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Saturday, December 31, 2022


Woke up and went to hang out a bit. Cleaned up and got ready to go out and sign up Gabriel for Little League for next season. It is raining a lot today. When I came back I watched some TV and relaxed. 
(Morning: water, coffee, muffin)

Showered and rested got ready to go out to eat. Pretty much just lazy for the afternoon and it was fun. We started the drive down to Kincaid's for out NYE dinner. 
(Afternoon: chocolate, water)

Had dinner and drink, drove back home. Stopped by Target for some eggs. Came home to finish laundry and played a game with the boys. Now waiting for midnight to celebrate. 
(Nighttime: prime rib, spinach, mashed potatoes, Cesar salad, dip, Creme Brule, water, beer)

Friday, December 30, 2022

training day #19

Woke up and got dressed. Had coffee and a muffin. Logged into work and started training. We had a demo today and she was good. After she was done we did task support and released the group with words of encouragement. 
(Morning: muffin, coffee, water)

Had lunch and logged back into work. My wife took the boys to Chuck E Cheese. I had some good chats with people and found out another one of my people got promoted. So I was happy and proud of her. I logged off for the last time this year and went to rest.
(Afternoon: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo, squirter, water, zoa)

I went to McDonald's to get the boys Happy Meals with the Super Mario toys they missed out in. Picked up sushi for my wife and came home. Had dinner, showered and watched a movie with Javi. Changed them and sent them to bed. Watched the news with my wife and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: big Mac, chicken mcnuggets, jack daniels lemonade, water)

Thursday, December 29, 2022

training day #18

Woke up and got dressed. Made coffee and checked in to work. Did the training solo again. It was good. We had an ew demo and I helped them out with task support. My neck is feeling much better. Training ended at 12.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch and took a nap. Logged back in yo work to answer a few more questions. Logged off at 4:30 and went to go lay down in the living room. We ended up going to Costco and grabbing some things there.
(Afternoon: root beer, water. Chinese food)

We got our things, grabbed some food and ate. Came home and threw out a lot of things that were in the fridge. Threw the trash out and showered. Watched TV and sent the boys to bed. Watching TV now until I got to sleep. 
(Nighttime: hot dog, pizza, Sierra mist, water)

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

training day #17

Woke up and got dressed. Neck still hurting but hopefully it gets better. Made some coffee and logged in to work. Started the training, tried something today but it didn't work out. So it was task support all session. Around 11:58 I released them from training. Did today solo. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

My wife took the boys to watch Puss in Boots and I stayed home. Worked on a few things here for work and took a nap. I was able to wash the bed sheets for us and the boys. I finished up work and we were going to go to Costco but my wife was tired, so we did not. Orderd Chinese food for dinner.
(Afternoon: pupusas, mango juice, water)

Had dinner, barely. I couldn't really open my mouth or swallow the food. But I had a bit. I changed the boys, took a shower after. Washed dishes and put a heat pack around my neck. Watched Encanto at the Hollywood bowl on Disney plus. Sent the boys to bed. Watched the Martin reunion. Going to bed now. 2 more training days to go.
(Nighttime: fried rice, orange chicken, beef chow fun, water, orange juice)

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

training day #16

Woke up and my neck was still hurting pretty bad. Can't swallow well or even open my mouth without feeling a big discomfort. Loot dressed and logged into work. We had a task support day again. It went well. We let them go and I went to put some items away.
(Morning: water, coffee, cookies)

Had some spaghetti and meatballs for lunch, checked back into work. On a break inmoved the camera in the backyard and added some solar motion sensor lights. Finished work and went to hang out a bit with Gabriel. 
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, water)

Took a nap, came out to finish watching thr Glass Onion. After I washed some dishes and showered. Adjusted the lights outside and went to go lay down again with Gabriel. Sent them to bed and now watching TV until I go to sleep. Hopefully this pain goes away soon.
(Nighttime: McChicken, McDouble, chicken nuggets, Fanta, mango juice, water)

Monday, December 26, 2022

Day off

Woke up and rested for a bit. Got out to do laundry and clean up. Showered and got ready to go out to grab some food.
(Morning: coffee, water, donut)

We went over to pick up some food and came back home. Had lunch and played Madden while talking to my Mom. After I finished up some laundry and cleaned some leaves from the backyard and the side of the house. Tool out the bins and started watching a Ric Flair documentary. 
(Afternoon: chicharron with fried yucca, coke, guava juice, water)

