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Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween 🎃

Woke up and got dressed. Started laundry while the boys ate and got ready for school. They were going in costume for a half day. We dropped them off and after I took the camry to Costco to fill it up with gas. Grabbed some milk and half and half, passed by grabbing my lotto tickets for the next drawings and came home. Folded clothes,  played Madden and we took off to the school for the Halloween parade. It was fun, after we took the boys to eat.
(Morning: coffee, water)

We went to Denny's and had lunch. It was ok today. Service was not good, food was ok, the price was crazy. After we came home and I rested a bit. Played Madden and got ready in my costume to hand our candy.
(Afternoon: grand slamwich, milk, water. Pancakes)

My wife took the boys over to meet with Javi's friend so they can go trick or treating. I stayed behind habding out candy to the kids that came by. My wife and kids came back, they had dinner and we changed them and got them ready for bed. Now watching TV and going to bed soon. Work and surgery tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, chocolate, cheetos, beer)

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Long day

Woke up and made the boys breakfast. Had some coffee and bread. Chilled and watched football before getting ready to go to Javi's game. We got there and started warming up for a 12 pm first pitch.
(Morning: coffee, water, bread)

Had a Zoa and the game started. We started shaky but we came back and finished strong. We didn't win but we gave the best team a scare and lost by 2. After we came home ad changed before we went over to Oscar's place for Janessa's party. We got there and had fun, settled in, had lunch and had fun. 
(Afternoon: zoa, water, pizza, burger, potato salad, said, beer, water, monster)

Drove home and when we got here I finished watching Sunday Night Football. Changed Gabriel and put the boys to bed. Had dinner and changed, now watching The Walking Dead. After the show played some Madden and now off to bed. Day off tomorrow for Halloween. 
(Nighttime: Chicken fingers, chicken strips, water, beer)

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Time with my Mom

Woke up and showered. Had coffee and bread for breakfast. Played Mario Party with Gabriel before going over to see my Mom.
(Morning: bread, coffee, water)

Drove down to Kaiser to get some medication for my Mom. There was a mix up but we got it settled.  After I went to pick up food and went to my sister's house to hang out with my mom while my wife took the boys to a birthday party. We had lunch and I did some things for my Mom that she needed. After I told her to get some rest and I watched TV.
(Afternoon: water, coke, baho, peanut butter cups)

Drove home and helped Javi shower. Had dinner and took a shower. Now watching TV.
(Nighttime: red bull, birria tacos, rice and beans, water, beer)

Friday, October 28, 2022


Woke up and got dressed. Changed Gabriel and had Javi change. We took them to school and passed by Cardenas grabbing something for my sister. Came home, had bread and coffee and waited for the unit meeting to start. We were officially told that we were going to be denied holiday requests this year, which is unfair. We had a long conversation about it and none of us are pleased with that decision. I was off early today so I went to watch a movie.
(Morning: bread, coffee, water)

Got to the theater to watch Pray for the devil. It was ok, I had some treats and after I picked up the boys and filled up the truck. Came home and rested up a bit. A little later we are going to the Halloween carnival at the boys school. 
(Afternoon: popcorn,  coke, water, pizza)

We got to the school and got the last parking spot. Met up with some of Javi's friends. Gabriel saw a few of his classmates as well. The gym was packed with families and kids running around playing games and getting treats. We did the haunted house that the 6th graders put on, it was good. After we hung out some more. Got food on the way home and I showered when we got in. Now watching TV.
(Nighttime: water. Beer)

Thursday, October 27, 2022


Woke up and it was cold, got dressed. Got the boys ready for school and took them over. Passed by Cardenas and grabbed some lotto tickets and Pan De Muerto. Came home had some coffee and bread and logged in to work. Answered some questions, caught up on some things. Now waiting for lunch time.
(Morning: water, coffee, bread)

Got some pizza from little Cesar's amd came home to eat. Logged back in to work and pretty soon going to get the boys. Picked them up and came home. Waiting for more questions and soon going to he off for the day. Gabriel has practice today, so I'll be taking him and watching the football game while I'm there. 
(Afternoon: water, pizza, monster)

Practice was good, after we came.hime to drop off Gabriel before we went over to Target to grab a gift for the party on Saturday. Came home and had dinner, showered. Watched TV, played Madden and going to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, rum and Coke, water)

Hump day (10/26/22)


Woke up and went to get ready. It was cold this morning. Soon it's going to get really cold. I may have to switch out my jacket earlier this year. Anyway, I made my coffee and grabbed my things and headed over to the BART station. I parked and walked over and caught the train. I'm so tired today that I took a nap on the train. I got the city and walked over to work, set up and now going to wait for questions from people. I really don't want to be here today, but here we are. I took a walk over to Peet's to have a coffee with Karla and we had a good chat. Now back at work and soon going on my lunch.

