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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Back at work

Woke up and got ready to go. Grabbed my things, made coffee and headed out. I am not getting home until probably close to 8:30, since I am going to my sister's graduation event. I'm a little nervous to be honest due to being out later than normal with my work things. But we do what we do. Got on the forum call and it was a good meeting. Went almost the whole time. Now waiting on questions from people so I can guide them in the right direction.
(Morning: coffee, water, Panda cookies)

Had lunch and watched the Mighty Ducks Game Changer episode of the week. After got ready for Javi's Parent/Teacher conference. It went well, still some of the same things we need to work on. He still rushes through his work, needs to slow down and be more organized. Going to continue to help him with his studies. Now I am back to work and running out the clock until I catch the bus and go down to my Sister's graduation. Work is going so damn slow, but almost done and about to go dodge the strangeness of the city.
(Afternoon: Gallo pinto, chicken, water, Monster, cookies)

After work I caught the 14 to 22nd and Mission. Walked over to the place where my sister's graduation is taking place. Got there and hung out with my mom, brother, myrna andMonica. It was a good event and we are proud of my sister. After my brother dropped me off at BART and now I'm on my way home. My wife wanted Taco Bell for dinner so I passed by grabbing some. Came home, had dinner, washed dishes and hung out with the boys a bit. Showered and sent them to bed. Watched TV and now going to sleep. Long day to.
(Nighttime: Taco bell, strawberry lemonade, water)

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