Finished up the doc. Had Javi shower. I have a big pain in my neck so I decided to shower to see if the hot water relaxed it. It did not. Just sitting here watching TV until bed time. I lost and got eliminated this week in fantasy football. Oh well, I'll get them next season.
(Nighttime: bear claw, water)

Sunday, December 25, 2022


Woke up and the boys got their last gifts from Santa. Inwejt to lay down to watch some of the game. Showered and went out real quick to find some items for my wife to cook, but they were sold out. Came home and rested up some more.
(Morning: water, coffee, donut)

Ate some tamales and we headed out to Antioch to go visit Oscar and Monica and family. We got there and we talked a bit, the kids played games and the adults were talking in the kitchen. 
(Afternoon: tamales, water, beer)

We played charades, it was boys against girls and me, Javi and Oscar taught the girls a lesson in how to play. After we drove home and now here resting up before bed.
(Nighttime: water, tamales, brownie, beer)

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Game day

Gabriel had a better night. Still had some coughing issues and crying spells but better with the meds. We woke up and I went to shower and get ready to go down to Daly City. I packed up the truck and we were on out way. Starbucks first, Amilcars house after and finally my sister's place. We found parking (a Christmas miracle) and waited for my brother and Arnel to show up to go to the game. We got there and found parking, about to eat and go in.
(Morning : Caramel Brule latte, water)

had half a sandwich and a beer before going to our seats. Grabbed some chicken strips for Javi. Game started and it was a good one. Close. 7-7 at the half and then the Niners broke it open. They won and we left happy. After we got to my sister's place and I went quickly to drop Arnel off at home and I drove back to my sister's. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich, beer, water, pepsi)

had Christmas dinner with the family and exchanged gifts. We drove home and opened more gifts. Showered to get the game day sweat off of me and put things away. Sent the boys off to bed and now watching TV.
(Nighttime: flautas, rice, flan, apple pie, egg nog, jack daniels lemonade)

Friday, December 23, 2022

training day #15

Woke up and got ready for work. Made coffee, did some accounting and logged in. The training today was good. Task support day and we ended on a good note. I'm off at 1:30 today.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Drove to the post office so my wife could send out her mom's glasses to her. Ate at sizzlers and put gas in the truck. Came home, played Madden and took a bit of a nap. Went to take out cash for gifts and the tamales.
(Afternoon: steak, baked potato, salad bar, lemonade, water, ice cream)

Talked with an advice nurse about Gabriel. They might be able to see him in Daly City tomorrow. Went to Walgreens and found some medication for him finally! Came back and gave it to him and I went to pick up some tamales. Came home and ate, now watching TV until bed time. We got a game to go to tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: tamales, water. Coke)

Thursday, December 22, 2022

training day #14

Woke up and did not want to work. But our unit mate called out so we have to be there for the group. Did the training and on a break checked on the boys. Gabriel is still not doing well. Coughing a lot. My wife had a telephone appointment qith Kaiser and they suggested to get a humidifier. 
Training was done and I went out to buy it.
(Morning: bagel with cream cheese, water, coffee, Caramel Brule Latte)

Came back and set up the humidifier amd had lunch. Checked in with work and finished up. Nothing much going on since it's the holidays. 
(Afternoon: Chicken strips, Cole slaw, water)

Watched the Thursday night game and went to pick up some food. Came back home, ate, rested and took a shower. Gabriel threw up a lot of phlegm and I changed him. Now hom and Javi are in bed. We are watching TV.
(Nighttime: water, tacos, nachos)

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Training day #13

Woke up and got ready for work. Hung out with Javi for a bit while I had my coffee. We began the training and it was a long one today. A lot of documents and power point slides. But we got through it. Now setting up for tomorrow. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch and folded laundry. Checked back into work and finished it up. After work I played Madden and went to grab Popeye's for dinner.
(Afternoon: Chilli dogs, water, chocolate, chicken sandwich, Cole slaw)

I took Javi to watch Puss in Boots and we had a good time. After I got some popcorn to bring home. I took a shower and changed Gabriel. Washed dishes, laid down with the boys in the room for a bit before sending them to bed. Now resting and watching TV until bed. 2 more days of training this week.
(Nighttime: popcorn, coke, water)

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

training day #12

Woke up and went to get dressed. Made coffee and started up the lap top to check in to work. My friend Sandra was finally back! Talked to her for a bit and started training. We had MC today and we got through a lot. Tomorrow we continue. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