(Morning: Madeline, coffee, water, Iced Caramel Macchiato)


Had my lunch and called my Mom to check on her. Returned to my desk and checked in. Now it's time to start running out the clock. I am tired, sleepy and don't want to be here anymore for the day. But we have to do it. Packed up and walked over to BART and got on the train to go home. Got home and got everyone ready to go out for a drive to the mall.

(Afternoon: Peanut butter sandwich, water, cookies)


Ordered us some Starbucks before going to Southland Mall to Macy's. My wife was looking at Christmas decorations, but did not find any she liked. Drove back home, put things away, took a shower, changed Gabriel and had dinner. Now watching TV until bed time.

(Nighttime: beer, water, tacos, iced coffee)

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Another day

Woke up and wanted to go back to sleep. But I didn't, I went to get dressed and packed my things and took off to the BART station. Got here and the train was about 4 minutes away. So I walked over and hopped on. Made my way over to work and it was a cold walk. Set up and started work. A few questions this morning but nothing too big.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch and talked to my mom for a bit. Continued working and talked to my supervisor about my upcoming surgery, the Giants and Niners before settling back in to work. Packed up and headed over to BART. Got here 1 minute before my train. Which is always good since I don't have to wait long. Now going back home. Got home and helped Gabriel with homework and after we played catch with the baseball and football.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, zoa, water)

I painted my pumpkin and came back inside to hang out. Bathed Gabriel,  I showered and after helped Javi with his shower. Drew a few things with Gabriel and watched TV after they went to bed. Now going to bed, in office again tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: Chicken strips,  biscuits, Cole slaw, water)

Another work week (10/24/22)

Woke up and got ready. For some reason I am sore all over. It's cold and I don't want to go. But I packed my things and headed over to the BART station. Now on the train and soon will be at work. Later Javi has practice and I have to start seeing how they clean up their toys and other items. Got to work and started to set up. It's going to be a slow day for me today. Waiting for questions to answer and now waiting for lunch time.
(Morning: coffee, water, cracker jack)

Had lunch and chilled in the conference room. People are talking really loudly and saying really dumb things. Comparing food and coffee to Crack. Which makes me wonder if they have been on Crack and if so, why are they here. Anyway,  soon going back in to work and trying to head out early to get to practice in time. We went to practice and did some fielding drills, we didn't do hitting because we felt this was needed more. 
(Afternoon: angel hair pasta and Italian sausage,  water, zoa, cookies)

Nighttime :
Got home and helped Javi with his pumpkin. My wife and I went to Target. Grabbed some things we needed for the house and the candy and cupcakes donation for the school. When we got home I put up the last inflatable we needed for the set and had dinner. Showered and watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: cheeseburger, arroz a la valenciana,  beer, water)

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Back to baseball

Woke up and had Gabriel eat breakfast. I got ready and we were off to his 9 am tee ball game. He did great, got 2 hits and made 2 plays. After we came home to change and pick up Javi for his game. We got there at 11:15 to warm up and were ready to go by first pitch.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Game started and it went well until it didn't. Javi played 2nd base for our team and theirs since they didn't have enough players. He also caught an inning. He made a great play at 3rd chasing rhe runner back and tagging him out. But he struck out twice. After the game we sang Happy Birthday to one of the kids and I came home to watch the Niners game. The game was good until it wasn't. The Defense was overmatched and the offensive play calling was the same. The coach doesn't call a good game from behind. We put the first coat of paint on the pumpkins for the boys. Anyway. Now getting ready to have an early dinner.
(Afternoon: pan de muerte, water, zoa)

We had dinner at the Olive Garden and came home. Finished laundry, bathed Gabriel,  had Javi shower,  I showered and we watched TV. Now off to bed, in office day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: soup, salad, coke, never ending pasta bowl)

