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Sunday, December 25, 2022


Woke up and the boys got their last gifts from Santa. Inwejt to lay down to watch some of the game. Showered and went out real quick to find some items for my wife to cook, but they were sold out. Came home and rested up some more.
(Morning: water, coffee, donut)

Ate some tamales and we headed out to Antioch to go visit Oscar and Monica and family. We got there and we talked a bit, the kids played games and the adults were talking in the kitchen. 
(Afternoon: tamales, water, beer)

We played charades, it was boys against girls and me, Javi and Oscar taught the girls a lesson in how to play. After we drove home and now here resting up before bed.
(Nighttime: water, tamales, brownie, beer)

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