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Sunday, February 28, 2021

lockdowm day 349

Woke up, made eggs for the boys. Had coffee and 2 cheese biscuits. Now watching a show with Javi. Cleaned up the living room amd mowed the grass in the backyard. Goy the grill ready, vaccuumed and went to shower. We met my sister and Mom over at Cardenas. 
(Morning: coffee, cheese biscuits)

After getting some groceries we came home, I turned the grill on and we had lunch. We had a good time and I also did some laundry. After my Mom and sister left I folded clothes and watched the Big E 24 documentary. It was really good. 
(Afternoon: carne asada, tortilla, avocado,  beer, water)

Bathed Gabriel and got him changed for the night. Made them nuggets and I had ceviche and Margaritas. Now waiting for Javi to finish showering so I can wash the dishes. Did that and watched America's Funniest Home Videos, Javi was really enjoying it. After sent the boys to bed and we got ready to watch The Walking Dead. After we watched a bit of TV and now off to bed. Training starts tomorrow.
(Nighttime: Margaritas, water, ceviche)

lockdown day 348

Woke up to the screams of my wife, Javi and Gabriel playing Mario 3D world. Went to shower and had coffee. Now watching a show on Disney plus with the boys. 
(Morning: coffee)

We went to grab lunch, came home to eat and headed out to the park for a few hours. After the park we went to Target and came home. Javi and I watched the rest of the show we were watching and I let the boys play the switch while I washed clothes and cleaned the kitchen. 
(Afternoon: burrito, horchata, monster, water)

Changed the boys and had dinner, Gabriel's left over burrito. A few beers and chilled. Watched some law and order. Javi said he was scared from watching the show earlier and was crying about it. So he is sleeping on my side of the bed. I'm watching tv for a while more.
(Nighttime: beer, burrito, trail mix, water)

Friday, February 26, 2021

lockdown day 347


Woke up and got dressed. Gabriel woke up and came out so I gave him some pediasure for breakfast. Changed him and was going out to warm up the truck when the door knob came off the door. I had to re-install it before we left to drop him off. We took off and dropped Gabriel off at preschool, it was a quick drop off. Got back home and moved the cars for street cleaning purposes. Asked to be off at 1 today, not feeling too good. Will be meeting with my team about the training at 10 today. 

(Morning: Coffee, water, Pop Tarts)


Picked up Gabriel and came back home. Finished up work early and we left to go grab good, hit up Walmart, get gas and go to Costco. After we came home and I've been playing Madden waiting for my wife to wake up from her nap.

(Afternoon: California roll, 2 fish filet sandwiches, milkshake, coke, water)


After playing 2 games of Madden, we watched WandaVision and I got things ready for movie night. Made popcorn,  chips, salsa and Margaritas. Watched The Tom and Jerry movie. After took the boys to bed and now watching a true crime series. About to go to bed. 

(Nighttime: Margaritas, chips and salsa, water)

lockdown day 346


Woke up, I slept on the couch as I didn't want to hear anything from my wife, she was a bit rude and disrespectful the other night and we had some words. Anyway, I got up and got dressed. Gave Gabriel some cereal and helped dress him. We took him to school and dropped him off. Came back home and made some coffee and checked in to work. I have been reviewing the materials for next week. Trying to figure out which part I should do. 

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Pop Tart)


Got ready to go get Gabriel. Went to Jack In The Box to get some tacos I was craving. Now waiting in the parking lot of Gabriel's preschool. Got back and had lunch, now checking in to work and reviewing the materials again. Felt dizzy and went to lay down after work.

(Afternoon: tacos, spaghetti and meatballs, water, coffee, monster mix)


Watched Gabriel play Mario deluxe and after I played Clue with my wife and Javi. I was able to correctly accuse Mr. Green, with the lead pipe in the Library. Even with the cheating and the odds against me, I won. Anyway, changed the boys, showered and had some nachos. Watched a true crime documentary on HBO Max and went to sleep.

(Nighttime: nachos, beer, water)

Thursday, February 25, 2021

lockdown day 345


Woke up and got dressed. Checked the garbage bill and paid it. Got Gabriel ready and took him to preschool. Good drop off today. I came back home to make coffee and check in to work. Have my training schedule for next week. Now waiting for time to pack up and go.

