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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Last game for Gabe


Woke up and got ready for Jury Duty. Got the boys ready and we took them to school. Returned home to make coffee and log in to Jury Duty. Can't say no more about that. Later today hopefully they clear up the issue with the Wins and Losses for Javi's team, we have us at 14-4, playing 18 games. They have us at 13-4, with 18 games played. It doesn't add up. Anyway, it's Gabriel's last t-ball game today. Got to report to jury duty on Tuesday. Now lunch. 

(Morning: coffee, water, monster mix)


Ate the left over tamales and had a lemon lime soda. Folded clothes and now off to go get Javi. Picked him up and came home. Watched Young Rock and took a nap. Close to 5 I got Gabriel ready and we went to the park for his last game. He did well and after we came home.

(Afternoon: tamales, soda, water)


Got home and went to put away the pool and tarp. My wife ordered sushi and we went to pick it up. Came home and I showered, had dinner and now relaxing. Watched the new Obi-wan show on Disney + and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: sushi, beer, water)

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