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Saturday, February 20, 2021

lockdown day 341

Woke up and fell back to sleep. Woke up again and showered. Got ready and had breakfast. Got the boys ready and headed down to the city to get my 2nd COVID vaccine shot. The drive was good, felt quick and here and got my shot. Now waiting for the required 15 minute waiting period.
When I was getting ready to leave I turned around and saw Mike Krukow there, he noticed my Giants jacket any pointed at me, I said hey and shared a moment and walked away. During these covid times we shouldn't linger. 
(Morning: coffee, 2 muffins, water)

We drove to Stonestown and walked around. Hit up Target and got some lunch at Boudin's and some coffee to go. Drove to McDonald's and Happy Meals for the boys now at my sister's eating lunch with my Mom. Ate talked with my mom for a bit, Gabriel fell asleep and I took a nap with him. When we woke up he accidentally made my Mom fall and bumped her head, he bumped his as well. They were ok. Now we are heading home.
(Afternoon: iced caramel Macchiato, BLTA sandwich, chips, water)

Passed by getting sushi before going home. Got home and ate food. Chilled for a bit and went to shower,  changed Gabriel and had Javi change as well. Watched some tv and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, root beer, water, sushi, pizza, peanuts, pretzels)

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