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Black Adam

Woke up and had coffee. Cleaned the bed and showered. Got ready and went to the movies to watch Black Adam. We drove over to the movies and we enjoyed it. It was a bit long. But we knew that already. After we returned home.
(Morning: coffee, water, popcorn, coke)

Got home and fired up Madden to finish my game. During the game the sink drain pipe came loose and water was everywhere. We cleaned it up and I tightened it up and let it dry. After I took the boys to Kennedy Park for a bit and came home to change to go see my Mom before the party.
(Afternoon: rice, torta de carne, water)

Drove to my sister's to check on my mom. Hung out a bit and then we drove over to the party. It was fun. Good food, good drinks and I saw some folks I hadn't seen in a long time. After we came home and now we are getting ready for bed.
(Nighttime: drinks, water, ribs, appetizers)

Friday, October 21, 2022

Field Trip day

Woke up and went to get ready. I slept on the couch to let Gabriel sleep in my spot in hopes that he felt better. Got the boys ready for school and Gabriel's field trip. My wife is going with them to the Pumpkin patch. I am watching Javi's performance later today. Thankfully I have the day off. After the drop off I went to Walgreens to grab some medication for the boys, passed by McDonald's for breakfast and went to get gas at Costco. Returned home for a bit and soon going out to watch Javi do his thing. Drove over to the school, went to the gym and watched the Opera performance,  Javi was part of the chorus and he did great. After I drove over to the movies.
(Morning: water, coffee, OJ, hash brown, sausage mcmuffin, sausage biscuit)

Bought my ticket to watch Ticket to Paradise, got popcorn and a drink and enjoyed the movie. It was a fun movie. After I finally caved in and purchased a 49ers hat that I have been wanting. They didn't have it in black, so I got the red one with the saloon font. Drove to Starbucks to grab my wife a refresher and now at the boys school waiting for everyone to be ready for pick up. Picked them up and came home, played Madden and shot some hoops with the boys, now inside and waiting to go out for dinner.
(Afternoon: water, coke, popcorn)

We went to Sushi Ichimoto for dinner, I had the teriyaki prime rib dinner with an avocado sushi roll. When we were done we went to Cardenas to grab some things and drove home. Gave Gabriel a bath. Cut my hair, shaved and showered. Javi showered after and I've been Watchung TV with my wife. Now going to bed. Black Adam in the morning.
(Nighttime: water, beer, diner)

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Last day of work for this week


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the items ready for the boys. My wife got them breakfast and laid out their clothes. I helped Gabriel change, Javi has a Disney day at school so he got his Oogie Boogie ears ready to go. We went to drop them off and passed by Starbucks to grab a treat. Came home to log in to work. Reviewed some items and answered a few questions. Now waiting for time to take a break.

(Morning: water, Caramel Machiatto)


Went to Target real quick and grabbed some items. Came home and logged back in to work. Had lunch and now waiting to go get the boys on my next break. Picked them up and came home, made them food and checked back in to work. Now logging off and getting Gabriel ready for practice. 

(Afternoon: Water, Coke, Pizza, Cobb Salad)


Took Gabriel to practice,  Javi came along and we played catch and I had him hit a bit. We went to wash the truck and came home. I showered and had dinner. We needed to grab something at Target so we went over real quick and came home. Put the boys to bed and watched some TV. Going to play Madden before bed.

(Nighttime: cheese fries, beer, water, cheese, salami and crackers)

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Back at work

Woke up and got ready to go. Grabbed my things, made coffee and headed out. I am not getting home until probably close to 8:30, since I am going to my sister's graduation event. I'm a little nervous to be honest due to being out later than normal with my work things. But we do what we do. Got on the forum call and it was a good meeting. Went almost the whole time. Now waiting on questions from people so I can guide them in the right direction.
(Morning: coffee, water, Panda cookies)

Had lunch and watched the Mighty Ducks Game Changer episode of the week. After got ready for Javi's Parent/Teacher conference. It went well, still some of the same things we need to work on. He still rushes through his work, needs to slow down and be more organized. Going to continue to help him with his studies. Now I am back to work and running out the clock until I catch the bus and go down to my Sister's graduation. Work is going so damn slow, but almost done and about to go dodge the strangeness of the city.
(Afternoon: Gallo pinto, chicken, water, Monster, cookies)