I went to pick up some burgers at Classic Burgers and came home. Dropped the food off and walked across the street to help our neighbor with the water heater. Te pilot light went out, so I turned it on. Had lunch and checked back in to work. I was able to set up the location of our new backyard camera and now I logged off.
(Afternoon: burger, coke, water, fries)

I am sick, my body aches but I still went out to grab somethings for us at Target. I couldn't find the medicine for the boys, it was sold out st Target, Walgreens and Cardenas. Came back home, put things away and took a nap, Woke up and showered. Had some food so I can take a pill.goimg to bed soon. Hopefully good to go for tomorrow, we have tickets to Puss in Boots.
(Nighttime: water, cookies, peanut butter sandwiches)

Monday, December 19, 2022

training day #11

Woke up and went to get dressed. Slept in Gabriel's bed since he was in mine sick. Made some coffee and logged in to work. Talked to Julia for a moment before training and we began. It was a task support day. I had some good conversations with ews and let them know that tomorrow we are going to start the MC portion of the training. We let them go close to 12.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Ran out quick to grab some Panda express and came home. Had lunch and checked back into work. Gabriel was sleeping most of the day, he stomach was hurting because he hadn't used the bathroom. I convinced him and he was good.
(Afternoon: Panda express, coke, water)

I ordered a camera and light for the backyard, they should be in tomorrow. We have an issue with it looks like a racoon that it tearing up the grass we have. Going to see if the light scares him away or we have to go to a different method. Took out the trash, had left overs and took a shower. Hung out with the boys in the room until it was bed time. Watched some TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Panda express leftovers, water)

Sunday, December 18, 2022


Woke up and went to use the bathroom checked on the boys before going to lay down and watch the World Cup final and some football. Came out to the kitchen to get some food. Ate te left overs from yesterday and sat down to watch the game.
(Morning: water, crab bake, prime rib, sliders)

Watched some football a d fell asleep on the couch for a long time. Woke up and cleaned. Gave the boys some food and rested up again.
((Afternoon: water)

Watched TV, gave the boys more food. Changed Gabriel and we watched most of a movie with the kids. I had to come in to sleep with Gabriel since he didn't want to be alone. About to go watch TV and go to bed. Tired and a bit sick.
(Nighttime: pizza, coke, water, marshmallows, oreos)

Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Gathering is here

Woke up and went to grab donuts. Came back had some and drank coffee. Took a shower and watched some football before going to Costco to grab some items.
(Morning: donuts, coffee, water)

Got the desserts for the party and so m e other things and came home. Put them away and had lunch. Now resting up, watching football and soon getting ready to go down to Amilcar's place.
(Afternoon: water, Sierra mist, hot dog, pizza)

Drove down to my Sister's to get some picos from my Mom. We showed up to Amilcar and Olga's place and we got the party started. We had a lot of fun and so did the kids. After we opened presents and took pictures we drove home. Came here, changed the boys and sent them to bed. Decompressing before going to bed.
(Nighttime: prime rib, bee, water, ginger ale, other things lol)

Friday, December 16, 2022

training day #10

Woke up, got dressed Javi was sick so he stayed home. Gabriel went to school. I made coffee and logged in to training. It went well today, some good conversations and fun was had.

(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch, picked up meds at Target. Logged back in to work and started looking into things for next week. Got called in to a meeting to talk about it and had a conversation with one of the managers afterwards. Logged off of work and ordered food for pick up. Javi is still not doing well.
(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, water, peanut butter cups)

Got the food and came home. Ate and watched a movie. Put the boys to bed. Javi is still sick and in my bed. I'm sleeping in his bed to keep Gabriel company. About to sleep.
(Nighttime: burger fries, margaritas, water)

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Training day #9

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys items ready and my wife took them to school. I had coffee and stated laundry and began work. We had the morning training and It was good today. We had a demo and did some task support. I ran out real quick to get the boys Happy Meal and dropped them off at school for them. I helped some more people and we let them go.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Finished laundry and had lunch. Picked up the boys real and came home to look at some things for next week. Logged off to watch the beginning of the game before we went to church for watch the boys perform. 
(Afternoon: Crab sandwich, coke, water)

The holiday program was great Gabriel did really well and so did Javi. They sang and had fun. We enjoyed it. After we came home to watch highlights of the Niners game. They won and won the division. Now Watchung TV and going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: cheese sticks, chips, beer, water)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Training day #8