(Morning: Coffee, water, pop tart)


Made everyone lunch, packed up and headed out to get Gabriel and drive to my sister's. The drive was good, now reviewing items before eating. So some interesting news came out today. The Big Show,  Paul Wight has signed with AEW wrestling. Rumors are that he felt disrespected by Randy Orton and they could not come to terms on a new deal. So here are my 2 cents: 

First congratulations to Paul Wight on getting that contract and paycheck. Second I hope that this is a start in the right direction for WWE. For so long they have thrown money at wrestlers and legends just so other promotions could not have them. Instead of throwing away your money and it being dead money (which I am sure Mr. Wight had probably tried to leverage the deal with his AEW offer like others before him) have the competition pay them and force them to use them or look like hypocrites. Anyway, good luck to both. 

Logged off of work and now waiting for my wife to get here so we can chill and drive home. 

(Afternoon: Chinese food, Iced Coffee, corn nuts)


Drove home, the drive was smooth. Got here and unloaded the truck and put things away. Cleaned the bed and took a shower. Put clothes to wash and watched NXT, while folding the clothes I watched Judas and the black messiah. Now going to sleep.

(Nighttime: soup, peanut butter sandwich, fruit snack)

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

lockdown day 344


Woke up and got dressed. Gave Gabriel some milk and he ate half of a muffin. Got him dressed and ready for preschool. We drove him over and checked him in. Returned home to have coffee and a muffin and checked in to work. Spoke to my unit member and we talked about the upcoming training and now I am waiting to see what updates she has made.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Muffin)


Before getting Gabriel I hit up Target. Picked up Gabriel and came home to have lunch. About to hang out outside for a bit before getting back in to work. Met with my team about the training, got the training schedule and training assignments, now waiting for approval. 

(Afternoon: Vanilla Chai, Orange Soda, Tacos, chips, salsa, water)


Hung outside for a bit. Played Mario Party while waiting for the Chinese food to arrive. Had dinner, showered and helped Javi shower and get ready. Watched some tv until bed.

(Nighttime: Chinese food,  water)

Monday, February 22, 2021

lockdown day 343


Woke up and went to get changed. Got Gabriel's bag ready for preschool. Woke him up and gave him breakfast. Changed him and we went to drop him off. Came back home and made coffee, had a muffin and checked in to work. Reviewed some emails and now going to review some documents for training.

(Morning: Coffee, muffin, water)


Stayed home with Javi while my wife went to get lunch and pick up Gabriel. When she came home we ate, rested and the boys played in the jumper. Did some more work and logged off. After we went to Target to grab some items and returned home. 

(Afternoon: 2 cheeseburgers, lemonade,  water)


Got home, put the groceries away. Sat on the couch and fell asleep. Woke up and had Javi change, changed Gabriel and I went to go take a shower. After I sent the boys to bed. I had some chips and salsa. After I had an ice cream. Watched some tv and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: chips, salsa, soda, water, ice cream)

lockdown day 342

Woke up, my arm is a bit sore still. Had some coffee and muffins. Now watching Broken Skull Sessions with Steve Austin and Sasha Banks. Going to clean up in a bit.
Changed and cleaned up, swept the living room and kitchen. Had the roomba vacuum. Went outside to set up the grill.
(Morning: coffee, water, muffins)

When my sister's said she was at the store with my mom I started up the grill and cooked the carne asada, tortilla, green onion and corn. The food was delicious and we ate and hung out until the Elimination Chamber PPV started. They left to go home.
(Afternoon: carne asada, tortilla, avocado, green onions, chicharon, beer, water)

Finished the PPV. Gave Gabriel a bath and changed him. Had some coffee and watched SNL. Did a quick load of laundry while Javi took a shower and after they went to bed I folded the clothes. Now going to watch an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and go to be.
(Nighttime: coffee)

Saturday, February 20, 2021

lockdown day 341

Woke up and fell back to sleep. Woke up again and showered. Got ready and had breakfast. Got the boys ready and headed down to the city to get my 2nd COVID vaccine shot. The drive was good, felt quick and here and got my shot. Now waiting for the required 15 minute waiting period.
When I was getting ready to leave I turned around and saw Mike Krukow there, he noticed my Giants jacket any pointed at me, I said hey and shared a moment and walked away. During these covid times we shouldn't linger. 
(Morning: coffee, 2 muffins, water)

We drove to Stonestown and walked around. Hit up Target and got some lunch at Boudin's and some coffee to go. Drove to McDonald's and Happy Meals for the boys now at my sister's eating lunch with my Mom. Ate talked with my mom for a bit, Gabriel fell asleep and I took a nap with him. When we woke up he accidentally made my Mom fall and bumped her head, he bumped his as well. They were ok. Now we are heading home.
(Afternoon: iced caramel Macchiato, BLTA sandwich, chips, water)