After work I caught the 14 to 22nd and Mission. Walked over to the place where my sister's graduation is taking place. Got there and hung out with my mom, brother, myrna andMonica. It was a good event and we are proud of my sister. After my brother dropped me off at BART and now I'm on my way home. My wife wanted Taco Bell for dinner so I passed by grabbing some. Came home, had dinner, washed dishes and hung out with the boys a bit. Showered and sent them to bed. Watched TV and now going to sleep. Long day to.
(Nighttime: Taco bell, strawberry lemonade, water)

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Staying in

Woke up and got dressed. Javi is not going to going to school today, he has an war ache. My wife took Gabriel to school and went to work. I tried to get Javi an appointment at Kaiser but no luck. But he is feeling better now.
(Morning: Panda cookies, water, coffee)

Went with Javi to pick up some Happy Meals at McDonald's.  They have the little trick or treat buckets. Came home to work and soon going to get Gabriel.  We went to pick him up and came home. Had his parent/teacher conference and it was good and bad. He has to work on a few things, but he is good with math and sight words. After work we are going to Costco. 
(Afternoon: McChicken, McDouble, chicken McNuggets, water)

We went to Costco and grabbed a few things. Drove home, had dinner and gave Gabriel a bath. I showered and had Javi shower. Cleaned up a bit and relaxed. Going in to the office tomorrow with light items. My sister is getting her High School diploma and I'm staying a bit longer. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, gallo Pinto, chicken, chicken McNuggets, snickers)

Monday, October 17, 2022

New week


Woke up and my hip was still hurting. Got dressed and grabbed my things and headed out to the BART station. It's cold this morning. The ride was good, I kept falling asleep between stops. Today is going to be a long day. Today has been boring as heck. I'm really trying hard to stay awake. I don't like coming in to the office. 

(Morning: Madeline, Coffee, water) 


Went to warm up my lunch and relaxed for a bit. Now back in to work and waiting for questions. My wife called me after she picked up the boys. Said we got Gabriel's school test results and he needs work on a few things. We'll have to focus up on those things to get him on track. Packed up and headed to the BART station to go home. Now on the train, close to my stop. Got to Bay Fair and hopped in the car, drove home to get Javi for practice. 

(Afternoon: water, ZOA, meat, cookies)


Practice was good. We did some drills involving catching and run downs. I thought it was pretty good for the day, we went to almost 7. After came home to take out the bins and showered. Made some food and changed Gabriel. Sent them to bed and now just relaxing. Another in office day tomorrow. 

(Nighttime: beer, water, nachos)

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Pumpkin patch

Work up and changed. Made pancakes for the kids. Got Javi ready to go and headed over to the little league field. Warmed up the kids, there were on 8 today. They were sluggish, not at their best. Lost by a lot. After we went home to change. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Changed and started our drive to Petaluma for the Pumpkin patch. We had fun, the kids rode on ponies and we got some treats and Pumpkins for the kids. Now we are having a late lunch at Lombardi's.
(Afternoon: water, lemonade,  ribs, Dr. Pepper, potato salad)

Drove home, there was traffic near the Oaand Arena, a single car accident that had the car wrapped around a pole and the person died. When we got home, had the boys shower and I showered. Got things ready for tomorrow. Right now I am in a lot of pain. Hopefully it goes away soon. It's my in office day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water)

Saturday, October 15, 2022

party time

Woke up and showered, went to cardenas to frab a few thungs. took the boys to watch Lyle Lyle Crocodile. It was a fun movie. After we came back home.
(Morning: coffee. Pastry, water, coke, popcorn)

Played Madden and had some soup. Got ready to go to my sister's place for her birthday party. Drove down and looked for parking, no luck but we parked in the downstairs garage. Went up and waited for the festivities to start. I helped with some of the decisions. 
(Afternoon: sopa de res, white rice)

Had lots of fun, joked around. It was a 49ers themed party. Had food, drinks and cake. Drove home after and did some laundry. We have our niece staying over tonight. Now we are about to go to sleep. Early game and pumpkin patch tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: Tacos, chips, beer, water, cake, pizza)

Friday, October 14, 2022



Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the boys ready and we went to drop them off. Went to Starbucks to grab a treat for us and drop off something to the UPS store. It was closed, so we got our coffee and went home. I logged in to work and now just waiting for questions. It may be a long day today. Loaded my Madden 23 game into the PS4 so it could download, going to play it later. 