Woke up to a freezer. Went to change and grabbed my things and went to warm up the car. Drove to Bayfair BART and hopped on the train. Got to the city and walked over to Peet's and grabbed me a cup of coffee. Got to 1440 and opened up my emails to find an interesting one. Responded to it and now we are in a fun back and forth so now maybe I may be getting in trouble. Anyway, I'm good with it. Training was good today, it was Julia's show. I had to walk out real quick to do a presentation at forum regarding our training team. Came back and we got ready to go to lunch,  
(Morning: water, coffee, half a donut)

We grabbed some lunch and came back to eat here. Emails still going on back and forth. But anyway, right now I am waiting to go to a meeting and another one after that. Going to get home a little late today due to these training. Had the meeting and just said what I felt. Nothing will change, but I had to say it. Caught the bus and caught BART and on the way home.
(Afternoon: Torta de carnitas, water, chips)

Got home and cleaned up. Wash dishes, played Madden and went to shower. Had dinner and sent the boys to bed. Now watching TV and folding clothes before bed.
(Nighttime: torta de carne, Gallo Pinto, Gatorade, beer, water)

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Happy Birthday Dad (Training day #7)

Woke up and went to get dressed. It is really cold today. Set the sprinklers to auto and packed my things and headed out. Warmed up the camry and drove to Bayfair. Now on the train headed to the city. Got to Civic Center and walked over to 1440. We did the training in the morning and it went ok I think. Anyway, wrapping up.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch and walked over with Amilcar to grab some coffee. We chatted about the state of our work and walked back. Sat in the PM training and I also created something for a forum meeting for our teams end of the year wrap up. Pretty soon going home. Caught the 9 to catch BART. Got to Bayfair and went to Michael's to get a gift card. Came home to put the bins away and put up lights.
(Afternoon: quesadilla, water, zoa)

We went to put gas in the truck. Went to Target and came home. Had dinner and bathed Gabriel, Javi showered and I showered as well. Cleaned up and now watching 
TV until bed.
(Nighttime: water, oreos, tacos)

Monday, December 12, 2022

Training day 6

Woke up and got dressed. Grabbed my things and headed over to work. When I got there I met Julia and we saw an email about the training and it was too late to adjust to what was wanted. Also, we didn't really care about it anyway so we just did what we did. Started training and it went well, set up the training for tomorrow. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch with my friend Mimi and came back to work. Hung out with Karla as she did the PM training. Oacked my things and headed off to catch the bus to BART and go home. On the way home I passed by grabbing some pictures at Walgreens and came home.
(Afternoon: Poke bowl, water)

Took out trash and helped Gabriel finish his tree project. Had dinner and showered. Now watching TV until bed. Another day of work tomorrow in office. I really don't want to go.
(Nighttime: water, Gatorade, steak fries)

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Party day

Woke up and we started working on the tree project again. Took a break to clean up the yard and to get things ready for the trash pickup. Had some coffee and watched some football. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Showered and had lunch, started watching the Niners game. It's been going really well for them so far, except for te injury to Debo Samuel. Cleaned up the living room. Cleaned the table and washed dishes to get some things cleared. My wife took Gabriel to his party. I'm taking Javi to his after the game. We drove over to Sector 19 for Javi's classmates birthday party. Just Here hanging out and waiting for him to be done.
(Afternoon: Tacos, Gatorade, water, ice cream)

After Javi was done we drove home. When we got here I had him shower and get ready for bed. I showered and brushed the boys teeth and sent them to bed. Ate and watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, pizza, salad, wings, tortilla and cheese, beer, chocolate)

Wet weekend (12/10/22)

Woke up and gave Gabriel some food. Javi didn't want to any. Had coffee and played roblox with Gabriel and watched TV. Now setting up the rest of Gabriel's tree project before getting ready to go to a birthday party. 
(Morning: coffee, cinnamon buns, water)

We drove over to Porkey's pizza and had fun at the party. After we went to Target to get the last of the gifts for the kids for Christmas. Only Javi is left. We came home and worked on the tree again and we got ready to go have dinner.
(Afternoon: chocolate, pizza, wings, coke, water)

We ate Chinese food and came home. Watched TV and put on our Christmas pj's and sent the boys to bed. We watched TV, my wife went to bed. I am finishing up Madden before going to sleep.
(Nighttime: Chinese food, coke, beer, water)

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Training day 5 (12/9/22)

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready for school. My wife took them and brought me some Starbucks since I have to train this morning. We did break out rooms again and I had a conversation with the Supervisors in the group. After I had to help more people before trying to take a lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee, Caramel Brule latte)

