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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Day off (May 27)

Woke up and got ready. Had the boys eat breakfast and get ready for school. Took them and dropped off my wife at home and I went to wash the car and vacuum it as well. After I went over to gas it up and hit up Costco for some items we needed. Aft3r I got home I put things away, took out some trash and watched TV before going out to pick up the boys.
(Morning: cheese Danish, chocolate milk, water)

After Target and picking up the boys we came home and had lunch. Close to 3 we started the drive over to my sister's. Picked up my Mom and took her to get her covid test at Kaiser and hit up Target again for the gift Javi is taking on Sunday. We hung our at my sister's until it was time to meet up Amilcar and Olga for dinner.
(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, zoa, water)

Left the boys with my mom and tool off to Espestus to have dinner. Had a lot of meat and some drinks and we were stuffed. After we drove home and watched the first 2 epiof Stranger things and now off to bed. Napa tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: lots of food, beer, water)

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