(Morning: water, grande mocha, panda cookies)


Went to pick up some food at Papa Pancho's and had lunch. Went out to pick up the boy and now checking back in to work and running out the clock on this long day. After work we went out to run some errands. 

(Afternoon: Cookie, Super Burrito, Coke, water)


Hot up the spirit store and Walmart,  came home and rested up. Watched some TV and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: wine, water, popcorn)

Thursday, October 13, 2022


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the boys things ready and gave them breakfast. Changed Gabriel and had Javi change. About to go drop them off at school. Answered some questions and talked to Karla for a bit. Took a walk and soon going to heat up some food.
(Morning: water coffee, peanut butter cups)

Warmed up some left over Chinese food and ate. About to call my Mom and log back in to work. Trying to contact Kaiser's Member Services line so I can see how much out of pocket expense it would be for the eyelid lesion excision surgery. Waiting for a call back. After work I got Gabriel ready for practice. 
(Afternoon: Chinese food, coke, water)

Practice was good, we came home. My wife bathed Gabriel and I had dinner. About to shower in a bit and finish up watching the game. Finished that, hung out with the boys for a bit. Sent them to bed. Started watching Halloween Ends and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo,  beer, water)

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Back at work


Woke up and went to get dressed. Packed up and caught the BART to come to work. Got here and set up and now reviewing emails. It looks like something happened here on 10/7/2022, a client died in the lobby and had a firearm on him, which is a no no. But security didn't check on it. Now going to review some videos and waiting for questions. We had a meeting and discussed the incident that happened here last week and expressed how we felt. I don't believe that the city is taking this serious. 

(Morning: Cranberries, water, coffee)


Watching a documentary on Barney the dinosaur and had lunch. About to log back in and try to finish the day out strong. Gabriel's teacher canceled his parent/teacher conference, they will reschedule for another day. Finished up nsome items and got my things ready and headed to the BART station. Caught the train and headed home. Washed the Camry and drove home. 

(Afternoon: Water, cookies, Cranberries, pizza, ZOA)


Played WWE 2K22 with Gabriel for a bit. Washdd the truck and we hit up Target and I placed an order for Chinese food for dinner for delivery. Got home and put things away, the food came and we had dinner. Javi showered and I showered. Gabriel will shower tomorrow. Sent them to bed and now watching a show before bed 

(Nighttime: water, beer, Chinese food)

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Eye exam

Woke up and got ready. Got the boys ready and we went to drop them off. Came back home to make coffee and watch Law Order SVU and took off for my eye exam. Everything looked good, no real change in prescription. I ordered myself new glasses for work. I had another appointment and I got my flu shot as well. After I went to go have lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch by myself at Denny's and came home to rest. Picked up the boys and watched AFV. helped them with homework and relaxed for a bit. After ordered pizza for pick up.
(Afternoon: grand slamwich, milk, pancakes. Water)

Picked up the pizza and wings. Passed by 7-11 getting the lotto and came home. Had dinner and took a shower. Read some books to Gabriel and now relaxing before bed. Going into the office tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: pizza, wings, coke, water)

Monday, October 10, 2022

Happy Trails

Woke up and got dressed. Started packing things up and taking them to the car. Said out goodbyes and headed out to Porto's. We had breakfast and off we were to drive.
(Morning: water, coffee, pastries)

Still driving, we stopped for gas and lunch at Harris Ranch. Had a good meal and you guessed it. Drove some more. We got home and I put things away, started laundry and watching g the game.
(Afternoon: steak, root beer, fries,  monster, water)

Finished up some laundry. Had the boys shower and change. I did the same. Finished up some shows and the game. About to go to sleep.
(Nighttime: beer, water)

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Oogie Boogie Bash

Woke up and was just hanging out. Gabriel had a bad night. But he was in good spirits in the morning. Watched some of the Green Bay, NY Giants game and started getting ready to go to have breakfast at the Storytellers Cafe. Before we left I went to Walgreens and grabbed some medication for Gabriel and I met my wife. Kids and mom on the way over. We got to the Grand Californian hotel and waited in the lobby for the rest of the group.
(Morning: water)

