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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Back in the office


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Got all my things and headed out to the BART station to catch the train to go into the city. It was a nice ride in today. Smooth, no issues. They closed the exit that I normally go up to get out of the station so I had to walk a little further. Got to work and set up, talked to my supervisor really quickly before starting the bonus training. It went ok. There was a lot of information that we had to go over and I think we did a good job with it. Tomorrow we continue with it. After I did a bit of research before starting my lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Ate lunch and relaxed. Now setting things up for tomorrow. Javi may have a make up game tonight. Still waiting for confirmation. Looks like no game tonight. Only 7 kids and need 8 to play. So they practice. That will be good for the kids, they can just go out there and practice before tomorrow's game. We'll, I had a feeling they would cancel practice and they did. So I will just practice in the back yard with the boys. Some hitting and catching for them. Packed up my things and walked over to the BART station and now I am on the way home. Picked up some Starbucks and washed the camry. Got home and got the catchers gear ready for Javi.

(Afternoon: Monster, water, sandwich, ice Caramel Macchiato)


Since practice was canceled, I had Javi hit while I played catch with Gabriel. He was excited about his new glove. After Javi put the catchers gear on and we practiced again. We did a pop up drill from the crouch. After we went to Target to.get the team snacks for Gabriel's team for tomorrow. Came home, had dinner and had the boys shower and bathe. I showered after and now Watchung a movie before bed. Back to the office again tomorrow. Early morning. 

(Nighttime: water, beer, pupusas, wings)

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