Passed by getting sushi before going home. Got home and ate food. Chilled for a bit and went to shower,  changed Gabriel and had Javi change as well. Watched some tv and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, root beer, water, sushi, pizza, peanuts, pretzels)

Friday, February 19, 2021

lockdown day 340


Woke up, had a good night regarding sleep. My back is still bothering me and my ankle is sore, I think I messed it up when I was trying to avoid stepping on a toy in the office. Got Gabriel ready to go to preschool and we went to drop him off. Came back home and made coffee, I have to descale the machine later on today. Checked in to work and submitted my time sheet and now waiting for assignments.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Went to go get Gabriel and came back home. Had some lunch and checked back in to work for my unit meeting. Laid out for a bit to stretch out my back. Running out the clock and after going to run some errands.

Logged off of work and we headed over to costco for gas and some other items. Came back home and put things away. 

(Afternoon: Shrimp Alfredo Angel Hair Pasta, orange soda, water)


Had dinner and changed the boys. Showered and put clothes to wash. Watched WandaVision and a movie with the boys. Put them to bed and watched tv and folded clothes until bed.

(Nighttime: beer, water, pizza)

Thursday, February 18, 2021

lockdown day 339

Woke up, changed and made Gabriel some nuggets for lunch. Changed him and got his bag ready and drove him to preschool. The drop off was good, came back home and had coffee and checked in to work. Chatted with a few people and cleaned up. Now on break.
(Morning: coffee, water, corn nuts)

Went to pick up Gabriel. Came back home, had lunch and attended a webinar. Arnel passed by with Priscilla to visit. I let them borrow a canopy. Hopefully it has all the pieces or I'll take the other one down. Back in to work and answered more questions. 
(Afternoon: chicken, rice, potatoes,  soda)

After work I played Madden. Made some lobster bisque. Javo dropped some on the table cloth so I have to wash it later. About to shower. Changed Gabriel and they were put to bed. Finished washing the table cloth and put it on the table. Going to watch tv until I go to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, lobster bisque, water, pineapple empanada, pretzels, paleta)

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

lockdown day 338

Woke up and went to change. Gave Gabriel some cereal and a pediasure for breakfast.  Took him to preschool and came back home. Has some coffee and checked in to work.  Attended the forum meeting and talked tona few people. Now taking a break before checking back in. I have to stay up here today to wait for the couch to be delivered. My wife will take the boys over to my Mom. Made lunch for the boys to eat on the road. Packrd up the truck and they left. 
(Morning: coffee, water, corn nuts)

Stayed home working while waiting for the couch. They delivered the love seat and after I did a quick Walmart and Target run and came home. Had some peanut butter sandwiches and iced coffee. Reviewing some items for work and running out the clock. 
Played Madden and waited for my wife and kids to get home. 
(Afternoon: peanut butter sandwiches, water, iced coffee, chips)

They got home I ate some popcorn shrimp and hot chocolate. Bathed Gabriel,  helped Javi shower, took out the trash and recycling, showered myself and now going to put the boys to bed. Watched NXT and soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: hot chocolate, popcorn shrimp, water)

lockdown day 337


Woke up and went to get ready. I changed and got Gabriel's items ready for preschool. Changed him and gave him cereal and when he was done we were on our way to drop him off. The drop off was quick and we came back home. Made a coffee and checked in to work. Chatted with a few people and now waiting for my next assignment. Today is fat Tuesday, so that means tomorrow is Ash Wednesday so Lent season is upon us. I think I will be doing no candy for Lent this year.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)

Got ready to go get Gabriel, took the Camry so it can warm up. I got to Gabriel's school and went quickly to the bank to take out cash for the allowance for the boys this month. Returned home, had some soup, chips and water. Some Iced Coffee later for when I get back in to work.

(Afternoon: Water, Soup, Chips, Iced Coffee)


We went to Cardenas and came home to have dinner. I made eggs and vienna sausages and had some ice cream. Cleanes up and went to shower and changed. Watched tv until bed time.

