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Thursday, May 19, 2022

Game day


Woke up and went to get ready for work. Today is another in office day so I have to take off and go to the BART station to take the train. The drive to Bay Fair was ok, there was some light traffic due to some pavement issues but I got to the station and rushed up to catch the train to go to work. It was a nice ride today, a bit busy but quick. Got to work and set up for the day. There are some internet connectivity issues today. I started training and we got through the material. Kathleen came up and we chatted for a bit. I talked to Karla, now waiting for time to go home. Off early today since it's game day.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Had my lunch and now waiting to leave. Packing up and ready to go. Left the building and walked over to the BART station. Made it just in time to catch the train. The ride was good, relaxing. When I got to Bay Fair I got in my car and went to get the car washed. Came home, chilled and went to pick up Javi. Returned home, took a nap and had some food before getting the boys ready for the game.

(Afternoon: Sandwich, ZOA, water, shrimp fettuccine Alfredo, coke)


We headed out to the park and I set up the field. There was some confusion as to where the catchers gear was. We borrowed it from another team since they forgot it. Javi started catching and we had to pull him since he got hit in the hand during an at bat and couldn't close his hand for catching. The team did well, responded from being down 5-0 to winning 12-5. Javi walked once, got hit by a pitch,  stuck out and got 2 RBI's. After the game we came home. Showered and now watching TV until bed time.

(Nighttime: margaritas, pupusas, water)

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