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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Calm before the storm


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Got the items ready for the boys and we took them over to school. Construction continues in our area which doesn't really help us. Anyway, after we dropped them off to school we came home. Made coffee and checked in to work. Going to meet with my training partner at 10 to go over a calendar for training. When we were about to start looking over the calendar, my supervisor asked us to attend a meeting. We were going over a special project for training and there is going to be a MC intake project next week that is going on. Karla and I suggested that Julia should do it, but that was met with mixed reactions, so we spoke up and stated how we thought is was unfair to let her slide again on training. Anyway, I got my assignment and now I'm off to get ready for it.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


We drove over to get Gabriel and went to get the car washed. Came home and had lunch. Some taquitos and gallo pinto. I had a lemon lime drink and checked back in to work. Waiting for time to go get Javi. Time was here and we went over to get him and now are back home. I am so tired. I don't want to go to the office the next 2 days. I ordered Gabriel a new glove, hopefully that gets him excited to try and learn how to catch more. We went outside and tried out some grounders with his old glove. He did ok, but he gives up too quickly. That is something we will have to try and break. With Javi it took some time, but he is much better now and taking the challenges we give him and trying his best. 

(Afternoon: Taquitos, Gallo Pinto, Soda, ZOA, Egg McMuffin, water)


After work I fell asleep for a bit. Woke up and drove to get dinner and came home. Showered and changed the boys. Watched AFV and Young Rock with the boys before they went to bed. Got my things ready for my in office day tomorrow. Now going to bed.

(Nighttime: burgers, water)

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