(Nighttime: eggs, toast, vienna sausages, soda, ice cream, water)

Monday, February 15, 2021

lockdown day 336

Got up, cleaned the bed. Made coffee, had a donut and went to shower. Got ready to go to Costco. 
(Morning: coffee, donut)

Went to get food and to Costco, came home and chilled. After some time went to the park and to Target. Now we are home relaxing.
(Afternoon: Texas BBQ hot dog, Fries, water, iced caramel Macchiato)

Made dinner and ate. Changed the boys, changed myself and started laundry. Now watching RAW.
(Nighttime: Spaghetti and meatballs,  left over burrito,  sangria, ice cream, water)

Sunday, February 14, 2021

lockdown day 335

Woke up, had some coffee and donuts. Got readynand we headed out to the outlets in Livermore. Hit up the Disney store and tries a few other places, but no luck. Now driving over to get the boys. 
(Morning: coffee, donuts)

Got to my sister's,  hung out a bit before driving back home. We picked up some Burritos and ate. Watched NXT and played some Mario deluxe. 
(Afternoon : pretzel, Burrito, beer)

Bathed Gabriel and Javi showered. I changed and had another beer, ate some leftover food. Put the comforter to wash. It's raining outside. Watched some episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and now watching one of Law and Order SVU before going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, leftovers, chocolate)

Saturday, February 13, 2021

lockdown day 334

Woke up, put clothes to wash. Javi spit up phlegm on his bed sheets so I washed those. Watched some Law and Order SVU and put away the boys clothing that has been there for days. My wife didn't put them away, I needed the baskets so I did it. Packed up the clothes for the boys and about to shower.
(Morning: nada)

Drove down to Arnel's house and chilled for a bit. Brian showed up, it was nice to see everyone and for the boys to play with Allix. After we went to Panda Express to get some lunch. Got to my sister's and ate, we went real quick to get some Krispy Kreme and came back. 
(Afternoon: panda express,  lemonade,  water, gatorade, donuts)

We left and drove to Kincaid's for dinner. It was patio seating and it was cold, real cold. We had food and drove home. We got here and now are watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine until bed time. 
(Nighttime: water, lobster bisque, steak and shrimp, crab cake, chocolate cake)

Friday, February 12, 2021

lockdown day 333

Slept on on couch,  woke up and made breakfast for the boys. Had some food and no watching Law and Order SVU. Hung out outside for a bit. Took a shower and got ready to go.
(Morning: coffee, toast, eggs, bacon)

We drove to get gas at Costco and to go buy Super Mario 3D and to get some lunch. We ate at Friday's and came home. Put my jacket to wash and hung it out to dry, waited for my package from the Dollar Shave Club and rested up a bit. 
(Afternoon: ribs, wings, fries, water, rum punch, chocolate cake, root beer)

Got up and cleaned a bit. Gabriel peed all over the toilet seat and I had to clean out the bathroom. Had some chips and waiting to see what else I eat for dinner. Had some sardines and white rice. More rum and coke. Watched tv and folded the bed sheets.
(Nighttime: rum and coke, doritos, sardines, white rice)

lockdown day 332

Woke up, got dressed. Called out today, going to get some rest. Took Gabriel to preschool and came home. Made me some breakfast and now watching some Law and Order SVU. Been sitting here watching tv and surfing the net. My wife went to get her 2nd dose of the Covid vaccine and came home. About to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: toast, bratwurst,  eggs, coffee)

Picked up Gabriel and went to pick up some pizza for lunch. Home now, about to hang outside with Gabriel while he plays with bubbles. Had some pizza and rested up. 
(Afternoon: iced caramel Macchiato, pizza, chocolate)

Made some nachos and had a slice of pizza. Made the boys some nuggets while I showered. After I changed the boys and gave them dinner. Put some clothes to wash and was going to watch a show with my wife but she some attitude and was acting stank so I skipped that and hung out in the room. When she was going to bed I came out to the living room to finish watching Law and Order SVU and to watch Last Man Standing. Still waiting for the last load to dry so I can fold it. Synced up my apps to the xfinity set up.
(Nighttime: beer, nachos, pizza, trail mix, water)

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

lockdown day 331


Woke up and went to change. Got Gabriel's backpack and lunch bag ready. We took him to preschool and came back home. I had a coffee and the last Danish. Checked in to work and now in my forum meeting. Javi is doing his independent study work. I am off early today so I will wrap up around 12.