Still haven't had lunch and got called into the PM training to help. I helped some people and I went to lunch so I can grab food and get te boys. We came home I ate and finished up work a d rested .
(Afternoon: water, Caramel frappe, McDouble, McChicken)

My wife we to drop her mom off at the airport. I took the boys to Target. Made them dinner and we watched TV. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Sandwich, watermelon punch, beer, water)

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Training day 4

Woke up and got dressed. Thankfully I'm working from home the rest if this week. Got lunch ready for the boys and packed them up to go. My wife went to drop them off solo as I had to start training at 8. The training went well, it was Juloa's show with the demos. There were some issues but we were able to get through them. We helped out quite a few people and hopefully they understand the process. 
(Morning: coffee, water, cinnamon buns)

Finished training and worked on a few things to set up tomorrow. Got ready to go get the boys and came home. Had some cheetos and finished up work. After we drove to Benihana's to had dinner for my Mom's birthday. 
(Afternoon: Benihana trio, Benihana punch, water. Cheetos)

After we ate we came home. Got the boys changed and ready for bed. Watched my wife play a video game and now off to bed. One more day of training this week.
(Nighttime: water)

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Training day 3

Woke up and went to get ready. Packed mybbag and headed out to the BART station. Caught the train and got to the city, pretty quick. Walked over to Peet's to grab a coffee and headed to 1540. Met Julia outside and we walked in to get ready for the training. We had another good training with the group. Some good questions but that still wasn't enough for management. Anyway we reached out to our supervisor for support but did not get any at the time.
(Morning:cinnamon buns, coffee, water)

Karla invited Julia and me to lunch. We ate and came back. In the afternoon Julia and I talked to our supervisor and offered some new ideas to help with the training and his supervisor came over to talk to us as well. After that I caught the bus to BART and came home.
(Afternoon: pad Thai, water)

My wife went to the mall. I stayed with the boys. When they came back we went to pick up pizza. Had dinner I showered and changed the boys. Watxhed to and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, pizza, beer)

Training day 2 (12/6/22)

Work up and went to get dressed. Its cold again, don't want to go to work, but I have to train so I must go. Packed up my things and headed out. Drove to Bayfair BART and the train was arriving right as I was getting to the platform. Now on the train and heading into the city. Got to my stop and saw not 1, not 2, not 3, but 7 people on the street doing drugs. Anyway, walked over to 1440 and started set up for training. The morning went well as could go. There was some confusion but we made it through. 
(Morning: water, coffee, cinnamon buns)

Had lunch and reviewing items for tomorrow. Talked with Amilcar for a bit and called my wife. Rested up for a bit before going back to the conference room. Hung around listening to the next training and after some time I got my things ready and headed out. I ran into a friend outside and we talked for a bit before I walked over to the BART station. Made it just in time as the Berryessa train was pulling in. So glad I didn't have to wait. 
(Afternoon: Water, sandwich, ZOA)

Got home and checked out the new grass. Everything looked good. Cleaned up a bit and put away bins. Went to cardenas and came home. Had dinner and helped Gabriel with homework. Gave him a bath. Had Javi shower and I showered as well. After we sent them to bed, we watched TV and now off to bed as well.
(Nighttime: Chicken, water, beer)

Monday, December 5, 2022

Training begins

Woke up and got ready. Packed my things and headed out to the BART station. It was drizzling a bit, but not too much so I didn't use my umbrella. Got to SF and walked over to 1440. Julia and I did the AM training with the group. I had to go to 1650 for IT support with my laptop. 
(Morning: coffee, water, cinnamon buns)

Got another lap top and came back to the building. Right now having lunch. Soon going in to wrap up the work day. Walked over to BART, took me about 17 minutes,  not a bad walk. Got on the train and headed home. The ride felt fast. Got home and put out the compost and trash. Now going to start Gabriel's Christmas tree project with him
(Afternoon: Tacos, zoa, water)

We painted some Styrofoam balls different colors to look like ornaments. We got the base of the tree down, took some pictures so we can put them on his report. After I talked to my mom for a bit. Showered, changed the boys and sent them to bed. Tired, watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: cheese and crackers, cinnamon buns, Hawaiian punch, water)

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Game day

Woke up and went outside real quick to set up the box with the extension cord. Came back in to take a shower and get ready. Started chopping the onions, radish, cilantro and lime for the tacos and relaxed a bit.
(Morning: coffee, cinnamon bun)