We got seated and had brunch. A lot of food and good times were had. We ordered a cake for Javi and we sang happy birthday to him and he was happy. After we went to wait to get into the Oogie Boogie Bash. We finally got our bands and started making out way to Soaring around the world and Grizzley Peak. Then we met up since the event was starting.
(Afternoon: oj, coffee, water, cake, brunch)

We did quite a few treat trails and got on rides. Took pictures and had a lot of fun. It was very tiring. We headed out around 10ish and came to the hotel. We had a blast.
(Nighttime: water, beer, carne asada fries)

Saturday, October 8, 2022


Woke up and got ready. Headed out at 7 when we agreed we would, but besides my Mom, everyone was a tad bit late. So we headed out. Got through the security line and entered the park. We made out way over to adventure land for rope break and were off to the races. We tried to go on the Star Wars ride but it was closed so we got on Splash Mountain,  Haunted Mansion, Jungle cruise and grabbed some breakfast before heading over to Indiana Jones. 
(Morning: breakfast sandwich, coffee, water)

We got on more rides in Fantasy Land, Frontier Land and grabbed some food. Then we got on the train and took a trip around the park before going on the haunted mansion again.
(Afternoon: Monster. Water, coke)

Ate and now trying to get on a few more rides before heading to the hotel. The boys are tired and I am tired as well.
(Nighttime: lobster roll, water, corn dog, chips)

Friday, October 7, 2022

Long drive

Woke up at 3:40 and started to get ready. Packed up the car, everyone got in and we were off. We met up with my sister on the road and drove all the way up to Hollywood to eat breakfast 

(Morning: coffee, water, hoagie omelet)

After breakfast we drove to our hotel across from Disneyland in Anaheim. We checked in early but the rooms were not ready. We went to a nickel arcade and when the rooms were reader came back. We went swimming and now going to shower and go find something to eat.
(Afternoon: beer, water)

We went to eat and came back to the hotel. Walked over to downtown Disney for a bit, now we are back in the hotel going to sleep. Long day.
(Nighttime: water, hurricane, pulled pork sandwich,  wings, veggie sticks)

Smile (10/6/22)


Woke up and got ready. Had the boys get ready, gave them breakfast. They put on their 49ers jerseys and I took them over. I came back home and logged in to work and had coffee. My wife took the truck over for an oil change and came back. I've been answering some questions and setting up since I am off early to go watch a movie and rest up for the drive to Anaheim tomorrow. It's Disney weekend!

Logged off of work and headed to Costco. 

(Morning: coffee, water, cookies)


Filled up the camry and grabbed a few things, including my sister's birthday gift. Headed to Union City to watch the movie.  This movie is straight up trash. After going home. Got home and picked up Javi, went to gas up the truck and went to Target. Grabbed a few things and came home to take Gabriel to practice. 

(Afternoon: popcorn, coke, Thai Iced tea)


Came home after practice and picked everyone up to go get dinner. Returned home and ate, now about to have these kids shower and I'll shower after and rest because we are leaving early tomorrow. 

(Nighttime:: burrito, beer, water)

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Middle of the week


Woke up and I wanted to go back to bed. But I got up and went to get ready, grabbed my bag and coffee and headed out the door. It was cold this morning. Got on the BART train and headed to the city. Got here around 7 and walked to the building. Singed in and set up and now waiting for the forum meeting to begin. Attended the meeting and I was able to catch up on some things. Pretty soon going to have lunch and go meet Karla for Coffee. 

(Morning: Water, Coffee, cracker Jack)

Afternoon: Had lunch and now relaxing until I go out for coffee. Met Karla at Peet's and we had some coffee and a good chat. Heavy conversation but I think it was helpful to talk about it. Now back at work, tired and want to go home. Attended a webinar and packed up to go home. Took the train, there was a slight delay and before I got home I took the car in for a wash.

(Afternoon: water, pizza, iced coffee)


Helped Javi study for his test. Had Gabriel prepare for his presentation. Packed them up for the trip and changed them. I showered and sent them to bed. Packed up some snacks and drinks for the trip as well. Now watching TV until bedtime. 