(Morning: Coffee, Danish)


Packed up and went to go pick up Gabriel to go to my sister's. We picked up lunch and got there and ate. Been watching tv and napping. We went quickly to Serramonte and went back to my sister's for the drive home. (Afternoon: gatorade, crab sandwich)


Got home and put things away. Showered, bathed Gabriel and changed him. Javi went to shower and after we played Mario Deluxe. Now in the room watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

(Nighttime: water, brownies)

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

lockdown day 330

Woke up and changed. Got Gabriel's bag ready, changed him and went to drop him off with Javi. Came back home, had coffee and a danish,  logged in to work and waiting for my meeting to start.
The meeting is a hot mess, no structure. I've kind of checked out. I will have to see the notes get it done.
Continued with work and got ready to go get Gabriel.
(Morning: coffee, Danish, water)

Went to go pick up Gabriel and came back home. We had lunch and I took a quick nap. Back into work now and running out the clock. Very sleepy, but I'll get through it. Maybe some iced coffee will help. I found a cooler that I want for the back yard for hot days, so I am going to order it later.
(Afternoon: Ribs, Coke, Water, Iced Coffee)

Washed dishes while I talked to my mom. Wemt to shave, cut my hair and showered.  Played Mario Deluxe with the boys and put the new table cloth and watched tv. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: water, trail mix. Chocolate)

lockdown day 329


Woke up and went to get dressed. Turned the heater on, got Gabriel's bag ready and checked on my wife who is sick. Got Gabriel ready for preschool and I took him over. Returned home and checked in to work. Not too many emails today, so I just talked to a few people and now I am waiting for questions. Helped Javi with some things with school and got ready to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Cheese Danish)


Drove over to get Gabriel and came back home. Had lunch and washed dishes. Some items came in from Amazon, they were hooks that I used to hang up the solar lights outside. I fixed a few window screens and got back in to work. The boys are playing the switch. After work I have to go to Target. Did the target run and came home. Took out the trash and broke down cardboard boxes. 

(Afternoon: Mongolian Beef, Beef Chow Fun, Coke, water, snickers)


Had dinner, changed the boys, washed dishes, showered and put clothes to wash. Put the boys to bed and read to them. Now watching Brooklyn Nine Nine. After I folded clothes and watched Law and Order SVU. Now off to bed

(Nighttime: chicken gnocchi soup,  trail mix, water)

Monday, February 8, 2021

lockdown day 328

Woke up.and made the boys breakfast. Had coffee and danishes. Watching the WWE Network, they have a documentary on The APA. Finished that up, cleaned the living room and vaccuumed the carpets, put out the jumped, installed the solar lights outside. Later going to see how they work.
(Morning: coffee,  danish, water, root beer)

My Mom, sister, niece and Dominic came by, I went real quick with them to Walmart and got a few things I forgot to get. Came back home and chilled, had lunch and eventually sat down for the game.
(Afternoon: chancho con yuca, beer, water, nachos)

The game has been going on for a bit. Bucs are ahead. KC isn't getting the calls they want as they did last year. Had some ribs and a few more beers and after the Bucs won my wife wanted  Popeye's,  so she ordered it and I walked over to go pick it up. Came home washed dishes and showered. Helped Javi shower. Put them to bed, read a story and now watching some tv.
(Nighttime: ribs, Cole slaw, biscuits, chicken, coke, water)

Saturday, February 6, 2021

lockdown 327

Woke up and got dressed. Went over to Home Depot to return the string trimmer. Looked at some different options and I ended up buying the same one. Came home, checked the battery and it was charging. Startrd cleaning the garage for a bit while it charged, played Madden and had some coffee, then it was off to clean the front yard. 
Used the trimmer and the lawn mower, we cleaned it up real good.
(Morning: coffee)

We got ready and went to Sonic for a milkshake, after to Walmart and after to Costco. Came home, they boys had some food and we took off to the park. Stayed for a bit and came home. I cleaned the back yard and mowed the grass. Took a shower and went out to target and to pick up dinner. 
(Afternoon: almond danish, orange soda, orange chicken, water)

Got the crab sandwiches and came home. Ate and set up the new fire pit and chilled outside. Made sure the fire was out and came inside. Right now hanging out. The fire went out and I made sure it wasn't on anymore before heading in. Changed Gabriel and watched SNL. Rogjt now watching Law and Order SVU before going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, crab sandwich, chicken wings, water)

Friday, February 5, 2021

lockdown day 326


Woke up earlier than my alarm so I decided to get ready early. Changed, got Gabriel's lunch and backpack ready. I had some coffee, folded clothes and watched the news. When the boys woke up I gave Gabriel some cereal, had the boys change. Javi has a sports spirit day, so I gave him his Bosa Niners jersey. Dressed Gabriel and we headed out to drop him off at preschool. The drop off was quick and we came back home. I checked in to work, I had to restart my computer for some updates. Talked to a few people, went out to move the cars for the street cleaning service. I have my meeting early today.