Arnel and Allix were the first to show up, I ran out real quick to get some pizza and came back. The game had already started, when I got back Amilcar was here. Later we were joined by Oscar and his family. The game was good, the Niners won but lost Jimmy G for the rest of the season. After the game most left and we cleaned up.
(Afternoon: Tacos, beer,  water)

Had a few more tacos and conversations.  Cleaned up some more and helped Javi shower,  my wife bathed Gabriel and I showered and got ready for tomorrow. Now watching highlights. Off to bed now, going into the office tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: tacos, Cheesecake, beer, water, cheese and crackers)

Saturday, December 3, 2022


Woke up and went to give the boys breakfast  watched the USA vs Netherlands match. USA lost 3-1  and got eliminated from the World Cup. I took a nap and when I woke up I went to shower. 
(Morning: cinnamon buns, coffee, water)

Had lunch and switched out the trash. Logged into all accounts on them to stream. We went to get the items for tomorrow and came home to relax. After some time we went to Walmart and came home.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, water, coke)

We picked up dinner and came home. Ate and I talked to my mom for a bit. Watched a movie and now watching another one. Changed and watched more TV, now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, jack daniels punch, water, panda express)

Friday, December 2, 2022


Woke up and went to get dressed. Set up the boys with breakfast and packed their bags for school. Got them ready and we were off to the drop off. It was good and quick, but cold. I passed by grabbing some Starbucks on the way home. Got here and logged in to work. Had a brief meeting with two of my unit members. Today may not end up being a good day.
(Morning: Caramel Brule latte,  water)

Swept up some leaves outside and cleaned the side gutter. Did some more work and attended s meeting which was bs. Anyway, ready for training on Monday. After work we put the stand on my mother in laws TV and headed to Costco  
(Afternoon: pulled pork. Rolls, coke. Water)

Did some shopping send got some of the last things we needed for Christmas. Just a few more to go. Came home and had dinner, organized te garage a little and packed up some gifts. Showered and now watching Smackdown. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, beer, water)

Thursday, December 1, 2022

It's the 1st of the month


Woke up and went to get dressed. Not as cold as previous days, but it will rain later so we have to adjust our clothes. Got things ready for the boys for school and lunch. We went to drop them off, it started to rain when we were in line. They went in to the building and we came home. Had some coffee and logged in to work. Talked to a few people and now waiting for questions and a meeting we are having later today.

(Morning: coffee, cookies, water)


Had a BS meeting about our training. It was just so dumb, I am very upset and I'm asking to leave early so I won't take it out on anyone. Had lunch, picked up the items that I ordered and now waiting for approval to log off. I was able to log off at 1:30. Played Madden, picked up the boys, helped them with homework and took a nap.

(Afternoon: water, cheeseburger)


We rent to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate my mother in laws birthday. Had dinner and came home. Watched some of the game and bathed Gabriel. About to shower. Finished up a show and going to bed 

(Nighttime: pulled pork, rolls, mashed potatoes, Cesar salad, Dr. Pepper, water, beer)

Last day of the month (11/30/22)


Woke up and went to get dressed. The bathroom was cold, really cold. I packed my lunch and coffee and headed out the door. No ice on the windshield this morning, but still took time to warm up the car. Drove over to Bay fair and parked, walked over to the platform and got on BART. I was going in and out of sleep during the ride, but it was nice. I got to the Civic Center station and on my way out I had to dodge a few used needles, a person sleeping on the street and some poop (Human or animal? who knows). I got into the building, signed in and went to set up. Checking in with people and now just waiting for the forum to start. Not in a good mood, but I'll adjust. Attended the forum meeting and it was long and tiring, but some good information. There was an issue about how they provided the information, I think they made the communication much harder than it should have been.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Went to fins a seat to eat my lunch and watch the rest of a show I had started. Talked to my Mom for a bit, called my wife after. About to go log back in to work and sit there until it's time to go. Had a nice long teams chat with Kathleen. Haven't really had one of those in a while. Still here waiting, tired of being here. It's not fun here. Packed up and walked over to the BART station and hopped on the train to go home. Got home and went inside 

(Afternoon: Water, Peanut Butter cups, ZOA, apple)


Cleaned some things up and checked out the progress on te work outside. We went to Target to grab some gifts amd planned to go go Costco on Friday. We came home and had dinner, I showered and changed Gabriel for bed. Ordered the gold bar whiskey items for pick up tomorrow and watched TV. Tried going to bed but my wife is snoring. So I played a game of Madden and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: spaghetti and meatballs, whiskey and Coke, water)