(Nighttime: carne molida, potatoes, skinny popcorn, water, beer)

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

victory Tuesday

Woke up and got dressed. Packed up my things and headed out to BART. Got to the station and rushed upstairs to catch the train. There was a delay due to a power outage in the transbay tube. It seems to be running ok now. So tired and sleepy. Don't want to go into the office. Got here and set up, got things ready and now just waiting for questions. I had one person ask me to help them correct a case. I was able to get it working quickly. 
(Morning: coffee,  water)

Had lunch and now trying to relax on my lunch. Another person is asking for help, told them that I would when I logged back in. Helped out a few more people and now just running out the clock. Close to time to leave I started to pack up my things, signed out and headed over to catch the BART train home. The ride was good. Got home and helped Gabriel with homework and now we are off to Walmart. 
(Afternoon: pupusa, water, Gallo Pinto, zoa, cookies)

Got to the McDonald's there and we had the Adult Happy Meals. After walked around a bit and came home. The boys showered and I am about to shower as well. After the shower spent time with the family, sent the boys to bed and watched TV. Now going to sleep.
(Nighttime: big Mac happy meal, iced tea, water)

Monday, October 3, 2022


Woke up and went to get ready. It's starting to get colder and I have to start considering bringing a new jacket on my in office days. Anyway, got my things ready and headed out. Just got on BART and heading in to work. Today is a busy day after I am done with work practice, Niners vs Rams MNF and start thr process for packing For our Disney trip. Got to work and set up, now going to watch some videos I was assigned. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

I have a slight headache, had lunch and chilled. Walked over to grab an iced Caramel Macchiato from Peet's coffee and a lemon loaf. About to go log back in to work and power through the next few hours. Finished up work and packed up. Heading home to get ready for practice and watch the rest of the Niners game. 
(Afternoon: water, pupusas, iced Caramel Macchiato, lemon loaf)

Went to practice,  or was a short one today due to a small amount of kids and time limit. It was fun, we had them hit. After I dropped off one of the kids at their house, came home and tool out the trash. Helped Javi with homework and finished up the game. The Niners won! I had.some fooda and showered and now hanging out before bed.
(Nighttime: water, cake, pizza)

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Double Header

Woke up at 7 in the morning to get ready. Went to wake up Javi and had him eat breakfast and get ready for his game. We had to be at the park at 8:15. Gabriel decided to wake up as well and not take advantage of his late game hour to sleep more. Got him breakfast and he went to watch thr tablet. We got to the little league field and started setting up. Warmed up the kids and we started the game. We were the home team. In our first at bat the first baseman was laughing and told me "you know y'all ain't going to get a hit, right?" I told him we'll see. When our second place hitter Alonzo got a hit, I asked him to repeat what he said. His response was "scoreboard, we are up 2-0" and as he finishes saying this our clean up hitting hits a long drive over the left center field fence to tie the game. I looked over and asked him to repeat himself... silence. 
Although we lost again, it was a very good game for the kids. We are playing against kids older than ours and we are holding our own and making the majors teams stress out and fight amongst themselves. After I took Javi to get some snacks before he went to his friends house.
(Morning: raisin bran, milk, water)

Now it was time to watch Gabriel play his game. I got there a bit late since Javi's food took too long. But from what I saw, Gabriel did awesome. Played 1st and 2nd, got 2 hits and was hustling. After we went home and I put things away and we rested up before going to get Javi and some food. We picked him up, drove to grab pupusas and McDonald's that my wife promised Javi. Came home, ate and finished watching some football games. Before the Sunday night game we started cleaning up our front yard and put up some Halloween decorations. 
(Afternoon: pupuas, carnitas,  beer, water, nachos, Gatorade)

When we were done I had Gabriel shower. I showered and helped Javi build some Lego pieces for his Chess set. He went to shower. We watched the walking dead and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: cake, water)

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Birthday party

Woke up and went to shower. Got ready, helped both boys shower and get ready. My wife went to get her fingerprints done and drove yo Costco to pick up the cake and got gas. Came home to pick everyone up and we were off to Rock N Jump.
(Morning: coffee)

We got there and we had a good time at the party. Did a lot of jumping and running around. We ate and sang happy birthday and took my wife's aunt home and came home to rest.
(Afternoon: pizza, chicken strip, water, lemonade, hot dog, mocha freeze, pepsi)

After resting, we went to Target and picked up sushi. Showered again and now hanging out. Sent the boys ro bed and watched some TV. About to go to sleep. 
(Nighttime: water, beer, hot dog, sushi)