bought was defective. Packed up the tool and tomorrow we will go and try to return or exchange it. Watched tv and talked to Arnel for a bit. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: Chinese food, beer, water)

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