(Morning: Coffee)


Went to go get Gabriel and came back home. It's nice out so we will spend some time out side today. We had burgers and fries and soon I will check back in to work. As for work I went to Bev MO and we went to Home Depot.

(Afternoon: double cheese burger,  fries, orange soda, water)


Got home and ordered Chinese Food. Had dinner, cleaned up and noticed that the battery from the string trimmer we bought was defective. Packed up the tool and tomorrow we will go and try to return or exchange it. Watched tv and talked to Arnel for a bit. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: Chinese food, beer, water)

lockdown day 325


Woke up and went to get dressed. Made coffee and enjoyed the cup. Put Gabriel's shoes and jacket on and we went to drop him off. Came back home and logged in to work. Talked to a few people and checked my emails. Waiting to see if there are any questions to answer today. All work is done.

(Morning: Coffee, cupcakes, fig newton)


Headed out to Target before getting Gabriel. Picked him up and came back home. Had lunch and going back in to work. Going to let the boys play outside after Javi's meeting. Been working and reviewing items. Looks like my unit meeting tomorrow will be early in the day. Gave the boys bubbles to play with and now running out the clock. After work we went outside to play a bit. Threw the foot around and chased the boys before coming inside.

(Afternoon: bratwurst, water)


Warmed up the left over tatter tots for me, some pizza for Gabriel,  made my wife a sandwich and warmed up some corn dogs. Bow bathing Gabriel and he is going to change after. Javi will shower soon and so will I. Debating if I should have some ice cream.

I had some ice cream and after I did a little laundry amd watched tv. Going to bed now. 

(Nighttime: beer, water, doritos, corndog, ice cream,Tatter tots)

Thursday, February 4, 2021

lockdown day 324

Woke up, got dressed and made coffee. Gave Gabriel some cereal and got him ready for preschool. Dropped him off and came back home. Logged on to work and did both focus groups. They were good. After we went to pick up Gabriel and started the drive to my sister's. 
(Morning: coffee, cupcake)

Got here, gave the boys lunch. Ate some spaghetti and meatballs and went back in to work. Writing reports a little later to submit. Talked to a few people and had a good laugh. Logged off of work and chilled until my wife came over.
(Afternoon: Spaghetti and meatballs,  iced coffee, gatorade, corn nuts)

My brother picked up my niece and went over to eat st Chevy's with my Mom and Sister. The service was slow and some of the food was wrong,  but overall it was nice to go out and eat at a restaurant. After the meal we stated the drive home. It was pretty quick, came in and put Gabriel in bed as he fell asleep in the car. I went to shower and after washed the dishes. Now listening to Javi read before bed. Debating if I have a beer or ice cream.
Had neither, went to the room and fell asleep. 
(Nighttime: tacos al pastor, root beer, water, tater tots, chips, salsa)

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

lockdown day 323

Woke up, changed,  made coffee. Got Gabriel's lunch ready and now waiting for everyone to wake up. I have 2 forums to lead today starting at 8:30. The first one was really good, it went the full time. The second one only lasted an hour. It was like pulling teeth. Javi's bike came in, so I may build that later today.
(Morning: coffee, water)

I went to Target and to go get Gabriel. Came home had lunch and hung out outside for a bit. Checked back in to work and typed up my report on the focus groups. 2 more of these tomorrow and we are done with them. Hopefully there is some positive change that happens with this. Talked to a few people and logged off of work. Built Javi's new bike.
(Afternoon: water, Iced Caramel Macchiato, Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo)

Washed dishes, took out the recycling and talked to my mom. We went out to pick up some pizza and came home. Had dinner, showered. Chille with Gabriel in the room. Read with Javi, put them to bed and now watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine. My wife went to bed, going to finish RAW before going to sleep.
(Nighttime: pizza, coke, water, cookies)

Monday, February 1, 2021

lockdown day 322


Woke up and went to change. Made Gabriel some nuggets for his school lunch. Had coffee and went to go drop him off. Came back home and checked in to work. Did some COVID training and now waiting for questions. On my break I cleaned up the living room, had bagels and OJ.

(Morning: Coffee, water, bagels with cream cheese, OJ)


Drove over to get Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and played outside for a bit before going back in to work. Finished up work and laid down for a bit. When my wife was off we went to fill up the truck at Costco and hit up Cardenas on the way home.

(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs,  coke, water)


Got home, put things away, took out the trash and had dinner. Bathed Gabriel,  Javi showered, I showered and put the boys to bed. Watched some tv, going to finish up RAW before bed. 

(Nighttime: water, cookies,  beer, burrito)