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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Hump day (10/26/22)


Woke up and went to get ready. It was cold this morning. Soon it's going to get really cold. I may have to switch out my jacket earlier this year. Anyway, I made my coffee and grabbed my things and headed over to the BART station. I parked and walked over and caught the train. I'm so tired today that I took a nap on the train. I got the city and walked over to work, set up and now going to wait for questions from people. I really don't want to be here today, but here we are. I took a walk over to Peet's to have a coffee with Karla and we had a good chat. Now back at work and soon going on my lunch.

(Morning: Madeline, coffee, water, Iced Caramel Macchiato)


Had my lunch and called my Mom to check on her. Returned to my desk and checked in. Now it's time to start running out the clock. I am tired, sleepy and don't want to be here anymore for the day. But we have to do it. Packed up and walked over to BART and got on the train to go home. Got home and got everyone ready to go out for a drive to the mall.

(Afternoon: Peanut butter sandwich, water, cookies)


Ordered us some Starbucks before going to Southland Mall to Macy's. My wife was looking at Christmas decorations, but did not find any she liked. Drove back home, put things away, took a shower, changed Gabriel and had dinner. Now watching TV until bed time.

(Nighttime: beer, water, tacos, iced coffee)

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