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Sunday, October 2, 2022

Double Header

Woke up at 7 in the morning to get ready. Went to wake up Javi and had him eat breakfast and get ready for his game. We had to be at the park at 8:15. Gabriel decided to wake up as well and not take advantage of his late game hour to sleep more. Got him breakfast and he went to watch thr tablet. We got to the little league field and started setting up. Warmed up the kids and we started the game. We were the home team. In our first at bat the first baseman was laughing and told me "you know y'all ain't going to get a hit, right?" I told him we'll see. When our second place hitter Alonzo got a hit, I asked him to repeat what he said. His response was "scoreboard, we are up 2-0" and as he finishes saying this our clean up hitting hits a long drive over the left center field fence to tie the game. I looked over and asked him to repeat himself... silence. 
Although we lost again, it was a very good game for the kids. We are playing against kids older than ours and we are holding our own and making the majors teams stress out and fight amongst themselves. After I took Javi to get some snacks before he went to his friends house.
(Morning: raisin bran, milk, water)

Now it was time to watch Gabriel play his game. I got there a bit late since Javi's food took too long. But from what I saw, Gabriel did awesome. Played 1st and 2nd, got 2 hits and was hustling. After we went home and I put things away and we rested up before going to get Javi and some food. We picked him up, drove to grab pupusas and McDonald's that my wife promised Javi. Came home, ate and finished watching some football games. Before the Sunday night game we started cleaning up our front yard and put up some Halloween decorations. 
(Afternoon: pupuas, carnitas,  beer, water, nachos, Gatorade)

When we were done I had Gabriel shower. I showered and helped Javi build some Lego pieces for his Chess set. He went to shower. We watched the walking dead and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: cake, water)

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